NEW TRIER OPEN High SchÔool Board Decdes, Stuent Pledges WillGuar-. antee Continued Operation Altlxough the total suin i ecessary to continue- op,.erationi of New Trier Higlh scitool for, the rei ainder of the -)resellt terni lias not been reachiedji the sale of tax anticipation Warrants. the board of educations of the school. because of the encouraging resuits of the. student canpaign to dispose of the warrants, decided. at a meeting Tuesday niight to keep the school openx for the remnainder of the sein- ester. 'l'îe studetîts werc notified of this action akt an assenîbly lield Wednes- day nioriiing. They %were also iii- Àornmed that no action hiad been tak: ent bv thé boardl wil reference to plans for opening the school after the summiiier vacation. Stueouts Take Initiative \Viliî $160,000 nleeded to keep the School open for the reniginder of ilite seniester and only $5,000,, in cashi on- liand March 1, the New Trier board annotiiced two weeks ago that the school %vould close April 1. The liigh scitool studenits,'realizing the ser- iousniess of the situation, inaugurated ani intensive canmpaigi. to dispose of enotugh tax anticipation warrants to keep) the school open iintil the enTd of the present terni. Their efforts wverc so encouraging that the board. of education felt it wotuld be safe to conitinuie operation after April 1. Up to Tuesday of Ithis week, whle.n IlIle student caipaÎin officially.,closed, aîearly $80,000 worth of tax -anticipa- tion warrants, haîf of- the amount needed, had been disposed of by the students. This included ý$4,600 worth pu rchased by the scliool janitors. The New Trier faculty lias. pledged approxinîiately $40,O00, bringing the total upt t nearly $120.000. Amounits A Challenge to Ail Villagers (l,'ub)llicd at the. instance of citizens who are assumning: the task of raising: funds for Village, and .school purposes throughi the'sale 'of tax anti ciiation warrants.) FRIENDS AND) NEIGHBORS: Shialllife and propérty iii.,tlisvillage.beleft iiijcoi)ardy. and the public schools, be closed?. Wilinettelias organized -a Coimiittee of Public Safety. Its, purpose, is to. finance the cssential departmnents of local governnient; to miainitaini fire ai-d pplice protection, and, if. p)ossible, to keep ,open the schools. Al citizens are asked to lend the coiiuuiittee their active èooperation. They are ilot asked for charity. They are called upon to purchase tax. anticipation warrants-a Sound investment paying a high rate of interest. These warrants. are as good as cash, forthe. paymen t of taxes for .1931. District and precinet captàins listed l)elow lhave been ap)loifted. Caîl upon any plie of ýthese and volunteer your aid in, selling warrants, or telephone school board head- quar ters, Wilinette 1618, and be assigned to your captain. WTe do not exaggerate the need-the situation is critical. Ever-y citi.zen nutst do his duty! liernard C. MAcNulty 720 Ashilnd avenule. Robert Stoddard 524 Lake avenue David F. Hlall 809 Central I ark aveniueý lienry Brandt 1530 Washîington avenue John P. Ballini 1524 EWliwood avenue Lincoîni C. Torrey 1341 Ehunwood avenlue William Balhiatclîet 725 'Tenth street Paul C. Lang, 933. Ashland aveniue WT. O.,Ebeling. 726 Nith iStreet D)avid Penn Moreton 431 Laurel avenueý Dr. H. S. Condit 614 Laurel avenue O. C. Mendenhal 1311 Gregory aveniueý J$,arl E. Orrner 823 Park avenue Chas. C. Henderson *1630 Forest.avenue Albert *.Grinnell 2425 Kenilworth avenue- Arthur Lee 925 Maniordrv Leslie W. Millar, , -510 Washington avenue IlinryFowiýler 1404 Forestavenue VILLAGE BALLOT TaiÉ Reduction Candidates, for Truttee Posts Oppose Economiy Party Siate With filing ýtime for candidates ex- piring Tuesday, March 15,, Wilmette has two tickets ini the field to ,be v oted upon at the aninual Village élection April 19. Three candidates for trusteeships filed this, week unider the ".Tax Reduc- tion Party" banner. They werçe select- ed at a caucus beld Tbursday of last week. These candidates are Donald H. Maxwell,' 1414 Forest avenue; Frank J. ElIert, 623 Gregory avenue, and Benjamin B. Kloepfer, S37 Main street. Thes. candidates will oppose cani- didates on the People's Economy party ticketselected at a caucus earlier this month. Annouimue PIatfoým The Tax Reduction party candidates ivili go before the voters with the fol- lowing.platiform: îst Plank. 'laxes' bave becoine an intolerable *burden. The tax rate of, Wilmette is with a singleexception, the highest on the North Shore. Znd Plank. We deprecate the neces- sity of political catnpaigns in Village elections, but since the candidates off- ered by the present Village adminis- t ration represent mnerely factional in- terests, they must be oipposed, or the independent citizen will be lef t entirely without representation. 3rd Plank. We resent any control of the village that may: be secured by the lavish use of campaign funds, re- lying, entirely upon the intelligence of our citizens. UEcoeomy" 1Candidat.. Candidates of the People's Economy n)artv' include Nicbnlas P. Mille. r f NAME VOTE OFFICIALS u - e ilqws ......24 estimated cost of. $8,438.66. The',hear- inswill be: heldat 7:30» o'clock in the Village hall, council, room Society Pages....23 Mucli heipful information and many suggestions p.rtaining to your REster needs may b. found by redimg the many Easter advertiu.mepts in this issue. Mr. Jýnïght strugglte a a rvapuuuv. and summoned Dr. Rufus B. Stolp.- When the physician arrived hie found the entire family lying unconscious. Dr. Stolp started artificial rsiation for the vicims, and the =amlywas revived withiin a-'haîf our.>