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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Mar 1932, p. 38

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Bank Program Shown in Play Thie seventh and eighth grades ai Howard -school gave a *bank programn. [ The 8A gave a littie play showing how the bankîng was conducted in that roomn. The books and the. deposit Slips are passed out first; then the cbildren corne ini to mnake their deposits by making out the slip and entering the deposit in their book. Af ter this is finished they study until their name is called. The teller works alpbabetically. A pupil goes up.to thé desk ývhere the teller, and his assistants are seated and givesihis.book- and money to thein. He then ,goes to the second assistant, teller wbo makes a triangle on a chart, which i s posted, in the room, if he has banked.. A new, boy cornes in and wants to learu how to bank. It. is explained to hum. An- other person, cornes and. wants to with- drav.; This is also explained. Théx. bell rings anid everyone passes out During this sceixe, as naines are be-' ing called, some boys come up with posters and awatd the pennants that * were won by- the various grades. Tfie. second scene. represented the, main bank.. AIl of the tellers took part i this, niost of therin holding positions. at the bank. Vincent Weis came in and, deposited the money froM 8A. It was checked over and O. K.d just as 'it i done in the main hank. Miss Theman spoke and answvered questions about it. Thie, prograin was interesting and' showed how to- batik the correct wav. After it ivas over, everyone was sent to bis hoint room for a class discussion. -Barbar Ormsbee, Howard* 8A. Frolics of Bunnies. r Rabbits, rabbits, rabbits everywhere. It is strange that so inany rabbits are still living IiiWilmnette, .hopping over the sidevalks, the streets, aiud the vacant lots, with ail the dogs wve have aroutnd. These rabbits seem tu, live -a charmed life. We have e dog whose naine is. Boy. Whenever lie see.sa rabbit,,he goes after it as" fast as lie can, regardless of whether it's turne, to go. homne or, flot, but the rabbit.always manages to jet get away somehov, either by going un- der a fance or int o sorne nook. or.hole %vlere the dog cmulot follow.- In the wiiuter tinie. the rabbits are, cute and innocent 'enough and interest- îng to see playinig around,ý but in thé spring -they *beconie ýa nuisance and 'eat Up the tender leaves of the early vege- tables .and. flowe.-Frederick Strauss, Stolp 2c. Stamp Club Organized by Teacher at'Stolp tAmp colletio t scooland t his sAni fewlwekson a bcoyoughndthis itarted thiugs moving. Now almost every' boy in the room lias a stamp collection. lI the other eighth grade rooms the saine thing hias happened. Mr. Bal;, our mnechanical draiving teacher, has started a. stamp club withi us. We have our meetings every Friday af ter school. The stamp club is going to receive a new mnember pretty soon. She is one of our teachers, MNrs. Joues. She hias a fine col- lection of. old United States Commein- miorative issues. When enoughx collectorst jmin we are going to Chicago ,and visit somie of the stamip compaiiies. 1 hope Ithe ýclub is -a success.-Frank, Staab, Three Wilmette Teams' Sto lp 2C.; Conquer. Forest Pairkç 'fhic Wilmettc pcems. ight%ývights, 'WiImette Skaters Take and hcavyweiglits. played the ,Forest. lcsi hc o M e Park teains at Forest Park on Wednes- We act doini toC heaio Ncws day, Mardi 2. The' Pewces played the i meet Februar%- 27, which xvas . hcld at first gaine. At the haîf the score was p ' ciag 1aimWatr o Ris 8 to ci in f avor of Wilmcette. Wh,, en Ciao iduiýVlervnRis the gaine ý%vas over WVilme ttc had woii, perg, Else von Reinsperg, John. Lind- byv the score of 14 to 2. Tfie lightweights, Stroni and' 1. Johni Lindstronm entered played -next, 'f ey won by a score of the ixicet and placed second 1 11 his heat. 23 to' 15. Thie heavyweights wo h He tîxen weîxt into the seini-finals and gaie t pgaidnes.heplaced second ilii that and fifth Ini the Des-Plaines, The Pewces %von their Else von Reiixspcrg, who was skating Howardl Girls Wili Get Letters for Gym Work At last we are going to get our let- ters for the highest scores in gymnasium and athletiç work. We ail worked very hard to obtain this honor. ,We received points for being ready on gym' days, staying after school for. the gaines, climbing the rope, bringing in pictures and posters, or anything connected wvit1x g 1ymnastics; also for ail athletic tests, po5ture t ests , chinning. tests, and ôthers. tbat wýe pa.ssed. Dorotby Davis of- the E group wvas 1 the highest writh 438 points. Helen Lind- strom came next with- 417 Points ini the Cgroup. In the D group, jean, Cordon got 402 points. We a-gogto have an exhibit for the part, 'i¶ustrating the many ways1 the girls.can earîx points. Howard school has a higher alverage than Stolp school, 'Howard. being in the' 400s. and 'Stolp in the .300s..X Te hope, we can keep ahead of Stolp in1 days to follov.