Park. irection;s.H saved a'rminute ini go- *Quinlan ran the 440 inx :52.4 t ing two mile.H waapriatl break the old mark b% a full second, 35 years old, and at that age had about while Schuman tossed the iron bal1,0,00 iue mr olieo h 47 fect, 6% inche to' crack the former 1 hasîs of Jife _sxp oreancy He on bed record by 8 inches. Three othe r marks, esoalfety ecand p ea islie * wre rokn, neby n Eansonand risked the sa fety of others- to save athiete, anôther by an Oak .Park man otie minute, wliet he mïit es yhv and the last by a. Morton man.eslyhv Sneberger was the Morton, manx and 'lost 17,000Q,000 iminute.s. he set a new. record of 4 :45.4. in the iTitis illustration its exactly with o>1e mile run. Johnston'of Oak Park set of. the storiés, so aptly presented by:the up. a mark.'in' the. haîf-mile .tliat wi Il Travelers I.ife Insurance comnpaiy.Ito prÔba:bly stand -for quite sorte time show the effect of *Tremendous Trilles- when he. ran *it in 2:04.5. Stick Pav- in proditicing accidents.' licek was right behind hum ail the*wav .1,297 KiIIed in 1931 and just about passed hum on the last Tweive hundred and inety-scven, setbbut faàiled by about six inches, peop>le were killed ,ini automobile 'acci-1 Runge 'of Evanston was the other ldents in C(ook countv iu the year 1931. record breaker, winning thé hroad Eachi of the foYty.-fi .ve thousanid .Who jump with leap of 20 f eet, 1l "/-,incie. w ýere oulv injured might casily have Thorsen again met Ray of Deer. heen killed iîistead of being so iucky. field; this.time it resulted iu a tie for Nearly eévery one of these accidents first with the bar at 5 fett. 10 inches. %vas easily preventahle. For each acci.- one-eighth of an inch short of the rec- denit someone or more titan onie %vas' ord held by Skeily of Oak Park. Bol-' wrong, careless, reckless, thoôu'ghtless, linson, a freshmn, tied for> fourth 'at and in iiîo.ýt cases the imistake made 5 feet, 8 iches. Holmes, after falling could reaiiv he classed as crlirniajal in the high burdies came through negligeuice. Reasouiahie care \vi1I ,pre- With a second in the "os to gar- vent niearlv every accident and stilthie ner some points for theG reeni-Grav. public 'continues to l>e careiess in,; Its Next Saturday. Emerson High of attitude to\wards the driviitg uf auto- Gar%. be tlie oipponient in a duîal mobiles. meet lui the N. T. Field HousI.e. Alil Intersections Dangerous G ,Tah1 i oPintsi An automiobile totiaY travels at speeds ' Oak Park 47¾% that are startlingiv- high çconsidering the New Trier 30%l,4 turne the driver lias for action whien dan-V Evntn20 -v s l'ry iles ait hour on the i Deroedr ie n vllage streets is irow' a ratier c:Istoîni Deerfeld ary sî>eed. At this rate cars iniove 45 * dl4-Wnihy lernian pr eon. V"'ia r 50-3,d. das*hf cetveryscond. When dri.r aî. Frees (P.) second: %Vagn-er (N. T:. proaches an i.ntersection lie nmust look to 1% third;, Nlchols (0,O..)~ fourtit. Tinie- the left and tieui to the' righit for- cross *0y 05.6. *-wn )y(tthn i traffiiç. -le cauinot sec approachi 1 g cross (O. P.) Holmes (N. T.> second; 'Doher- traie iliil lie is less thanl 100 feet ty (P.) third: Sothras (0, P.) I<urthi. lromn the cross :treet. and tlten hie can F! 60-yd. high hurdles-Won by Runge- sec onlv a' short distance along eacl i H (E.);, Graham (0. P.) second 1 Dohierf y ret Itaestletthescod L (P.) -third; LDuncan f(O. P.), fourth. sî ht orih m t t 440-yd dash-Won by Quinlan (IN. T.