ing.I i o c noot lou u i wn.' i i Ni rb,1lJ'A.ý - , --- 'lhle clulis own exhibits wiII filt aiJ. WVoodcock 'is chairman, bas cakes. IowS: withhold payment of 1930 taxes on the. large 1part of the club house. Thie cookies, roils, salads, coid meats, and 1. Stage Settings, (put mnto a class -rounds that a reassessment may b. mieinbers have made manv of thlt ar- ot.her foods for sale, ail hom e made 1w themselves Iby the judges.), first. I rd vd.Wtbhoidihg paynieflt of taxes ticles that will bc on sale, bv the club members who are adcpt at for -Water Babies", Robert Sparks;' is ni) iniger* excusable s-ince the eflact- btL*lakiiw. hionorable mention, for "Little XVo- mont of the Schnaekenberg Bill by the Exhibit of Antiques Illinois General Assenibly, whlch ern- An interesting ."side show- wviIl bc Featuare Thimble Booth men", Mar% Thaleg and Betty Miller. bigues the guarantee that in case a tax- the anitiquie exhibit of which.'ý\ Ilrs. LeaI 'l'lie, thinible booth will occupy a Iil. Posters-first, Washington Bi- ay'sproperty was over-asssed lie * .Oran ircomrnittee are lu 'large space. Here will be displaye.d,, Janie Petrie; honorable tt viIl receive full credit, plus interest. on. charge. A,. spinnitng wheel %vill go as -lor sale the garments and other ar etoWashington. Bicentennial, ae ado 98 99ad13 ses an award to somneone iho ated îls which, the thituble committelayanKisTI h.ntoudonJury6 tli~shw.Besides a.dsiyof nis- und<er M1?. E. E. Trimmer, lias b esg.-ist olv Hude 1942 pvsjassed by the House on Jan- (if~ ~ ~ ~ ul ikng uigaldyswn es-Fnrbemnin rc lio. tary 19. Il received its first readlng l cellanejous, antiques. and a sale of ol ,,ain 1uigaldyswn es ;îoaî etoBueElsn h eit ihu eeec t n gls.thereë 1ilb he unse oi t h lbo ody-pOS V. Painting, first. Balla'Tnle ývoinniittee, on January 20 and was rdouns, a Colonial kitchen. a Georg- Iouniging paams Ioungin,- coats,l jindsay Field; honorable mention, ipa ssed 'by, the Senate on February 3, tanroman a icorat rom.Th desses, nightgàwns, children's ro1p ~ anteRgnt %as signed by Goernor Enînierson commttes dr, iî akalmdrtl rfsfrt vVr ai b)ec.inie a law on February 19. iiinilil)C of the ail autlî- t,, a: screen WyVr- ýhile it rnay appear that the Gover- <irities on antiques, will bedressýý PricetI. 1 --inia .Hoar; ooal mention, a nor*s signature waa fot afflxed, tolte oldfahioedcotumes and will be The comforters, also made at: the ~vo lc yLran or.bill uthin the stip lated 10 dayýs," te ecme their callèrs ciub.ý under Mrs. C. A. Eldridge's VI. Art Apreciationl Note Books this apparent discrepancy is -xplatned ronnd telte bu h l frmtr 'ionitç1 vl e nsl i .nabv-is the fact that it usuallytakes a few amitel he aoutth od uritue omitee ~vllbeonsae i anerb -irt. Vurr age Farwell. i days for records to be reehee1ed, for anid other. things. slost «Of the furui- ý looth. They are of excellent quali- all records ôn a bill to, be enroled, for isilings have bee.n loaned by membilers., tN, the c.ommnittée states. Le eOPlnthe Attorney General to go over a bill Soin würe loaned 1wMis . X Other. looths which wiil contaiti at- . <1,rnor may -sign at a dateha IIndwall of \Vilnetka.- rateaticles for the home arc.1 Eniplipyed to Reduce Pay k oetan"0dys fe psae There wvill be a spring fashioni show till lîousehoid booth, Mrs.- A. L. Griti- I Il.wo regular meýn1îers of the \Vil-! lieinîust. however îsign before the ex- taigllaeo h saeec aftr-1 nelI, chaimn the china and glas. ette Fir' deprtmeût, H-arold Her-' !niraiinl f tefi days fter a bill ias 1101adeveiig. lr.H -,c-10ih: r. -w 'areached his, desk. Mrsn Hnd. E. Hol-ltohMs C.- P. Dubbs,1-11 chaîman bon aild Lawreice. Scliaeter. hîave. The, lelîaknegBhr nwa.s cnînuittee' is i charge. Il(it odMrs. J. N. Macabister, h Ieetî given, a combinred lea e of ab-, ieebr A Billred D s.lonî\îe' conxmiiittee will' chiairman; foreign goods, X1 rs. R. A. î sulnce of-~ three months., This action iFor ant Aüt to ad4 Sectioi . n Ma to l>e loüînd Mu the silhlcouette studio) Whecelock, chairman, and the gift de- \%as taken bv'tlie Village bobard at its l -~An Aet for- tiie assessrnent of propelrty w lîcre silhou-)tettes will bc made and ýpartment, Mrs. David Hall, chairinan. regular meeting last wçck in, accord- and for thie leyand collection of tax- 1111141-ed bv an artit whie the m5,e apj),rovdi Xarch 30. 