-Jean Gordon, Howard Bicycle Hike Is Taken Iby Stolp and Howard Several boys f rom Stolp and Howard: %vent on a bike hike \vith "Hap" Gather- coal to Dam No.. Il on the Des Plaines river, Saturdav, February 7. At Dam No. Il we hiad lots of f un. We cooked, our lunch, then we had a boat race and Fred~ Baker wonx it. The boats wvere axot to be over a foot long. On our way I)ack we vent down Lake avenue and, stopped at Curtiss 'airport andl stayed there for haif an hour. The one difi- culty was ini comiflg home. The wvind wvas blowing hard and it wyas bard rid- îîxg. W'e liad a very fine time and "Hap t is going again îiext Saturdav. 1 hope moPre l)oys corne and inaybe we shahl go farther.-Edwin Colegrove, Howard 8C. Howard 7A Elects New Set of Class Leaders At last 7A Hloward lias elccted: its ixew officers. 'Ne started by electinig ncw% couniselors. James Dricker and H-eleni Schiaeffcr took the jobs. WVe next elected Letter Winners at Stolp Sehool Are Listed Here Points are given in athletics for wear- îguifois playing in gaines, distance in tbrowýing, and other. records .in con- tests. At the end of each semester the Points> are added. up and the girls ,lu the higbest fourth of the class are- awarded letters. The girls winning letters at Stolp are: IClass A: Nancy Pickaàrd, Jeanne Cutler, Jane Solomon, Heleni Stuces,- Kay Shank. Doris Sauvage, Helen Shanie and Betty McColum. Class C: Sue -Spinney, Ellen Torrey, jean O'Brien, Marliss, Smith) Jean Finlayson, Mary june Peterlians, and Sally Peaslee. Class D:, Eleanor Herboni, Joan Halli-. well, Margaret Davis, Cherry Sue Orr, Ruth Durham, Nancy Durgini, Margaret Bock,. and assie Empfield.- Class, E: Kay Xenter, Julia Booz~ Marian Cex Rutb Xetzel, Betty Ellis, Lucille Flescb and May Mariner., Cla.ss F: Frances Akeley, Mary Alice Potter, Imogene Kaufinan, Julia \Mcitntosh,, \fIary Burlingame, Pauline Shatik, Alicia 1Haake, Elizabeth. Wilson, a ýnd Lillian 7,ettergrel.-'Betty McColIum, Stolp 2C. Hot Dogs L'ose Appeal When They Grow Cold Stolp 2D lxad a candy and bot dog sale Wednesday mnorniug, Mardi 2. at' 10:30 o'clock. Five minutes wvere re- served for the selling of the candy and. the hot dogs. The latter soid :like hot cakes until they turned cold. The candy then hecamie popular. It wvas then.neces- sarv to- rehcat the biot dogs and reduce the price. After a little bargaining al the stock was sold and ixot -one piece (if candy or. one bot dog wVas to be seen, exce pt the. ones vhich xwere rapidly be- ing consumd After payîng -f or the hot dogs al)out .$12 extra wvas found' iin the room treasury.-Inogeixe Kauf- mian, Stolp 2D. Class Officers Chosen in Mrs. Vernon's Room Mrs. Vernon's room bias elerted new Officers. and so f ar tbey have filled their -- ..-iteratur-.-We drarnatized .. - ln on uuty as r.ey taken out of tue ,papers., or the next few girls their points. In 2C there instead of ieau.W dmtzd should. "Hap" gave us a "bawling out." two weeks. Miss Stevens and Miss Wy- are two girls who have got their "Roast Pîg," a story f rom our literaturt Thiere was a general discussion at the man want their reports for work on points, They are Margaret Speer books. We only got.as faras the first end of the meeting. Our captain, Ed grapbs we will do ýoon. 1 hope that and Jeaw Shepard. You get twenty scene but we hope Miss Flaskered will .Colegrove, told the. lieutenants, to get this work wil be interestiîxg and every- points for doing this.-+Jean Shepard,- corne back soon and we shah try to their patrols on duty or he'd-know the one.wiIl like it.=Evan Mclraàitb, Stolp ýstolp 2C. finish it.-;-Jane McClintock, -:Howard 8B.î reQson wb y.-ýElmnerStone, Howard 8A.. 2A. e

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