She bas. played with Laura Hope Crews, Blanche Yurka, Donald Meek and Richard Bennett, before. starting ber screen career. Her newest role is in "The Menace," the adaptation of the Edgar. Wallace* mystery story, "Thie Frathered Serpent," at, the Teatro del Lago on Sunday. Monday and Tuesday, March 13-15. Walter Byron, H. B. WVarner. Natahie Moorhead, William Davidson and Murray, Kinneil are otbers ini tbe cast.> 'v- Chevrolet, Ford or Piymoh ON LS O ~OF AIR GLIDE,float, speed smoothly over theriougli spots i the road . . -0take turns withoUt à1desway ... on these deep-cushioned new 6.50-16 Goodyear AIRWHEEL Tires. More traction ... 50% greater grlp! ... frqukcker - tops, starts, hold on curves, in mud. New rJdh4 .Iuxiury! New upkeep economy! New smart stvkIe Fruit Salad mn vanimua sce Cream & ELIiCI 740 Twelfth Street Phone WiImt 'e 691-696 a nive poinit star. S5he is a recognized beauty-a clever mimnic -- an accom- plished singer - a fine dramatic actress -and an incomparable dancer.' Ben Lyon is featured as the romantic lead. "Her Majesty, Love" is light coniedy, with- incidentaI music and songs by thé author of l'Among My.'Souvenirs," AI Dubin.' Williamn Dieterle directed. i.areui psiani na irôugi «us week's remarkable programn at the' Tea- tro del Lago. Not oniy are there plenty of stars in the extra-value programs, but each picture has also been selected for the interesting story presented. Shore subjects lend a spice ail of their: àown to give each show the, proper, bal-. aîce and entertainment'values- for which th'e. Teatro del Lago, is f amed. On Friday and Saturday, March il and 12, the twin features at the Teatro will be -Way BackHome" and."Her. Majesty Love." Seth Parker, noted. radio personal- ity (bis folks named himf Phillips L'ord>, -finds bis ideal medium of, ex- pression iii the movies. His picture is :,XV%ýay Back Home," also presenting the weIl knowvn radio caatr,"i, Ces" Mal' and. "Cap." Marilyn-Miler, loown to everyone >as the star of "Sunny" and "SaIly," wvill be a delight in, "He'r Majesty Love," wvith. Ben, Lyon playing the. roniantic i ead. Leon Errol, W. C. Fields' Frd Sterling- and Chester Coîikli, four k-ings of comiedy, are other reasons f .or seîgthe picture. ýHe re Are Two Winers LIovers CourÉageous" and "The Men- ace"' will. be the Teatro off!erings S$un- day, \Iond4y. and Tedy March 13-i Robert Montgomery is ýat bis w.; se _ cracking, best in "Loyers Courageous," a romnantic cornedy written especially for this star by -Frederick Lonsdale, thec çelebrated English playwright who \vrote, the Norma Shearer success, -'The Last 'of Mrs.,Cheniey." Playing opposite Robert Mdontgomnery is the beautiful. M adge Eývans, secîi as the rich mranl's :latugLter who falîs ini love with Mont- gonery, the happy-go-lucky playwright. -The, Menace" is a thrill-cliill, mys- :ervý draina based on Edgar. Wallace's, TeFea theredý Serpent.". A plastie: surgeon figures in- tlhe plot of "Thie ~deac,"which features H.- B. War- iir, WValter.Byron and Bette Davis. \\ednesday and Thursday, March. 16, anld 17, are also notable on the north, bore entertainment caléndar, for then. the Teatro del. Lago will show '"Highi Pressure" .anid 'wo Kinds of Worn- '1I ANOTHIËR' 1932 i 6001