namnent wil have reached the stag, of the seni-fina~l gaines affer to night's contéets at the Stoip gynm nasiuni, and tomnorrow evening's pla, will bring the tournament up to. thi final gaines which are to be plàye( at the Hoiwardgvmnasium next Wed nesday evening. March 23. The State Bank, K. of C., Hoff inar Florists, I, Aces. Hawks- (winners o the *'A" bagketball winiter, league) Shainrox. Methodist, and Lyniat Texacos 1. qutaiified for lixe.quarter final, matches wh-Iich were schedulc< to piav off last ight, at both the Howard anîd Stolp- gvmnasiums, These' teain.s iîad cliinated the Sophoniores. ,Lynaîn "Texacos II, Terminal A. C.. Junior A. C., 8- Rocks, Ridge, Avenue Pharinacy, Elites, and Hoffnman, Florist 1Iý teams in the, first niiglif of play and- the latter eiglht teains went' iinto thxe con- solation tournament .to 'copet fo the silver trophies awarded to the winners of the -seconid-dilvision tour- namient. Play-off of thé sein-finals in thie consolation tournaîient ivill take place this eveing. beginning at, 7 o'clock at ýthe Stoip gvnnasiunxl. The eight. teains r enxainiîig ini first division of the tournainent after the flrst. igt-of plav ivere conceded '4Y the Recreafion Staff to be quite eveiv natched andc the final gaines should be keenlv confested and ex- citing 'matches. according to theni.' Sinaîl admnis,;ion charges are beinig miade for the senxi-fiuîal and final matches,.fihe l)roceeds of which are to go Io fixanciiig the mnedals 'and refer.eeiig xecssarv in cônducting the tourîxanient. Resit, of gaines played ini the first elimination rounds, are: Sftfe Bank (51) 1 Sophomiores (7) Robert Smilth Robert.Herxnanson Pave Evans Ed 1forii ]rawrence Roth- Howard Hrbon1 Tom -King Charles Wllîî Bal Robin."on- Frank Poizin Jack Cullen Jack Higbee, Todd, referee K of C (31) Lymian Texaco.s il (29l Fred Helfiain Lotis Gude«'l John Moore. Don Andersori George Stane * Kaxxning, refer-et Consolationi toui anient gajneý- Sophwînores I.yiit itjx-t sI (29) (75) *'Bob Herinanson Art Cranmer DIck Hall 1 I;treie .'teffens Howa rd Herbun Dlck Prestonî Ed Horn Ad-mni Bernardi $heIdon Fox l w"ntid -olff! Frank' Poizin Chartes .Willfinis . unior A. C. (41)Aes() Rob Waters (tis. Goochi Jaek Stackhouse 14ll IStaékhouxe Willard. Uttenr'u tilie r Brian, Morai ick Huck Iàek Ga ther Hipwardlilerbon, Kannrefe,'ee. A thletîc Tests I '!'le second 'series of athfle ctests given f0 Wiliette public school clii- dren by members of the Physicai Ed- ucation deprtment under the' super- vision of Daniel M., Davis,, director of recreaftion._ is made' public th4js week.. The. tests are given periodically through. the -Vear fo test t he relative strength of e.Àch individuai chiid 'and the amnount of increased strength lie lias shown in coinarison with bis records of a previous year. These senies of tests are given fo test. arn muscles as shown ni the push up 'for bovs and distance t hrow' for g.irls and accuracy n akfalga shooting. Every child had ample op- porfunity for practice before the tests %vere given, Mr. Davis asserts. The second' séries of1tests showed the foilowing resuits: Girls' hlghest record in basketbali distanc.e.throw STOLP SCHOOL: Class A: Betty MeCulluni, 50 feef, Jane Larnprey, 43 feet, Betty Clements. 42 feet. Class B: Jane Solonion, 54 feet, Relen ,kiIes, 51 feef, Katherine Shank, 4.4 feef. girls. activity thaf has been open fo 'outaide competition, got uîxder way Tuesdaý, evening when the first gaines ini the elimination round Nvere played at Sfoip gymnasium. Two more first round gane's will he playved tom4orrow evening afteî 8,:15 o'clock, and the' final gaines left III theC round will bc plaved at the Stolp gymxnasium Monday eve ning In addition f0 the first round games lef tto bc playe.d. sec ond round ganes in tiie.,consoôlation league will alsc be played off ,Monday night. ,Al gaines. in the fournarnent will be .played at Stolp gvînnasiuin and they will bc plaved on Monday, Tues- day, and Fridav evenings. Trhe public is invifed to ail gainesý and no admis- sincharge, wjii be imade until. the sei-fiminal gaines which wiil be piayed 'Maech 29 and April 