1872, as finsld hanartstwhic he od Theli gift departinenit wvili have *art- asn ce with the program of, drastie nwd'd watts. t~~~~~ces on sale that are especially suit- pa-3-roll reductions ini aIlldepartnxents: Be teatdb h epeo h Fortune Treling' Novelt able for gifts and -prizes. of. the Villag:e.ý' A layoff for either ýState - of Illinois, rep)resented in.. Gen- \ladam& ,Zor, a elkonfr h ciaadgascmittee h~as of the two firemfen would have at--ral serby vivi drssThel eci a autiula poice lavkss h Scin1 eto 268a 'is added to tun e« telleri ivi oriental &es il-crdsome fr i ected their pension pi'iletç se fothhe;esetfprpr tell .fortutnes ev evetiing a tý thle hoth. Chioice sampies of Sunday ev- Vilg rsesdtddt ietin yand for~ the levy m eoîet!îo xmart. -Shie bas. read the palms of englchostorbakstesthe leave of absence as an alterna-',~x, atpîroved Mardi 30, 1872 as mnari% celebrities. including a M etro- tunga uco sets, ohiecttr break f asss tive ineasure. This 'was'done on rec- :mended. the added section to read as ptilit'an opera star and is the daughtrta es coc tererpee o ls ommendation of Trustee Cari Ren- IilO$ a uaycaej'hc n oia ainrgdero glassesssac arete among the fth plcean ir Sé 28a n -n as i hih n a ore gvenr f.Ilîot eces on1 display wliich have 1;ee'l ckarte Duarmang th poic dre th' of property bas been, or TObooths ta ilinterest cntll co.ite Dirrn te teent he@reafter nmay be made in any courte dren as well as grown-ups, are the sent ut by T'atman's, Carsoni ir' leave of absence Ilerbon and Schae- and taxes cornpqted on the hasts of lisl pmd, n cargeof rs.ýY.A.ot, the GreMarshl roedt o bcanu fer wvill work alternately for fi fteen-' I ;uch1 assessment have been or here- Tu*-r an * aypro after inay be extended and ollected Tucer.andthe white elephant shop as samples by the commnittee nix taking <lyPros ________*tnd sueli assessment bas been or here- lu chiarge of Mrs. Her Cte.liedr. The club selîs the on coin- ifter may be held invalid or vold for sijvil of the, latter will be a white eie- mision. They are newv patterns, Zer Wete Fal. twPet luv re son cnd cou n isen or he phlit wearin.g a redblanket. the Fails u )-6e,Ï nsc cut worIlOt duplicated any place ise; The Hit Hard Timnes Pairtyl hereafter may be ordered, for the year tif Miss ..Doris. Woodcock. Every' pric es are reasonable.' 4128, 1929 or 1930, the county collectoir chlil who scs the elephant wîil ýwant ___________Despite the cold w,%eather, jbetweeni 1Of suci county shahU certify to the t.savs -Mrs. Cutler.> Mian good four hundred and five.hnrdle-emt lr o iicnt 4tmu whi h.tero%-ir rukC ùpn erns atddte adtms aty1Of ail. taxes based upon such assess-, lo<kiC thns'hc hi ~nr ~C .oiayH aig ons atne tehrdimspt tnt which lie, las collected, or here-a (lid tiot' like. for some strange reason. to.B eu e ~ il1 n ac at the, Highcrest. sclioL, ftr ayohetstigutthe name- or, other. liave already be.en broughit 1illinois road and Twenty-thi'd, street, î of' à~ch person PayIlng such taxes and iii., aid -more have been proinised. hi crîgbeforle the Illinois> Com- las.$tra xgt hs 'oa-teaon pad byec ucl person. Mede came iav toi1ev Theteafter the eounty clerk ln maklag Is:Pauil Hoffînan and her coin- mferce coirnlfission .0oi the application of deddcm i odédotes, and(c-~tccîetrsbosfrayya to operate~fo titi hcletg a re oks efor lia be r niittee ae h flower stall m'hiciî six motorl express companles 1o op ct ral who *were considered too mnuchifrWihar.sssmn a eno -%vill have a promninent positioi i Hi hi rcso eransresi h dressed up" for such an occasion, may be :ordered for a 1 of the salid main hall. Potted plants and lo\vers ilorth shore villages wilI be resumedl were fined. The party was otie of the veyars, 1928, 1929 or 1930 shaîl credit %vil le on' sae April 14, Village Attorney Willis D. most successful social. affairs held at alyscipisnwobspald or here- *Narbyv are the book stals ini charge Nance reported at the regilar meet- the Highciest school. since the open- auchi maoii asnt axe,, who is hab *of the clnb's literature. chairmnan, Mlis. mng of the Wilniette Village board last ing of the niew building last faîl, ac- fot' ai taxes in sucli year wlth the 1). 