.By F. B. M. The Woman's club of Wilmette i- the center of attraction this week i Wilniette. Yesterday, today. and, to mrorrouw. "ail roads lead to" the. Womi an's club where the fourth annual spring exposition is in progress. The doors open at.,Il1in~ the morning and close at 10 'o'clock ini the evening, Ail Wilmette is invited' and ail WVi1 mette, bas corne.. Those who have mislaid 'their compimfenitarvý- tickets are admitted, as readily as those Wvho have tbem,. Admission is free.. ItThe entire club bouse.,includinig tht l gallery and. board room. 'is beinig used as an exhibition hall -for commercial an(I club exhibits. Madame Zoror is reading palms in .an orienital. tent on the second floor. Mrs. William Tucker's fish pond. ini which six hun- drduseful articles were placed yes- terday morning, is also in the galleri. Appaenehthe crowd likes fisbhing. Johnson-, a well known silhouette 'art- j ist, is cutting silhouettes of tbe mart's guests, and Edward Rverson of Wil- mette is rnaking sketchýes in black and white, or in color, of the visitors. The thimble booth which yesterday contained one. hundre4,, silken* gar- * ments and a large.selection of, romp-, ers, aprons. card. table. covers, and hother articles miade> by the members, is a popular place. In the household b.ooth, a gamie at "iso much per" is proving an attrac- tion. In the Indian goods booth are Indian things sent down f rom an Ini- dian trading post. In the book stalîs, book loyers are browsing among the old books, hoping for a "finid," and modern readers are looking at the new books. The antique exbibit is attracting much favorable: comment. The host- esses ini their old-fashioned gowns are gracious figures in the. three period> h rooms the colonial. kitchen, the f Georgian room, and the, Victorian roomn. Quite a reputationi for good meais.. bas the Cafe de Mart. Luncheons are served from 11 :30 to 1 :30 and dinners from 5:30 to 7 o'clock. The lirices are so 10w that no one needs go home to eat. Ralph Deunis, dean of the' Sch 1ool of Speech ai1 Nortlrwestern ivizer- sit-v. is tb 9i7'ca lcture recital as tie offerni-oo.n. pro gram ;at thse 1l"omanins club oàf Wilmettc Wed-ý mesda 'v,.,larclt 23, sponsored b'. the Juni1 or iiiIaw of tihe club. H1à /'rogram zis tobcbea iectiirc-readinig' on 'll ics" f roin "-4 uni I>i Sç.tor 'v of! Mankind,." by: Stitarl. Once-( a vear lte club Jun- iors /',ýesen1 la /'rogram for the senior chd>. aud thetzvto inember- sisgthier together for tihe mccd- Dean De iniis hias been on the staff of Nortlhwestern university since bis graduation ini 1901. I 1917 the World wrtook'hlmi to Russia as Y. M. C. A. worker and six mnonths later lie was attached to the, Moscow, consulate. Hle lias seen revolution ini Russia. >In 1925-26 Dean Dennis l1ived ini Switzerlanid,.% here lie studied the Leagùe of Nations and attended ail the meetings of the Council and Assemibly as a representative of the press. As ýa recitalist. Lew\N Sarrett lias svii Y 1. faines JBirod!e'-Griffenr.. direct or. piavrigstand dranjatic r.eader,. en artîtf ofrrare ahility, il i S aid,, i .s togive the dclight fui *Program plan ued for the îiext mieetinig of the Ifoa vCathoiic club of_1'iIiettt' Tiursdav,. .lîareh 22. l'le meeting and program is to be one of the outstandinig events -of the year.* for it is the date1 set aside to en- tertain the members who have joined tiec organiization during the last club year. The business meetinig, wiich in- cluides the nominationi of officers, ivili Je fol lowed by the program given by Mr~. Griffen., ,Nr.' Griffeii's charming personiality, his finle voice anid diction, and his un- uisual initerpretative ability put him in a class distinctiy uis own, is critics declare. He lias given ths year , thirty- two recitals:on 6"Contemporary Poetry," Whicbi is toý be the tte of his recitai next Ttesdav.- His Co-artist at the piano is Miss, M.\adge EnslQw Rice.. B. P. W. C. W ill Aid Village and S&hools s. Bert] Hears Mrs. Bertha Baur of èhicago will be the speaker. at the nextf meet in'. of The Neighbors, of ýKenilwvorthl on Tuesdav afternoon, ýMardi 22. Sheù has selected as, the, suibject of lier taik, "Womüen in Ouf Political Lif c." Mrs. Harold O. Barnes wvil1 be host- ess for the daY. Theý regular meeting of the chl) took place Tuesday of last week ý%iîth Dr. Horace Ji Bridges as speaker 01 the aftemnoon. An inte nsely interes:- ed' audience listened to his talk n "Tlhe Art of Renewing One's Yotithi* in which he urged keeping a nii alert bv constant study as a means o keeping one 'voutbful and interesý- ing. Trhe president of the Neiglîhurs. Mrs. Vibe K. Spicer. announced thL- appointmeint of Mrs. Alfred Hodve and Mrs.- Mark Cresap, with. a cont- mnittee. to takeý charge of the plant- ig of a tree as part of the Was!i- ington Bicentennial celebration. M.\rs.e Bentley McCioud, chaïiman, of the nominating commiittee for tihe April. elecetion, announced ýthe follow- ing: Mrs.' Charles Howard Bent, for. president; NMrs. -. ermnan 'G. ,Seelev, for second ivice-president; Mrs. R. L. Fowler, -for correspofiding secretaryvk Mrs.. Howard Jordan, for, social chairman. The usuai social hour lollovved mith Mrs. Grant Ridigway and Mrs. Mark Cres.ap serving at either end oi a lovely table decorated in silver and l)lack; with silver and pink ttlips :iakini'g a charming centerpiece. Mrs. Henry Zander,' Jr-. uVas hostess fur thé afternoon. Juieor Auxiliary GiV es R-eciproci-ty Tea, Match 2 0 rlie.juntior auxiliary of, the Woman's club of Wilmette.is giving areciprct tea Sunday. March 20, f romt 4 until 6~for other junior1 auxiliaries of the tenth district. 'During the tea hot 'rs Virginia Vanderburgh. a graduate of ried, ni ~r as» pok0. E. S. Plans8 Salie 'Mterain pokeWilmette chapter, Number: 753, cTwo. of the Presbyterian Order of Eastern Star, will have a will hold an ail-day sewing bakery sale Saturday, March 26, at Tuesday at the home of M-\rs. the Wilmette Grocery and Market. Moreton, 431 Laurel avenue. "Corne in and buy your home made on will bc serveiI at 12 :30' Easter goodies," the committee. an- nounces. Kriowng o i nu> suay . venng wnat play of the timeof M, was to be published in her colin Mrs. H. W. Dingman on Saturday morning. Fier columua role of 'Marie Antoini is a new venture in society report- Lyston Seyl that of ing which 'gives Sônie of the history Kath; Mrs. Henry of society in the city, and includes Hierka; Miss Laura' humnan interest stories. demoiselle Genet. is to pa h et;josephine La Comtesse Justin Smith, Doetoch,' Ma- Lunchec o'clock. ý Tret