the Chicago Sanitary district. Comple- tion of this ditch witbin the next forty days wili prove one of the triost for- ward steps' yet taken in the Skokie drainage plan, it is announced. The work is starting at the north end of the. large* Chicago Sanitary District ditch, and in mnucb the saine proportion is- to be carried generally northward, almost to the. county line. The, ditch is designed to remove the water which b as-been cmigdown. f rom Lake county and =iodin large areas of the Skokie, both north, and south of Dundee road.' The new project, contracted by. the East Skokie Drainage district, of, which County- Surveyor Charles E. Russell of Wauükegan is' the engineer, will not onily prevent the flooding of more than a square mile of the. Skokie nortb of South avenue, but, it wiIl also enable the North Shore Mosquito Abatement district to effect a mnore complete drain-. age of its section. with lateral ditches, which will isure' a quick rün-off of flood waters. Work Begun This Week rhe work started this week by the' East Skokie Drainage ýdistrict begins at the north. end of the -Chicago Drain- age district's big ditch1 at- the center of Section 12, or at ýSouth avenue, Glencoe, extended, continuing diagonal- lv across the Forest Preserve tract to a"point three-eighths of a mile south, of DIundee road. From there it will follow the course of. the present shallowv ditch, crossing under Dundee road, continuing ini a northwesterly direct ion to the south end of the present ditch at Koehling road, just -west of- the Glencoe Golf club, or one-haif way between Dundee .road and the county line.. Froni this point-, through to the niorth boundary of. Êighland. Park, the work will be. a clean-out Job of the present large drainage..ditch in.that section., witholut àny enlargement of the (itch. The .new ditch now being dug as an extension, northward, of tbe Chicago Sanitary district ditch, is substantially the saine in dimensions. It is six. feet 9th Floor-Fine Arts Builing 410 So. Michigan Ave.., Chicago CHICAGO B00K& ART AUCTIONS, 1rc Sunday afternc Trhis is a depa club of Chicag Frackelton of VicNAT1OMI'bOI#DEL.ANA-, I VDINLI KIDDY KM 1700 Central St., Evmnstpn EAST'ER FL-'OWERS brin g happiness. to everyone EXPRESSIVE'of the EEaster spirit f resh, fragrant, bright- colored . . . true sym- bols of spring s arrivai! l3uy a plant to have in your home, cheerunpa friend witb 'a gay bou- q u et, thrill your mother, your wife, or your..sweetheart with an elegant corsage» to wear with ber new out- fit in the Easter morn- ing parade! Phone WIIMETTE 2186 fERS 221239 RIDGE ROAD 17e are open e very day .1 the year, 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. :iè