A. E±. is.under.i Flowers-ý-Mrs. Paul RIôffmnan. chair- ý man; Mesdames J. 0. Converse, Lud-ý wig Skog, A. F. Hooper, E. P. Proctor, W. T. Mueblberg. Fortune Teller-Mrs. Elbridge G Allen, chairman; Mrs. Rollo Gullickson,Î co-chairman; Mrs. Henlry Cutier, *Mrs. Donald Gale, Jr., Ms Paul. Fenrad, Mrs. Dan~iel Benninghoven, Mr$. C arol Sehafer, Mrs. George Hannah, .Mrs. Ruth Anderson.Youxxg, Miss.Jeani Up-, son, and Miss Helen Ellis. Indian G;oods-.%Irs. J. Nk. Macalister. chairman. Mesdames George Wright, R. W. Young,, T. A. Banning, Jr., D. G. Park,>t. iJ. Mlllraith, Paul Casterline, H. C. Toeppen,. Frank Huffman, David Anderson. * Courtesy- Commnittee- Mr$. Paul, Rensch, chai rman; Mrs. John Emrlch, Mrs. A. G.ý Ackerman, Mrs. Sam Dennis, Mrs. W. F. Schur, Mrs. Carl Nylund. Mrs. illiarn Harridge, Mrs. H. J.j Brandt, Ms.Foster Fike,' Mrs, Paul WVagner, r. C. A. Lundberg, Mrs.' Clifford Ives, Mrs. J. J1. Downey, Mrs. E. B., Laxwcell, Mrs. C. R. Smith, and '%V. . E. Shelirnan. Posters and Tickets-Mrs. Ehner Chaar, ehakirmhan: Mrs. E. E. McDow, Mrs. IFloyd 'Me< (rath, Mrm. W. F. Horst- ing, Mrs. R<lHa.iliwell; and Mrs. Har- ry 13uriîside,. Miîss Helrin llis is president of the Junior auxiliary of the Wona&s club' of Wilmelite which is perfect- ing plans for its quintal charity bridgc e Ia and fashionai show on Satiirdav afterioon;t, April.9, ai the Wiitayi,;sclt-ub. P,,,,de drii'd frn,« The poster c'miittee distributed one' aL -.18P.i tiuiJVr hundred osriginatl posters drawn- by Ed, this event zuill be. uised to carry on Ryýrson. of Ximette, in* storçes In M'i i .11w.au.iia;-y'sphilaiithi»opy. zvork. moi.'rx. m in iother parts of the northi -. eovurofWILMETTE LfFL. cnI tee un- !Howad Presto to Si The ways and mheanscmiteu-A~W&~g~i'q der Mrs. ensoni,,with its tours, its card party, its cooking schéol, aiid ltl play, -at Shawvnee Music J-our lias býeen making money since October "Temsccmiteo h hW- for .the beneft of the, building fund. "Temscom*t othSa Ttii- Spring exposition is the last big iee- Countrv club annouinces with' undertaking of the club year' for the vleasure that thie world renowned- Conînittee.__________ baritone, Howard Preston. will sing Helen Verrail Bride durig tie Hour of -Music at the club of John Jay Barket 1'. dexrin stae. .. ie, With onlv relatives and a few Inti- , Mr. Preston, whose horne is In» mate friends. present, the marriage of Wilxette; is a Chicago artist. He Miss Helen . Verral. daugliter nf . lias studied in Chicago, was grad- H. Verrail of Evanston. to John jay uated from the American Conser-1 Barker of Gleîîcoe took place. Tburs- vatory of Music, and is well 1,nown dav~ afternoon, Marchi S. at 4 o'clock here as a concert and oratorio _singer. in the afternoon, in the chapel of.th eiWhile in Germ-any hie sang the Fir--t Congregationial church in-Evants- smaller, parts. in. the \Vagnerian ton, with a:ré ception followinga î peras, making a great success. "tIn Homestead.,. .our own Civic opera mnany willre- The bride was gawNved ini chartreuisei memiber having heard him in ii the green satin. with s li ppers and hat of "Rosenikavalier,". Mrs. Geringer an-1 broîvn and, she carr ied garde iiias. nounc es. Her nîaid aof ihonor, Miss Mary Louise r.Presrol's repertaire continsi Harris ai Wilniette, wore 'rose beige ai! of the1 Germian baritone raies as' chiffon and lace and carried talisman \veIl as. many French and Itajian, r'oses. songs. Phillip DeBerard of Rockiord servedi Two years ago Mr. Preston san-~ as l)est mani andth le ushers werc ini English the principal baritone. solo 200 ROOMS WFEKLYmgft AND UP SINGLE aulEI IYdLY ANDUP SINGLE.l ouii2 Gom* in direct connectimi Nmw madm cof tees4a seiri4 The .ALTON LIMI'ED hoaidaoa#st oi an ost popolar daytim. htra to ST.: LOUIS: Lv. Chicago (Union Sta tion) Ar. St. Louje (Uion Station) *A luncheon andI bridge is tuie pianG etofHniitSo e of the Kenilworth club for its meni- GeiofH niaiSoe bers and their' guests Friday, March' Mrs. William F. Freudenreich anýlIi 11, at 1 o'clock. Tables will be ar- Mrs. Robert Beckler, bath of Alb- ranged for aucti1on and contraçt, and bottsford road, Kenjlworth, ente,- hostesses for the afternoon will be tained at a lingerie shower and teaI Mrs. Wendell iH. Clark and Mrs. in honor of Miss Harriet Johinston, John H. Denson. . lon Wednesday of' this week. THAIL T0 N RAI LROAD COMPANY h Xfr. 11:30 a. MW. 6:00 p. -m