in which a cla,;sso! VLrI1 children m.îlsîn Grove Iast Friday, losing by a score The pastor will dle- of 12 te, 8. liver the last of at series of sernIonS MsGog ihl on The Christian \Is ereP. Ncos 519 at this service. Theý wick road, Kenilworth, bias her niece, __ sbjec i~:The ,rs.,,Homer B. Millen of New Haven, Christian - in F'Ex- ,a I pecta i, nleir. Cua er bOuse guest.' wveîcoeùn at our services. i Elwood Mons, 457 Woodstock ave-. A ne clas o!adui catciiuen:nue, Kenilwortb, vbo attends Aiidover, prvp)arilge for meimbershiplu the Luth- Iwjilvisit. a classmate. in ainie thlis, eran jchurch, has, buen opened, -and WiII [,aster. vacation. nicet evetry monday and Fridav eve -______________________ nlng at 8 O'elock at the 1pastoir's study. zoo Alil those who are interested are in- vitted jol, thi'S, which cn tiîiue for. a period 1of about six w(-ek-;, and, will et regular from S8 to Pi:39 A. M. I I'e Lord's Supper 7111, be cele-brated on l.oth . aunday Thurs-ýday ,and, Good Frid:ty eve.ning. The conféssional of prepaî'at<.ry-service.,; mill bégin at "à :30I and the regular srvcsat S8cl.ock. Ail thos)ýe who wi;I to receive-the Sac- rahient 0on ither of these to ve- nings . ill. please niake this known it'e the lat) on SUgniay after the srie at thé- church sacristN, or on We-dnies- dIay at the paisofla4e. T folh'wing spe(-ial organ dchi musie w111,-be ruindered at tht- service on 1 Paini- Suniday: Prelude !II C MInor .,. . .. ....Bac Choir 910lia l! Excelsis Mozýart Otffertory--TeP l......Fui"- <f'hildr.,en's (" hoir-Hosanfla. Menîhers of St. Jolh'ns, thei'p frie. , and ,the publie in. gent-ral, earc aLlii- vited tc "ec the lenten exh.ibit in a, vacant store on W\ýilniette avenue just eatof thie North Shore Electrir tracks.i *Thte spa(ce for, this exhibit hias loten genroplvgiven for, this purpose. foî vvhiclî St. John's i. grateful. Thie ketchI of the churchi wiodôw-, represents, th- group of three wvindo-,Ns. oi e;lch side o! the transýept at St. John«s. 'Thl, nîarked portion of the open Bible (dravvs. the ,edr attention to thi, 5;'alchap- ter "t Isaiahi, known. as the pLinést *pt'offlitey in, the (O<d Testament 10, mer L.rd's quffeiitg and death: English Lutheran Greîîýleq af av. enue and e . enth"t ruet, Wilmette 'A Hous.e o! ".Worship flev. Pa -id R, Kabele, pastior menon tOpPie-2.archingFr'~nr Speplal nrousie : * Prelude->a.lnSunday, b uh i An\ithein-'laiI to Thêe, Jail2'ri- tional. . . Offertory ';olo-lhePalm--. Faure WVaIter Dorband Postlude -Granîd Chorus ,...,PuBoi5d ANNUAL TOWNMETN ..NOTICE !S, HEREB'Y GIVEN' To. the Legal Voters, residents of the Township Of New Trier, County of Cook, Illinois, that the Annual Township Meeting of said Township, will take place TUESDAY, THE FIFTH DAY 0f APRIL proximo, being the first Tuesday in said- month.. The-Town Meeig will open in Townsi fie Winnetka Village Hall, at the hOur of 2,LP. M., and af ter choosing a Moderator will procee-d to to. Mrs. Leroy WToodlatid, 336 Leicester road, Kenilwortb, bas been in Cuba for a visit of two weeks witb lier daughiter, 'Mes. William P. Heagney. Mrs. Ira C. Darling, 256 Ken.ilworth avenue, returned Friday f rom a long stay in Arizona. between two Iayen 'of Pistachio Nut Ice Cream