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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Mar 1932, p. 22

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Swimming Party Is One of Many Troop Activities Troop 9 WVlin 'Trciop 9ý met recently, the1 members dec ,ided to go swimming on1 Mardi 12. TÉhis plan was carried out. The, troop met at .10 :45 o'clock at the p arishliebuse. There were, tlree mothers'there to take uls dowil. M ary Alice Leslie, .our junlior lieutenant.t tokcharge as Mrs. Baker was un- able to be withlius. We got down there at Il :15 o'clock and after a good sliowerwere ready to.go swiniiing. There %vere eighteeii of us al together. i WVe dove and swani and had a good tinie. 'Marv Alice -Leslie took chargej of tile litle ones. At. 12 o*clôck we le ft theli pool- to get ready to go 1 home. WVe feelvery grateful to flhe North Shore Schiool ýof Physical Educatio'î1 for allowing the Girl Scouts to swil there on Saturdav nmornings.-Nancvý Moulton, scrib)eý. .Troop -6 Xednesday ve we r e ,su ri-)1ised'to. __ nd a popcorn popper standing on1 the tables in the' scout room %vaiting for us. A fewv minutes later popçorn kernels were popping, and Georgette Hill, in charge of the butter, Nvas having a bard timie as evervone seemed to want ail*ftie butter. For a whule it lookecd like a real figlit. However, eve rythimg %was straigliten- c d out and t ' ô iris undertook thec job of mielting the butter. A pot was also set on tlie fine popping pôpcorn. We did 'nQthing bu.t..eat and pop corn all meetings.-Esie Fleager,scie St. ]Francis Troop *At the opening of our troop meet- ing we played "John Brown's ýDoni-à key," a fun gaine. We theni went1 to patrol corners and our leaders1 helped us witli the*liard knots. We Announce Names Sof P rire Winners Three Amnerican Girl, Scouts have been selected to attend a special en- campment at the World; Chalet Of Girl Guides; and Girl Scouts in Adel- boden, Switzerland, next sumtmer, ac-. cording to a n announc ement by Mrs. [Lyman Delano, chairman of tht Girl Scout International' comniittee.: Thec girls, who were chosen from'a large field of applicants to'.pa rticipate ini the, Juliette Low MemorialI Awards for 1932, will attend the encampinenlt with twelve other girls selected.f rom Girl Guides of six European cour- tries, -likewise r ecipients ýof the mýý- nioriai award. The. World chalet is the 'gift of 1Mrs. James J. Storrow, of Boston. Thle American Girl Scouts are M iss Winifred Turner, of Quincy, M-\ass.; Miss Mary Emma Alleni of Chattanoo- ga,. Tenn.,; and Mtiss. Dorotliy. Drakv Fenstermaclier. of, Tulsa, OkIa. They will sail for theSws encampm)nient. which is to be hield f rom August 0 to 20, the latter part of July, after spending several days at the national Girl Scout, experimental. camp, An- dree Clark,. in Briarcliff , N. Y. They. will be accompanied:by a Girl, Scout leader, who lias..not yet been chosen. The namnes 'of ten, other, Girl Scouts, and tircee leaders, who ýwi1l attend the International Girl Guide camp, Enniskerry, Counity Xick-' low,- Irelanid, June 18-28, were also announiced by the International coin- mittee~. They are Miss Clair E. Bus- by, of Belmont, Mass.; Miss Editi Monks, Irvington-ohi-Hudson, 'N. Y.; Mary Lawless, Rochester, ýN. Y. ; Marianne Beckers, Orange, N. L.; Hielen Crowley, Newburgi, :N. Y.;- Mary Clay, Versailles, Ky.; Mary Louise Geohegan, and Lydia Geolie- gan, Birmingham, Ala.;e Patricia- Caronj, Chic ago,-Ill, and Julia Walsh, St. Louis,- Mo. The leaders Whio wil accompany theni are Mrs. Genevievte F. Butler and Miss Alice Conway of New York City, and Miss Agiles. Gorse, of Simsbury, Cotnu. 