Bersch and bis Boy Scouts. Tbe boys opened their program. with a beauti- fui candie ligliting ceremoiiy, re- citing the Scouts' oath and their pledge, ighiting a candié for each point in the plecige. ,Following this George Bersch. ran a flm taken. at, Camp Ma-ka-ja-wan with an inter- esting comment on. ecdi ctivity as it ýwas unreeled bef.oreé our eyes. 'rheir program closed with the Scoutmast- er's benedictioni, %vhichi is, very im- pressive. Mrs. Thomas S., Herroh of Winn- etka, comnmissioner of Newv Trier Township district, Mrs. Staver, Moulding head of the Wlet counicil, and Miss, Grobben, director of New Trier Township Council, of Gii.l Scouts, ail gave initeresting talk- on the varions activities of Giri Scouting. Tien a group of girl scouts gave 1demonstrations of their, work, which was verv iliuinaiting. -Bi, this- mneans we were able to see how wide is the scope of their *wrk and how fascinatinig even h umidrumn tasks can be made. The girls demions.,tratedý first aid, nature work, how to planl for, shop foqr, and conduct a* party antu, eeuwng, «iressing, and g çneral rudes for the propér care of l)alies. They closed by giving their Scout - -)ah--ndsong.' These Boy and.Girl Scout demonstrat ions inpressed nue with the joy that- is to l)e Ihad out of' %elI dirccted eniplo\yiienit,,f lei,- tire timie and the swect soleiInniiV cf the religions rituial. A symposium 1)3' Mrs. Warren s comnuiittee gave an inisiglit into the * work donc bv' eaclh; Mrs. Warreni.- Amnerican ..h.oiie: M rs- Robert G. ..:HaIliweýil, vice- chai ran, Movie colunctil; Mrs. J Clarke Gaent, pnb- icitN-: NMrs. Ernest Gould, secretarv; * Ms. aulLàng. education; Mrs. R. WV.. Arnstronig, recreation, M rs. lDon- adMaxwell, child Welfare;Ms Hans J. Dernehl, representative for1 the Wilmette Girl Scouit commIittee. After- the luticheon. tle aftertioonI l)rograni was, opecned with sevîeral se- lections by the Boys' Gice club of theI Stolp and Howard schools, 'Mrs. Ag- aies Clark, directing. with M.\iss,.\Mci Kay' at thle piano. The bo)05 not il sang wvell, but -were a jov to look a.t with thieir \vhite trouigers. 4arI< coat., -,a n eics. cAitltheii nthers Mrs. W. T. Hapeman bas rèturned to her home at 1008 Ashland avenue f rom a six weeks' trip to the east and to Miami Beach, FIa. She first went to Youngstown, Ohio, to visit ber sister, Mrs. Fred H. Becker,,wbo, with two other f riends, accompanied ber on the'rernainder of ber ttnp. ved by her bus- 1fat G- oa iip too--short çuts thot Charge s extension There. are tricks in selling, is our oim ta help you ta speak lc c rl y,,quicfcly and inexpensively tao nyone,, anywhere. çinytime EVERY TRADE UL~ have been reduced for oçkhng telephones in your home or office i lowa, will pa!