F1V 1 I FOUR DELIVERJES 1 ~ EVERY DAY1 TUERS. YU.,SAT. Mm on* SPECIALS Coffeer ILb.3.Se 34b.tCm $ 1.00 Cake Flouw (lls»Y large pkg« .190 Cookies ~ Natioa BigenIt Co. lb 3 Soap FlakeSVou 3 large Pkgs. -590 Bl estrlctly .L. 50 ___- defor seIdLb490 (Amerfran aP Fm)5br 29e iPimeapple Largee aâe 3 for690 Hejuz Daked. Caviar Raime Or Red Can 3 for 95e LIves _ e)puat can 250 and (Boniees 4 cans 500 >Ia Crackers ..... large pkg.15 flavors) ...... ....3 pkgs. 3,0 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES I O ta ffg e u , for juice . . . . . . ..3 , doz. 7 9 Large Grape Fruait .....,t690 . . ............... (Give tbem. a trial) ib. 25e Baeon 3140;.69o P~ercent .-.r'cJ~(.J~I On books -.- .$903,375.43 $1 .402,709.95 $390,374.23 $1,335,738.92 $13.5,167.41 Collected to Match 7 - 47,658.88 184,005.85 32.54(6.71 104,314.99, 15,406.09 ýPercent .- 5.2% 13.1 9, 1%5 7.8% 11.4%.~ -Total amùount of taxes on the books of XewN Trier Tow nship . $4-167,365.94 Total amnotnt collected up to and iihiuditi March 7, is 9.2%/vor 383,932.50 Indicate 1930 Tax ýWarran»ts Issued Glencoe, School District No. 35. Winnetka, School District No. 36. *Avoca Road, School District NoA. -3 ýKen.ilwobrth,, School District No. 38 .. Wilmette, School District No. 39. HFighcr est. School District No., 40 Nem TPrier Towvisliip HghSchoolldit(fl Wý,ýilrnette Village Glencoe Villagie Glencoec Park District 341,950 $375,000 118,335 85,500 18,700 75.000 225,00 2i9,200) *o. 37. thec ôfii school district jiii 1e township th lat lias not issiued, anticipation tax warrants. It has suificient nmoney on hand to comnplète the sichooi year and par 1bond( interest. it i-- annoiinced. W 1 ilmette Park District, Winnetka Village, Winnetka, Park District. Kenlilworth Village andj Kenil-worth Park -D istrict have flot issued ativ %Narrants. WVT'Iw tlhhol payment of 1930 taxes on the GIV FIG RESg rounds that a reassessnient may be iordered. The Schnackenberg bill re- N TA ST TUS cetlyenacted by the state legisiature, guarantees that in case property was Page- 1) over-assessed the taxpayer will. receive (Lont ied froni fuge-credit, plus interest, on taxes paid. the Village of Glencoe, $85,500. and on the 1928, 1929 and 1930 assessments. the Glepcoc Park district, $18,700. There is no excuse for flot: paying your' The one consoling f act revealed ïj !taxes now, it is emphasized., The tax4& thecompilation of the.,foregoing figures. payers are fuhly protected. îs. that in addition to Avoca school dis-, The failure, to pay taxes, it should trict, No. 37, (nortbhvest Wilmnette) the.!;be borne in mmmd, resuits in, the clos- WNilmetté Park district, Winnetka Viil-1 ing of schools and, the curtailment of lage, Minnetka' Park district, Kenil-' civice service. in urban sections of this worth Village and Kenilworth Park dis- 'nature, the maintainance. of value of trict, have not, thus far, been- com- property, to say nothing of increase in pelled to issue ant icipation warrants ivýalues, depends on the support of these against the 1936 taxes. 'local taxing bodies..- - J. NO peul. WaVe. 4. No tubes. 8. Absolute satisfaction 5. No che.p supplies. quorante.d. For your next Permanent phopie ALBRICHT BEATSHOP 1 167. Wilm.tfe Avenu. WiImeff. 4517 i 4.. Caret eIly .81leed ............. 1