rt ai tive. The April and May meetings will be taken over by the boys and girls; the Boy and Girl Scoutsin April; the Glee clubs ini May. These progranis should brîing out the parents, to our meetings, for we cannot helP but be interested ini our youing people. So, Iet's be there I Rooiniteas .are* now in progress. ,The. nionth of Mafrch completes the second Series. Dancing classes are draving to a close. On. the afternoon ofMarch 11, the children nvp to the seëventh grade met' for their -final party:'They we re allowed, to: brinig guests, and.. f rom al reports, had a--grand time. Friday ,,t- bOTORISý $ 4 of miovie progranis for the month. It mwould be well to check this before sending the childreli. Our tiext meeting, April 12, 2 :30 HAS DINNER GUESTS On Tuesday, March 8. Mrs..C. R. Erwin, 615 WarWick road, Kenilwortb, eçntertained at dinner Dr. and Mrs. Hor- ace Bridges, Dr. and Mrs. Herb ert Willett, Mrs. A. C. Barlow of Chi.. cago and Miss Barbara Erwin. The dinner followed.Dr. Bridges' most in- teresting lecture at the Neighbors club iii the afternoon. 'William S& Selby, 21 11lWilmettt avenue, is ill at th'e, St. Fran'cis- hos- pital. c 1 ýI VICE .00 Races for cbildren of a Il ages up to 14 years are eligible to compete in the meet, which annually attracts more than' one hundred contestants. Previous registration is required thisý year and'any.child desïring to enter the races may do so by sending his name anid address to the Playground and Recreationi board office, 914 Cen- tral. avenuej, or by registerin'g Nwith Dudley C. Stone, recreation assistant in charge 'of the meet. Bluine, red, and whiîte ribbons will> he given to winners of the first. threé laces ini each race, respeictively. Fol- lowing is the prograni of -events ini which the skaterg will ,compete- 50 yard dasli for Class A girls,- or'girls uncler ten years of age. 50 yard dash for Class A boys, or boys under ten years of age. 75 yard dash for. Class B. girlIs, or Dr. Soloinon B. P'reehof, rabbi girls under. twelve years of age. of K. A. M. temple in Chica go, 7.011 75 yard da sh, f or Iaýss B boys, or botys, bc thc speaker at the March meet- under twelve years of age. i lg* of the *North Shore Congre-* 100 yard dash for Class é girls, ort girls Jp-al Sslehoo tabe eld under fourteen years of age. -Ionidaý- afternooen, March 21, at under fourteen years of age. 2 o'clock in the te»z ipie at Veriton One egged race for Class B girls, girls janid Lincolu az-cnueis, Gleiicoe., 1His, under twelve.' subject wili 1w "Wwhat I Believe in egdr~ o ls os <y t/wBibe."under twelve. AbouttheBbe" Morris, Wolf, [Tandem race for ("lass C girls, gi1rlIs 14-vear-old pianist. wili -be heard under fourteeni years. in eredtal On this occasion. Tandem race ý'for1 Class C boys, biyýs under fourteen years. ____________________________Double race forClass B girls, girls ii- der telve. Double race for Clas B boys, boys un- Healtiz tenter One leggé,d race. for Class -Cgrl.gs News under fourteen. New 1One ltggeil race for Clasa C boys, iy ______________________________ -under fourteen. 100, yard dash for girls. Openx. There wvi1l be a Chest cliiiic on Mon- 100 yard dash for boys. Open. Day - ac 2.fro 1'cokôni AIl contestants. must report at the, Dr. Nov'ak of the Chicago' Tuberculosi s paeo etbfr 'lc aiI iînstiute will conduct the examinations. acof etbfre9'cck at- dav iinornitig,,Mr.; Stone anniounces.. 'l'ie Pre-school clini'c'. Nhichh as bléen' hield the first \NVedniedavo uf eaci month, lias now been discontinued. Thiere will be three Infant Welfare clinics on the last three Wednesdays cil each month. Dr.-Mita of Chicago wilI have charge of these clinics. . as thcéineet wl tr rmtva the hour scleéduled. Mr. and: MMsP.* Graeme Smith (Laura Emily1 Slosson) of Hartford. Con.n., ann ou .nce th e *b irth on Fell- ruary 22, of a son, Gardiner Farwel Smith. Mrs, Smith is. the daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Siosson of Hubbard Woods. Mirs. T. F. Cook, 1314 Forest ave- nue, is convallesci ng in the Evanston J. C. SIown 721 MAIN ST.' WILMETTE Phone, WiI. 2600-2601 A. B. Vant Deusen 1 Bob 'W' Mac Main St, t Linden Ave.. Phone Wilgnette 3334. !iri-1 CLOSED. Alil cars witl-1 shot greasing system or rubber shackls- GREASINO a"r