- -~ - £ To Volee . our STOR E 521 Manst", wihntt4 I ty ini "No Mans Land" hati ueen cancelled as a resuit of the disastrous fire last week that destroyed the Miralago building, was read at the meeting of the Wilmette Village board Tuesday night. Mr. Becker, a residenta of 'Wil- mette, who is particularly interested in insurance coverage for a client in "No Man's Land," N. A. Hanna, Inc., 'ugeted that this might be a de- sirable time for Wilmette to con- sider again -the ruatter of -annexing the unincorporated area. )Followingk the reading of the letter Village President, C. P. Dubbs ex- plained that Wilrnette, had- offered "No Man's Land" fire Protection in negotiations sometime ago, provided that this service-,'be., paid for in ad-, vance. No contract was entered ,it-. t.9, however, and whien the Miralago ire broke out the&Wilmette Fire de- partmient was. under orders not to respond to any calîs in "No I Man'es Land." The departmlent did assiStý the Evanston firemen in fighting the I blaze later after it. had' raged un- checked for some time. The Wilmet.te board decided Tues- day to take no action on Mr. Beck- er's communication but to hold it over' for future considerationi. The Loyaltj! Crusade noiV lit pro gress at the First Presbytcriîan çhurch of 14ilmette is brin giing to the front miiaiy Phases of tiere-ok done in the church which are not usua~lIy featured, but, which are ;ne-vertheless important ta its suc- cess. This church regards, itsclf as sinpilarly fortwr.tafr j»Ii. aaing as its, orgqan s.t, Miss Ermna Rouneds. :,(abo-.e) who Iras servc4rd iiitihe l7hWrchmore tthaiete» ycars. Mary Ellen Boozer, who is attending: Miss, Rounds isý also orgas ist at, the, Penn Hall, Chambersburg. Pa., will he First Presbyterian Church of Oak' home next week to spend the spring Park and is mie of the leading accomi- holidays with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. panists in Chicago. She is a teacher Ralph C.. Boozer, 530 Essex road, of voice and piano at Bush Conserva- Kenilworth. tory of Music, being assistant to Edgar -o- Nelson. Mrs. Perry Smithers, 711 Lake ave- Miss Roundslsias prepared several' nue, spent several days with hier sister talented and popular young artists for in Flint, Michi., last weelc. the.concert stage, and enjoys a distinct position as an accompanist. Hand-Made Tfhe "Loyalty Crusade" is a programi .10 of- new work planned for and being BAYBnNET carried out by ever organizationi inthe and Ichurch.» It is now ini its fourth :week Il DRESSES I[and those sponsoring the campiuex- Prices Most Reaàonableî press gratification over the response. SPUR OCKHAT HOP "The crusade lias brought out the Ave. OOCncHAT SH'fact," reads a. statemient froni the 710 church, "that people generally are, in- 1: .1terested in churchi work, and their own. Ais Crirson Building Pfsarn#acY. 636.Cfsrch Si., Evageston, CGr#' 3316 Phone WIL 32