en in the collection of contributions t o the Pioneer Meal project. They have offered to help in any district and will do the. collecting in Precinct 12, particularly in Indian Hill Estates, :wvhich is, a part of, Precinct* 12. Eaclî Boy Scout assisting in this projý ect will. carry an authorization icard of. identification, and the Scouts will make the collections on Monday, -just as t he wonien, Who are block. collectors are doing Miss Betsy Shapker, Wilmette chair- mani of.the Pioneer. Meal proj ect, re- ports: that $1 77.06 was *collected for this f und in ýWilmette last week and that this amount represents collections f rom six 1 precincts. An even larger, amount is expected this week in view .of:that f act that alLof the precincts are org anized and working. Annouace Captains .The captains. for the districts in 9Wilniette are ýas -fôllows: -Precinct 1, Mrs. J. C. Blavlock, 1202 Lake avenue;. Precinct 2, Mrs. Albert ýfhall, 1023 Greenwýoocl avenue; Precinct 3, Mrs. George A. Mlaclean; Precinct 4, Mrs. Paul A. Roche, 801 Central avenue; Precinct.5, MNrs. F. D. Shane, 422 Cen- tral, avenue: Precin ct. 6, Mrs. LouisF \V W Crush: Precinct 7, Mrs. Rov R. marquardt: Precinct 8, Mrs. R. D. Oilar; Precinict 9, Mrs. S. Adolph Sunidiof, 1533.Greenwood avenue; Pre- c inct 10, Mrs. E. G. Petry, 1207 Six- teentli street and Mrs. F. A. P. Fisch- er, co-captains ; and Precinct 11, Mi\rs. Kenuitti C. Long, -1i Greenwood ave- nue. Precinct 12.will tic covered hy the. Boy Scouits of Wilmette. Texan S.iuls Fund 'l'le following letter, received at hearkjuarters iun.Chicago, gives evidence that, a former Wilmette resident, is cogiliËant ofthe dire need in this area anîd wsihes to heýlpsomne hungry f amily, at this time. Wllmette, :Iliîîoký March 9, 1932. NIrs. Joseph M. Cuda Dear-madarn: Mly daughter from $15 to assist a "we ehaohungry. S1ý 1 drIhave no c - Sincet Texase has sent Me ýee bit" in' feeding Iall I get at moneY- checkinig aeccount. rely, 1 ike - 1*t to feea DeNELDA BEAUTY SALON* MRs. CPRMaxci~, Proj*. Awa-ken as Wa rd robes f I ~4< ~1 i P r-when appearance is abit more iiportant! Everyone gets a thrill out of open- ing the box containing his new suit' or coat or hat. WelIl, that'si just the sort of thrill you get on open ing a box f rom the ERMINE CLEAN- ERS. Not new clothes, but so new in appearance, 50 tr ansformed.. 80 March 17. -o-- Howard Jordan, 320 Cumiberland. avenue, KenilWorth, returnls f rçm the Choate school -the end of, the, week, asi does George, Woodland of.336 Leicester When wo cali for your I *ppsreli jEIWNE QEANERS Estmblished 1921 1150 Central Avenue OTiro F. Fisinim, President Phone Wilmettel70 or 3710