nt',j VV~tK w- ....., i,'-,. 5on iNtSa.4jy "hursday anti (ioOd-Fridiiy tveiing be- ginning at 8 o'clock, and preceded by the <onfesioflal service for ail eomi- munivatl at 7 :30 P. M. Ail tho.se wh'î wish tib recelve the Sacrarnent are re- î,uested to ainnOUtn(eC -thist(t> the lati -n the' Sundav bet'ore the ta(-isit.v or oni Mlonday at'tcrp<onor cvenmingai, the eh ul-ch. Twent_-t-dx ..,tudenl.sot the Northý Shore. Lutheran Scho.ol ieeh~s ni- stitute reeeived thelir eertifl(,es on îthe <olikil fthtir econd eeýtvrY work last Suiiday evning at the Luth eran eue fLibertyville, 111. Destqdt- the eod weithel*,,.tlarge eongregatigeil ,tttencied. On MIonda yý evtn îng, Mal- 14, at " OiCIock the ',.xc-eUtiVe vonrinitteevof*1 thle .NorIllh hore Zone ofthie, Waltht-r league wiIl meet at the residteu it' îîastor, Williamî Suhir, 4.5 G(rt-en Ml'ay r(iad, to ii.iakol plans for the a~jia')tIhitig ial ali t Lîbtlv ille in the sprirng. English Lutheran fîreeeleaV aveniue at Seveflth stre-t i 11t.v. 1 avid R all,.îatîr orgaiiist alid directoi (.1, 'de Su-y 1immI iare-Imi 1 Suniday svhool, Bible, a ndeathlu- iai le cat 19:45,1a. M. Mornig woshiji Il (I i. m tlu.sical prograin lqvIue!l.L - 'oetiaiîii ;uIî.ea )t l t i - lliiii 2<Illîe.W 11 Welife4'îIný, Maunh 16 Suriti<if, -shall 1I 1uuify IFI i Ihv nlext Vucliti(' f titeM' iiitube- ~vilb li hlti i onELst SuiflayN,an the p)a.t4or will lie gladt)i i tervitew al thlose %vio ish t" uîite Nith t1le îhuvehI iii. t1lat tine. Voil are welo ile Keniîlworth S-ý$ets Pace in Pioncer Meal Drive, Kenilworth last week held the per- Capita lead in contributions towxýaÈkl the -Pioneer lMeal">:rive iio.%vbeing coni- ducted in the suburbs. Mrs. Grant .Ridgway, NVIIC is .cha ,ir- mnai, of the 'drive, is carrying on this important Nvork with added encrgy asi the days go by, and she receives the reports of. pressing need for more and more hielp f romn headquarters in Chii- cago. . 1 er. who is actively miterested iii c -muniiit.v affairs, w~ilI speak to us. Th e ninonthi v Cook tneetipg vas liehi las LI ' tur nîlis lztttsini L4ain5n ervice for the sectionl of tbe 1412 Elmwoo West of Ridge road and north woo4f avenue. Thbe new service WiImtte 2997 iugurated on February 23. - 2d A.u iuf at N orth. Shore toligregatoîv.Israel,* Linîcoln and Vernion avenues, Glencoe.. Mrs. Anna Dahncke. 2114 Green- Wood avenue, bas Just returried to ber homne in Wilmiette frorn a two' months' visit ifi California' Wheire she Waà visiting ber .soni. W. aim go urnish lhe best possible, felephqne service Ilat the lowest cos consistent with finonciol safe>' ou ciii ave nmore cy6r'u * YOUR:LIVING* ROO An extension telephone wilI, add to the com- forts in your living room. It ma kes your tele- wizmetka leiz