Irish Nlelodies .......Freshinen' Classes Xavier, thé Msslonary Josephine Baer Irish Dance .........Sophomore Class Solo.s: My WiId frisi. fRose, When Triqh Eyes are Smiling Dorothy Ludden Scenes from the Liff, of St. Patrick Junior classe-s Piano Solo.....Atoet Ric-htêrý Mother Machirep ... 1phornûrt-.Class Our Lady of the ex s' ex National Vocation week, %vas oh ISt served at Mallinckrodt last week in P ail un.suall-% interesing imanne-'r. 1.71- et der the direction of the Snor.vari-1 mius vocations wcrc discnissed in i short generalmetng etore the as- ernhled students. and after each talk. the sulject waàs open to-. discivsýion - and questions -wcre suhmiiitted and aiwered. The bul letin board. %vas cleverly arraniged. showing ýa "tniovie. ' or pictures in series,. of> facts and phases of* the respective vocationsý disciissed. *Onie day a quiestionnaire ý%vas. stibmittedl to ailtlie students con- <erninïg possible inicliniations towýanl special vocations. On Friday, the closing a, aterni- al dehate Nvas lauinched 1)- the eiors, ojisCussing w,%lichj vocation etntaile(l thle great est spirit of sacriflicu. . The Niallinckrodt altinnae s Mal-.1 linckrodt Varsity hasketball gainiii 1 the ;choo1 gvmnasiumIii ast Saturdav- was one of the most excitinggai e witnessed this seas;on. In the firs t qMarte 'r of. thé gaine, the pchoo! teams score was iii the lead. but as the 'gam-e progresse.d, both s i dle, .gained and. lost so that the ouitcome wvas difficuit to decide. The final quar- ter shiowýed the Aluninae teain with'a score of 36 and the school teanii, w\ith *32. After the gaine a refreshi1g treat auvated thec players iii.tlhe School_ ca feteria.> Friday., Match 18, is "ultn Partv. Day' ait Malliinckrodt Al Mallin- ckrodt nuothers and frienids are kjind- ]y invit.ed to be present at this in- t eiles fili g and 'enjoyable githering. The partv beginis at 2,iii the after- noon. 'The journalist," school publication. ýt New Trier, wbile rnaintaining an icceptional record for scholarship, he Iso won his numierals in football, a port ini whichitvs his ambit.ion to cxcel. He, ivas the son of Mr. and 'Mrs. 'dward P. Farwelýl, 11.24, Merrili treet,, IHbbard WVoods. Besides bis arents, he is, survivid, by two broth- s, Loring and Robert, ai---his ,randparents,' -Mr. and \rs. -Arthur urrage farwell. The funeral ýservices were hleldl Tnere ial be two sbowngs, one bc- ginning at 10 o'clock, and one at Il.. in the James Simpson theatre of the Museum. Children froni ail parts of Chicago and suburbs are invited to, attend. Wýednesday ýaf ternoon at 3:-45 o'clock at the. Winnetka 'Congregational church, With . Dr., Samuel Harkness, minister of that church, officiating. Two hymns were sunlg by a .boys' octet fromn New Trier High school. Bratook place at Memorial Park, Enjoy Naned sorts at 55o to $1.00per doz. OUR LATEST CATALOGUE ON REQIJEST LEOARDSmEDCM 218 W. Madison St. 4845 Milwaukee Av.. 10934 Michigw Av.. Read the Want-Ads CHRISTIAN SCIEN4CE SERVICES "Matter" will be the subjéct at the services in Eirst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette Sunday morn- ing, March 20, at Il o'çIock. Sun- day school, convenes at 9:45 o'clock. C/ÀIifWricas Yiea/.tA Yesr NATIONAL'PARK ,05,,, ARKÂNSAS. ~" ~ 13ATH HOUSE AND APARTMENTS, Sufferers from rheumoatism neuritis kidney trouble hiqh blood pressure and kindred aiments f indý swift a.nd sure relief in the 46 world famous spring~s at Hot Sprinq,' Arkaos -Worn-out systems are toned up; flew health cofflsIo Wed neyms youtdoor sport while you