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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Mar 1932, p. 28

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nOf I 4ortlz Pacifiac, t like to roam. Grade Separation Wil Save -Lif e Let's Hasten the Day! Pav righit. mw vour, 1930 taxes-. Puit that ainiounit'of nonev to Nwork to lelp keep -north shiore ,Clioçls* functioning ýef- fectiVelv. A dtbl- Put Your Dol lars, Ialr paid righit IN To WTork, on 1930 taxes caun g e t resuits that the1 saine dollar paid later cannot. -due largelv ttrpenalties a i interestcag. Th'le citizen Wlio Pavs bis 1930 tax,-es, now lielps to keepj the sélbools open.' Chie Xvho <ocs jnot. dieliberately h lelp-; to clQse the c-hôols.' Stop, loardinig! Puit v idie. dollars to Nvor k Ii lu teUniteéd States there are niw' over on1e billion hioarded dollars. 011C b)illionl idie (dollars doing no work. bi ing lno profit t'avb .Pt thieni to wvork It is èstiîuiatud fthat if thCsýe idie dollars wvere put to work they Nvould enîpky.,, oVer a million men for over a vear at $100 a îiontli. Iloarded îîoiîev doen.'t buv. Whien 1b u v, i lng decreases, fthe inîëcbant, .1iust lowver bis.prices to force sales. His- p)rofi t decrease. Hee niands. I üo w e r pyri ces froin the ian ufa ctutrer. *The orig- inal producer and bis hielpers lose mnoliev. Thei)uiliîc *n ilns ti p1.r-lovidc relief. uonev. Stop lîoar(liigI, Do ail vu a 1 t lh'asteu tb better .tinies e î-ý to.Ili North shiore citizens \%-I1l ini April elect x'ari(>us village officers. Tie principal 1)ositiofls to.be, filled are.tlîhos.of .illage' A*1 trustees. Perhaps sanie of A-prst. Vour neiglibors regard tie.se Elec tions. electio ils *a s uimiportant conîpared, with suélh press- ing problenms as feedintig the h.ungr\ , keýeP7 ing the schools open, pavin.ig the teachers.- and* bringing taxes. down to a reasonable level. But if. these sanie .néiglilors will remienber that Village'and school, trustees are l)recisely ,those Who in u s.t. consider ,these ".pressing prpblemis" thev miav rcornle to attach more importanice to -village elec-> tion s. It is the plain dufy, of every 'citizen to vote. He bias at least this oile m4av ùf ml<kinig hi$ in 'f1uence, though- srall. céount for economy and good government. Bvo, voting lie can gain for hiniself civic,eI respect. The feeling of self-apovlis the essence of real bappiness. Miake' youirself fanîiiliar w%.ithi the lr)) lerns of your particular cornnîunit-v. Tbilik of. possible solutions, Study thiecharacter, abilitv, and history of the varions canidi- dates. Take an interest in vorViillat-. Vote' at everv election! .\t thu preseîît Nwriting n min lMrc NaLture bas sent uis alrnost a fuil wecuk 0f zer.o. .v\ather. Having estallibed a re- <>rl oropen w~inter wveather, Nature bas i0W 'suiccCC(ld also in setting'a record for- coni'nuuscold: weatber in March. X\oli- (leuill vCrld l w*C live in! returu ot o ~f the is that lloxm.ý ti He i "Thait l ke w'î ex.liauistinig e nio 0 glbto buit Patil Gilbert of K( e'nilwort1. The oge-o!d to-wn tof Singa pore IVouldId bcko;i next to ime, *Aild then I1V like a moonlight ride U'po;i -the cCeral sea. .lillonilt/ o seC* 441stral'ià, - hîd t/tel.n io moreI'd roamt-« ilit I'7'c qot zwork toinorrow .So ldiciter Stay at honte. - I3Jdred Forbis, Wilmette. A Clîjiiese ilewspaper contained this letter f romi an applicait flur \vork: Sir : I arnWang. I can drive a typeivritcr with good noise and ny English is great. My last job left itsclf. for rie. for le good reason. that the -large Aran lis(ead. It 'a no fault of mine, so honorable ,sir.: what about it- If I cari be of big use to you Il shlall arrive it so'nie (date that you shouldguess.". -Pat. MUSINGS 0F OUR NIGHT EDITOR \Vetl~ran Ph i1u'-(uph» -Dutrin)g last weeks col<l Spd1. h lle at il s , be- was just a bowl of' chi]ly. *And ie we're on, that subjeet, let it be observ-ed tîat spring approacheth and. tlat rabbits are liow seasonable "critters." \'e thought we. knew ail 1bIout bllnînies. unitil pust the other day our normng paper brought. news of a' "rabbit racket." 'And \ve had alway's iniagined they were such qjuiet animais. Speaking- of rackets, did you ever chew rev crisp celery luring a luli1 in the conversation at the dinner table? \\'lîn w e ee a Iittle. Slaver %we thouglit tlîat the \V*orId*'.salarS," vs, "celery." Learning of 'Our supposed mistake. we hung'our hiead in shame. But thvears have taught us that..veý shouldn't have feltso, depressed. .For "celery"ý does rnean "aa iniKalarna.zoo, Midi.- Did 'ou eý Whitcomnb Ril Cerniak, Cllica Y-et no onie cai -iasthe i notice that thîe Iloosier poct, pictures of Janies and 'of Anton J'. close reseniblance? -beset by tax wvoes it liu D.-*. In at least onie instance the preparation. serving, and consumption of a certain pioneer dish provided for one of our oldest an-best friends a tppic for freýquent and most interesting conversation. The dish alluded to.-w'Nas, if we remiember correctl, Rhode Island johnny-cake. surprisingly Yours, for, Thie conclusion that Routes 41 and 42 'oight.to be swj%ýtched to the -\\est of nortlb srecommuilities seems to be unanimouùIs. imake of that? .ns Victurian association, -Beckie Sue. For :ail these contrilbutioins we are duly thankful. (Hehl, lhh.) -MIQUE., j

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