~PEND! commrando tthe governm.n n ..Spendl sas the.advertise. Spend 1 echoes the pubie . - Yet ail sit back and wait for the. other fellow to start the bail rolling.. ýMr.,,National Advertîser, why dont you, start it?' It's Iogically up to you. Business leaders agree. thatadvertis- ing must lead tbe way to- better times. power te persuade peo pie te spend. Now, Iet's look at it f rom your aongle ànd can start something than any other, group in the. country. Tliey have money to spetid. They are buying quality merchandise and will buy more if asked ini the rnght way. Chicago is of no interest to, them. It migbt as well be umies awvay. Serving these communities ýare siglit dominant publications. .Thes. long established "mnagi4ne-mnewspapers" of the Chicago Suburban Qu.ality Group are Iooked upon as leaders whose messages* . both editorial aud commercial . . . demand attention. In~ two eastern cities recently . .. Buffalo and Rochiester * intensive local advertising proved its worth. It jarred loos idle dollars. Its great siuccess regounded' heti whole country. Many other cities, followed ousis the sec how you. fapis ,NSTON REVIEW GLENCOE NEWS WILMETTE LIFE WIN]