the program given by the BoyS' Glee club of the Stolp and How~ard schools and by music students at the Mallinckrodt High school Friday ai- ternoon of last week. The fine arts department- of the Woman's CatIi-ý olic club of Wilmette, meeting ini th auditorium' of the, Howard 'schoiol.: presented these boys and -girls dur- itg,,,its-- regular -meeting, and in so doing, gave not only mothers, but others' the, opportunity of hearingl and seeing the type of music educa- tion cbildren',here are receiving. M.Nrs. Russell Flood, chairinan of the deépartment, opened tUi eetingi and announced,,as the first p)art of1 the afternoon the selections v, hy i Boys' Gîce club. Their program -.Song of R obinbood" by deKoven. "Pale Nloon'." and *'Mariaiiita", an Italian folk song, displayed thieir ver- satility, their ability to uniderstand ýaid * correct attack, good phiras- ing, ,climax, swelling and, dirinishi i ng- ton e volume, and >rhythmn.wiliet l- I er sinooth and slow, or gay. and roi- licidg. hItheir' dark' bMue coats, wvlite trouisers, red tics, thiey stoodl withl earnestriess furrovving their 1)r-)%\ ,', and with absorbe([ attention re.sponided to the miishes of their di- rector, Mrs. Agiies Clark. Miss Nfc-i Ka-was the able acccnpan.. Tells of Pl"netarium D)r. Clarence Baker 'of. Chicago ~ sthe speaker of the afternoon, wlo iiformally and entertainiinglv% gavel a talk on the Adler planetarjuini, Il- lustrating with lantern slides. He described. how the platietariunm oper-! ates; what one sees there; its lecture schedule lîours ai 11, 3, and 8. inost (laYs of the week; lhow it i.,l~-y opwei to children ivithout charge, Ilîow it houses the nworldl's greatest collection of astrological instrumients in a, fiuseiim; how its instrument is 'lie mo(st delicate ever devise([ with. its 119 separate stereopticon ma-l chines; liow it .produces in artificial, skies, artifical.stars just as weSe t1inonYsoý accelerated thiat ive cai sec in a, few minutes what actuallv' takes. place in many years. H-e showved pictures of somne of thel planets and the moon taken ini t:hc Ye r)es observatory. at Lake Genéva wvith the la rgest refracting telescope ini the.m-orld. End Progfraa, WHYI DO I EAVE MYDIHS "'IOU needn'rot elfme that- dishes are harder to wash when they've Sstood overnight. 1 know that only too well. The'reason 1 leave my dinner dishes is simply because our hot water supply is always low in~ the evening. And by the time I've waited and waited while water is hticg i p e Txrà g c 4Ant ,t 1 d. - .. . *L'a ýMiss Olive Johnson of .Chicago bas been the houseguest for severai days this week of 'Mrs. Victor A. Otson, 1534 Forest avenue. The OIsons alsi- had as their guests recently Mr. andj Mrs. Oscar Carlson of Rockford, wvho.1 carne' for the Sunday scbool conven- tion held at, the First Evangelical, church., Winnetka. 1 L L H E T- W AT E