1. Davis. On one side of the flow- Week. The trucki rig .conipanies had cording to miany who attended l*t.' aniouuit of such taxes based upon such er l)ooth is the stail of lie%% books, inîade',separate applications for' peris -,evera1 prizes lvtre awardîedfo the togede witessmenterest upo s aldu Hi oih r, th sai f ld bo ks io t o erte ii hC îîrt s or es c stme.a tog the %vt fil rnotl uor am or t 011 at the rate f on-half of onle per cen- 'l'le . Cafe de Mart, where lunch- mnuiicipalities, but the cases werc Cou- ____for____ful______rmaorrac colis will bc scrved eacli noon, and solidated and are, being liear4ate PRESENT PLAY * 'lot thereof trom the date of payment (limiers everv ililt i edd y ai ii.T .Bo omcide' ed if such arnount to the date when the - mg isheadd b sane. ime * Te< ook orm, cildrn'sreadng px gainst wici credt is alowed, sueothlestoknitecus cilpb1 at the Wihriette Public library, .l1 corne dlîîquent, and~ àball charge îîîenbersliP. hose ho rmenibr TO 0~.DRÂlCESALE presented a play, "The Princess Whto, -*ucii person wlth and Ilt h ei t hé g&od nicals served in ;the club's Al1pha~ feta chapter of îm Hid lier Slioes," at their regular mteet- jleo ocîetol ion expsIionniothr ear ~~l .71o~ plia Iota sorority iii havýe abtlerý mg last Friida. IuilWtonpae iUhigafteC lÔIfgse credlt. In un-ze Hlie flames. of ic cafe Si conuimi ae~iriy$*lgMrht ttcjato u rnes Ela lora se the *irouiit of taxe-, baJued upon uit- ale Sturda, inoning -1,1rch 1, at he prt of- thepritiels.1 Elenor l-iêd sses-ithet wh mh huc ee- tees. MFS Earl G. Low i-. chairn-aai 1S'hl,,esser's grocery stot'e, 1-im4dn Speredes tol the p~art of the kirng, and o-n~ has pidt1 exeeds th~e total atflu*t 01 the luncheon coiiaiitttec, anid Mi-, avenueic Mrs \ Walter A. Bor'ner4, M len iiidt'oQm was the prine, At the 1 f taxe.' for whlçli such per4f* ou islab)le Clarence~~ii Burpr of tedeaercin i',, tIle aiounft of suchl ext-: t laenc Bupee f te dnîîe (O" Iabella street, 15 chairmain i te' J30 k Worms' neting Friday, oi thi ies, shah ie «'dtd iIie 1 s11 aw.*vék 'Miss Mary Winner Hughies, chi ulpot the anicunt, of -taxes for which fiul peti l nsçcei1 triit isllea stor -so Is'0 àIfadKâV anvyscrei 1f00W Sec.l l. Wher4a uh en te as 10nig, ica cris Fotule wl be er,( an tlyfrFr Laiaderdale, Fia., whr Ra~ileih roa d . KeiIovrth reeil viil li lia 1 , i tol ovr te ta làve Mr. A H.thcy. will viit Mr. Sanders' mother. spetit a short time ini Michignwil ueto rpryTowo h on Mrs. Kelsey Sandeis w'as Miss Py-thîe former's mother iii Owosso, ad siso u State for the vears 1928 and Fuesi i ii care f he ic romlis Ruf of Kenilworth. with the NIrs. Çrowe's father, Henary 11#2q lias been held Invaltd and vold ami which will be on the stage. lt will Pler.4 ini Flint. l'î.undreds of thousands of taxpayers who look like a gardeui with its flowers, 1*rinqMs onJ. rts, 2 --e nt plud taxe baved theo scri treilis, andi its arcli at the back. Mn.n ind M n.e Joh J.'e tra se cr23 The courtesy comrnittee, headed by Oxford road, Kenilwûi'th, accofli- Mr. and Mrs. WNarrcîî Pease, '3201) th eu* local and State govéraifefits Mnr. Paul Rensch, will be' of assist- lyalied by Mns. Krause's brother-iii- Leicester road, Kcnilworth are spend-_ ývil1 be compelled to pay taxe's for those ne to guests and.Will stanîd tîcar law and sister. Mr. and H. G. ing thrce weeks ini Evanston ait the ý'ears a second turne lu the event ofa Monay fo oi fterduhe,'r.E ..eassessmieit wütoi'klg a great Injustice, tçtg.ThOmns of Chicago. lef t 1%odv o ol iterduh ,Ms .Éthierefore an eniergWene-, exîsts and this th stage.a whi h si emua e llal TwoD booths, t1hat are, always plopu- lorida. Shndt,~liest siiBrua ~tsnltale eofeetu)on lis, passage.