>.: i cars -are, on tlhe cross H- Do)herty (O. P.) second; Weinstock st.reets the driver miust look long (N. T.). thiYd ; Hinton (O. l".) fou rth. 1 n el ( stimiate the distance anid Time- :52,4 (New league record). - 1tt<1mul'i1tL 880-yd. run - W6n hy, johiiston.I speed to seec whlcther there is antydan- (0. P.);- Pavllicek (N.T) lsecond;ý Heg cr of collision. 'Iet. unfless he'slows le (E.) third; Wasz (M.) fourth. Time-, don hile looking. the car at 30 miles 2:ý04.5 (New .leýague record). Il Mile run-Won by Sireberger si>.ier hotir iii three seconidsý has iovedT Engles (E.) second; Johnson (0. P..> 13.5 feet, or lias passed clear over the' W' thi'r4; Jorgenson (O. P.) fourth. Tine- intersection.' 4:46.4 (New league record>. . TI e Unwarranted Chiances so F~our-Ninths 'Mile irelay-WoN 1w hvOak F Park (Niehols, Lydiard, Stley -er- 1'here is the reasoli for most' açci- mnan) - Evanstôn, second ; Nuw Trier, 'dents ut intersections.,'The driver takes s t third; Proviso, fourth. 1'lim int :25J--.., a chance. that lhe crim cross iiin f th 1 NNeek< lust is as tollONNs: M is 'L. îBertllng, Edfwa rdtstruren, C'harles IBýixle, Martin .1acobson, V. A. S.mith, 1-1. H. Meaker, C. HI. Kraft, A. Franki"vitz. Village Cleaners, Ihil Hloif nzia, WjInite Xem-s agency, '.1. E. Wortieti, *Dr. A. Rurrili,.1J. H. He'rbon, R. .JOnesA.-A. Riglhter, FI. E.Adden- Ihti<le, Nài Nîna Wght,, I.l. Jcnes, L. Good- hile. A. Ilkarson, lJ., : E. B. ,uniiinghanîé ('ai) lcNéie ideî', E. B. b4nyder, Hi. R. BeekN-ith, ( - . F. Sniith. P. l'lapperichi, D onalId Ma xwell, H-arry M. Bachniau, 11iùdliey I>err'ill, E. 'G. Ietry, 11ev. H. 2Veyer-,' .1. C. Drake., C. 1-1. , Chepin, C'. fi. MXl Motorx Servive, Inv., E. 1-1. Burge, Dr. G. A .,tone, L), M.Mik, WV.:1 Fiyevr,F1. .1. Bàugh,îîaîii. Loulis MIissty, H L. Fleintve, 1). W. Smith, . Arthur 1Mahie, <Charles H. IWie, M';.(l. Finher, I. V. 'Martyn, Iù'bert G cird-on, .John H. Sniiith, T. L McIliîtcckTerreli Stapp, C7. H. .Jones, C,. W. Wr~e, W G. 2Nfelntobsh, Harry C,. Kinnie, .1. T..1'etersoni, HI-. o. (rews, (inr1 Ipih H. Gleason, E. t). *eck- el-, .Joln Itdillgtêi. .1. R. Guthervoal, 1B. N. C'ux. .J>ièîtli&tiC. IDrake, I-tyt ICiiigj.I. Sha, (7e, . Il. i>uIbs, Lai.tîning lu'i lanid, W. V. WQ(uiinlai, il. B. Faxon 1)t' id GIolde. C (harles Hotze, A;. J. N y '.uun 0. FE., Geppurt, 1-. (- Guthridge, E. L [ves, C'. C. ('aru-ahani, R. (2,. Mjoulding J.lp Il (o. PraSaerMtljg 1 . , C. Iîiss Foster Fik.e',Wlliîs Ji' HttF4I, Dr. Vii'gil, Wescott IlA. Miush, 0. Seymuour .Jones, Fi. 1"..'her, H.JekisE.C. Ma. n.F., ;. frerihWilia i mm osmias, Daunle- ~tehcî' 'hnu tïkSain, ennis, .1. L. Lyniîu G.I ~ Roers tCharles I-foskui , <. . ironA. ('arleil, Erneýst H. (7hap- nf ir, E. t ('tMI 'y E. clth F'. Hall, 1.« l"awkv . ok, C. 1'. kan Mylus ThlmsFacsH. Miller, Miai>y A. l'ope, Enoc-h Steen, O. b . Gold- 'ni D,. E. AL.jen, . l. H. rethold.(1 Linden mnarket, 'Albright Bea'uty shop, \Vr W. Qt ln'làt iW..CO. Morris, L. N. Hannr 1"ill I ice, fi. O. Vandur 14ýit n. fi. Hender.son, E. Il. Peairsp-i. H. ~) 'doA. L. _Garniss. ' . W, E î'h i'B.:Kyiudtsýn,* E .14. Bucknias- ter C'eter laewre.. P. G1. LaýBàîite, H. .1. rLeach, s4. katz, H. ('aldwm, l B.' M. Bi-er4etoni., R: f7 i. miitli, lSa t llunak, 1D.