Mrs. Simons is a most attractive person as well as being an authority on lier subject, the league anniounices,. Shie is an excellent 'speaker. Shie holds the office of public affairs secretarv oi Cook county. Luncheon, will be served at. 12 o'clock followed,,by the program. *The Kenilworth league will partita- il)ate jointly with the Winnietka and Wilinette leagiies on the evening of March 28, when at New Trier High, Schiool auditorium there will he a "ca ndidates'* meeting." This wilI be another of those interesting and- il- luminating meetings, when the can- didates themfselves have an oppor- tunity . to express theniselves and 1 resent theirqualifications for office. Clarke College Alumnae Plan Bridge, Style 'Show, M r.. Frank Dowd.. Jr.. ofý Evanston is. interested in' the card party given by the Chicago Clarke College club MwilTih is composed. of alumna o C'larke college of Dubuque, Iowva, toj be given at the Illinois ý\ omen's .At1iletic club on April 2. at 2 o'clock. A iasliion promienadeby 0one of the smnart Michigan, avenue shops and at- tractive prizes will bc. added attrac-L At Brownson Circle 1)urinig thie Book L.oy-er.s' liour 'at tlie Browvnson circle Moniday, Mlarch 21, Thoinas A. O'Shaughniessy %vill give a talk on "The Book of Kelis." Followinig the business meeting, at %vhichi the winners of the literary con- lest ývill be announiced, there will be! aL lectuire. on *'The Irishi Literary Ren- j asae"by MAiss Mary Lyon. Frankl L. MNclauglilnitivil! give a group of lr1..1i songs. To Marty on Match 26 'l'le honme of the FrankG. Elys, at 305 Kenilworth avenue, Keiiilwvorth, wilIl)e the setting for a small' wed-! ding Saturday evening, March 26, at I 8 :30> o'clock, when Miss Elizabeth w - OFFER Un§tll April I5th Pho(ographs$5 Coniplete in'Folder1 Mr&. Prank H. Gallagher'of 228 .1Woodlazen avenue, Glestcoe, an- iiountces the ,eigagenteit of, her daigter, Miss Clara. Bell- Buck, bt Ji H-erbert Ne wport, Jr., son of iMr. and Mrs. J. H. Newport' of 520 Abbottsford road, Kenilzvorth. No date lias 'been set for the twed- ding. Both Mliss Buck and Mr. New port are gradiéates of Newv Trier High school, and the latter' iiltended Northu'esteriz univers:ty aidIlleUn ivcrsity of Illinois. Announc ing a STYLE -SHOW, mon day, Mardi 21-n, at 10:*30 A.' M. .and 2:*30p. M. New, Spring Fashions Spoke Twelve of the Presbyterian chutrch will have its next meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Mark Hale, 1025 .1-oliawk, road,, Tuesdgy, March 22. The assisting hostess will be Mrs. Floyd L. McGrath. 1 122 Central Ave. Phone WiI. 2526 'I