1-er Work -Inspires A1 înC)Iber of the Girl, Scout Colilleil , ho i i wl knourn 1 tWII'-, mette Girl Scouits, is Mrs., Ralph Moufdiuj.Sfic lîqybeen associated willithec lVilmette scouts. for many yeCars. Sfic started as a inenbe of a troop co>nmitte, and lias held mmin positionis siice. For five years sfic fas becliairman of tte [Vil- mette Coi ùîi .committer. When the New Trier counicil Nvas formed in January, 1931, Mrs. Mold(- i ng was elected deputy commiiissiùtner. She is cliairman of the \ViloieÉuel District comniittee. There are many places iii scout ing. where M rs. Moulding liaàs .made -lier-' self most welcome and useful. She lias assisted with the menit badge examinations and lias always been a willing helper on overnight trips and hikes. There are two Girl Scouts in tthe Now Is the Time to Send In Those Camp Applications As you probably know, camp isii't. far off. Applications must be* in this nionthl. I Pwoinder if, this bit about camp ili .l)ring back aul,- neinories.: Camp !-rather a. plain word,ý don*t. yout think?' It niay beso, but alv%.one holias'inissed the thrills andjo, of camp lias lost out on a great (leal.- Yo41 are awakened early in the mnorning bv 'the bugler with lier,- can't get 'ein up in the inorning. Svimii.ig suits are hurriedly, put on and we're off, for a plunge into the cool, refreshing lake. Every camper is %vide aNVake aiter tlîat aud .usually as. hungry as a bear. FiiSt the flag must be put ul). b l' Aue it's a great thrill to hiear tilt bu- gle souriding. colors and to sec *( (ld Glory" flvinig in -the breeze at thie t(op of- the flag-pole. The event to wvhichi ail 1scouts look forward is next on the 1prograni." iBreakfastý! I'mafraÎid if our pàrliît,-, saw us thevd % thinik 4Ne needed a book0o:n more quiet plann1iers 1lo-- ever, we're at camp and it's Our, privi.- lege. Camp is, then ruade to look, more beautiful. thanl ever. E.acli s cout is igiven hier owvn special dulty' and h niust sec that it is attclnded to. Grouinds are well cieatied *up and*c readv for anv Visitors bv 9 o'clock. Swinming suits are again put.()Il and( %ve go ilu for morning inistructions.1, iDirectly after swiminiiiig are classIeS in dramàatics, nature, leathercraft, and other subjects. 'Hen coines dinniler, with i'ood ,andll fiun for aIl concerned. Then for an, hour of res.t. 1.t is alwaysý welcomne because the girls are. rather tiredafter the niorning's Nvork land funî. \We'reë rather sleepy wheiî -,we get. up. so anoither plunge in t heý briglit sparkling water js just abou t What %ve need.' * XVe have our own tniiie iromim- miing' to supper. During this time we are 'to wri te letters home or abroad, whichever the case rnay be. *After supper the flag is takeni dowu whilé retreat- is blown, and is put safely away for thle niglit. 4<3LF841 Li Je> Highcrest Troop .On Mardi 10, the Girl Scouts of Highcrest school held another meet- ing of' great imiportance. More girls pasdtheir tenderfoot test. On Mardi 18 our troop will go on a - * ~~u 8 improvilg %-iri b-ýcoLui aaUiersihj> JIseva iiew LIAIJAI, oneICs[1e ias î1vVeV scribe Troop 1.* training standards, helping the' local known before.' sclioolç to reacli the national level The last notes of the bugle die hike and lay trails, and afterward and -assisting them in the solution 0f away and each scout is weil on lier we shail at supper at the Metbodist their individual pnoblenis. way to dreamiand. churcli. We have to cook our own Mis Conant will continue to direct Day is done. Good-night!1 Good- supper, an& I. bet we'll have a lot of the ,training courses at Camp Edith nighl - Isabel Haskins, scribe fun.-Dorothy Dittmar, scribe. Macy. Troop, 1.

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