-F. Wili-y, EHd- ward Challinor. H...L. Sauvage, S. E. ,nin.J:.'W. Frankèl, il-. '.Hull, L. ~.strollgi Kttten Brothers, t.T. Ip- *3'.John1).sîniali. lieînsn.William lopp. Mrs. M. . raylor. Bernard 8owen, F. W. Hariivey, 'ilaiObermeyer, J. Parlywiuie, Elmeri J-cn la., adU Li MiJV1s accidents is 'iu almost evrGaecn '1lee club, which won h necl Marion ent to Nev Orleans, and Misstiuîgt h cien sm al.Io ore than 45,M peplelegiate glee club contest held March Helen to Atlanta, Ga.1- al1ofninCk 5 by scbools in the state of New York. ure to usýe the neéded precaution. couuntv iii 1931 'proves the gross care- Reinald Werrenrath, farnous baritone, Car Dangerous, Weapon lessnless ofrniany Who like to pose as was chairman of' the Judges. Ti M rs. Alice Clause. dauglter of Aui automobile is an inteusely dan- god citizeus. v* -. Te heUivrit f oh- Mrs. F. B. Bradley, 619, Laurel ave- gerous weapon mIhen- it is not driven Drivers can stop accidents. Whose ester GIee clublthe right to enter the nue,-and Mrs. George Zabriskie have tvith proper care.- Used, sensibly. it is turn will 't .QmQrow- to cause an nation-al contest at St. Louis on Ap- Ieft for a short2 stay in New York.. marvelous advantage, but the injury injury or dri 8. Board's second annuai ciiess tourna- ment. * The final match ivent to tlîree gaines before the winnier Was dIecid- -ed. The first gaine was won bv Mr. *Major in forty moves and the second resuited in 4 ra after seventy Î* moves and ýthe final gamne.was . won in eighteetnmoves.,. The victory over à, Mr. Hildebrand, in addition to giving Mr. Major.the chess titie, also naines him captain of the Wilmette chess teai whicli was schieduled-to mcdee the ritembers of the North Shore chess club at Winnetka Tuesdav cv- ening. Both contestants ini the final match lhad had strong opposition before reaching the deciding gaines. both liaving eliminated strong players in, the semi-final matches, -Mr. Hilde- brand. defeated Lawrence Skeves, third poit mani on the chess teain ani Mr. Major had eliminated C. H. Mav- er, another- important plaver on1 the Wilmiette teami. The eight qualiilrs for the - qU;::t ,er-hinal 'matches in the Recreatioîî tüurnainî.tt autotnaticallv t:1m the Wilmett.e teai coîtending agaî ns4 outside Chess teains. lTle 'match vê \V1iîinetka is the flrst of its kind to be hield between the two noôrth sshore suburbs. and it is hoped by -the Rec- reation' authorities that other matches will ýbc sclhed'uled succceding it. The, Wilmnette club lias issued an opcîîi challenge to any North Shore hs club for matches. Memibers of the \Vilinettete:lu chide M-\ontgoinerý- Major, uen Hildebrand Jr., 'H. L. Beach. George Lusk, L-aNreiice Skewes, C. H.Nia\ - er, George. Stone. XWalter I.H.l'-1i1'-_ branfl, S. V.. \Iorris, and C. fHerb,,rt J onies. A rt League Provides Class in Creative Work A ' class ini creative comiposition ýani1d design, different :f rOmi any eveir heforo sp.Ionsorcd, hv the. North Shore :Art leaguc, and charactcrized.' as Ifilling, a great .need, wili begin Moý\lnday *in 1the leaguée's uw studio il Winni. etka Coin- m-uility Hlouse. 'llîecass will cn vene at 2 .o'clock. for the entire alter- nooni. The terni 15 to continue ten %weeks.