1. The gynxnasium iii bemopen. at 7 ,o'clock -and, the frst gaines will sfart at 7:15 o'clock. Three Raines will be played each eve- nling uintil the fil'al inatches when oniv, two zainxes -will i>e pla'v ed. CssC: 'Bessie Bouicîikas,, five out of fen trial1s. Eleanor Speredes, fIv-e out of ten trials, Catherine. Symotis, five out fif ten trials, Cînaes B: Janet 1Hardt, six oUt, of fen trials,* Jean-* Gor'don, five ouf ý of feu trials. Lorraine Richards, fiv'e ouft of 'en trials. Class E: Dorothy Davis,' six. out of ten trils, Shirley Garnlss, five ouf of ten t ri al s, Beatrice Leal, five out of ten Cl'ass F: Dorofby Eiler, five out of tèn trials, Irene Baron, four out of ten trials, Jean .MastQu, four 'ouf of tefi trials. Boys' record in Pull up: HOWARD A: James Verslno, six fîmes, William MaeMorran, six fîmes, Ara Boyajian, three fumes. Class B: Robert Steffens, twelve times.. Robert Specht, seven tîmes, Vincent Weiss, seven fîmes, F'rank Býrychta, se-- eni times. ClasRs C: Gerald May, sixteen fîmes. Robert Hull, sevenfeen fîmes, Roberf Eldredge, six fîmes. ,Class D.- la rvey Steffens, fourteen fnmes, Ha.rold Borre, elght fîmes, bave Haas, six times, Louis Crane, six fîmes. Class E: Milan May. fen fîmes, Frank Schaefer, fluxe fîmes, Walter Iloffmeyer. elght times. o feani has fin islied the season as vic- yr fors over aIl comipetifors in the Wil- ýs muette Piayground and Recreation d boa.rd's basketball league for womnen. This Year f weive tearns competed 'for [the league . championship and ,a. t riple fie resulted affe'r fhe first round e Drin *the second round fthe Sch'ultz & No rd fearn, thé Brownies, and, fhe O'Kayà s started t he play-off ifor the league titie. lu the first night' of play the 0OPKays mnet de feat at the b ands :of fihe Schuiltz' & Nord teain and in, t urn defeated the Br.ownies, leaving al the weight of th e argu- nment to the last gaine between théi Brownies and t he Schultz- & 'Nord tear in i deciding whether..or not the second round ivouid result in a triple fie. The final garne was decided by a basket -made after* the final whist le ivas blown, the bail being in the air at the turne fhe tmmkeeper sounded fixe signal for: the finish of fthe gaine. The victory oqver the Brownies, in1 addition to gvng S'chultz & Nord tli'e league chamnpionship, also ieft theni %w.Ith a only one gaine iost ini sixteen Weeks of play,. Both .flhé Brownies and O'Klavsenided1 the sea- son with fourteen v'icto.ries ,and>.fN'o .defeats. Results of the final gaines: New Trieiý. (8) Mallinckrodt (19) M4arlon Iverson -' Rose Toscai Marian Swanson Vivlan Nicolazzi Jean Burns Violet Pailletti Mary Gordon Marf ha Weilleî' June Kehl Lucille Welller Kay Hoffxxeyer 'Aima Riva IDorothy Volîman' Nondas Rodenkirk- Riggle. referee Six 'Bits (1-5) ' asketeers (12) Helen Hunter Dorothy Schlnlér 'Peggy Shea Eleanor Regan-, Grace Allen Jane Krler Ruth Allen ýFraacesý Toscan i M. Frances Schwall Rose Toscani Riggle, referee Austins (4) Helen Jannes Mary 'Whlte Marlon Schneider, Frances Schnîidtz ]Doris Sfancoe Leretta Steffeus Mfary Meter Geraldine We-ber- Rita Weber 'Mary. Hoffuxanl ~Margaret De Marco Cleméîiie A ntonlo Rlggle, r .eferee wînnfeld Rogers Kanninig, Joe Kraft John, Zopp Bob Braun lia rry Pefers Metlîodisfe (32) Charles Varney Robert Penlce ROWARD GIRLS: CasA:- Virginla Marsh, fhree out of fen trials, Dorothy omstoou of feu trials. ' HlefW u Class B Dorothy Hill, five out 0f ten trials. Dorothy Masslg, five out f 0tfen trials, Elizabeth TLsie. fourý out 0f ten' tria4ls., Helen Schwvall, four out of. feu trials. trials. Robert Smith. tfour out of ten trials, Fred Baker, four .out of ten trials: Class F- Louis Relsner. four out of ter' trials. LOwell Peterson, two ouf of tel] trials. Robert Wenter. two outfqcf tell trials, Lawrence Schuber, f wo' ouf of feu trials, Ralph Jeronie, woout of ,eu trials. Ohecker Çlass Titie Charles Soule, 915 Lake avenue', won the titie in Junior Checker 'tour - nament conducted in fthe affernoon cesand checker >class hield at the Stolp schooi iibrary under the* dkec- tion of H. L. Beach, and, sPonsored by the.:Recreation board. Ulm ý 1 lis