remint nceetînigs of the club. *Williami A. Hansen, Chicago fier. ist, and orchid enthusiast, wvas th( . speaker. Hje told thie story of the mosi rare -and beautiful cf flowers.. Almosi evcryon e lovýes :ai(l admires' ti magnificent ocis hysee and pro- cure of. their florists, but few realiz< the ceare and tirne necessary to bring thern to their iiaturity' Seven' te ter years Mr. Hlansen said is thîe tinie re- ( u i red. f romi seed' 1te hlooiîîg plant, and tic explainied and illustrated ivitil growing.specimens the d<evelopmcnt and progress tlîrfough eacli of the years. Grown for 200 Years Orchids have been knovn and.growvî for two hundrcd years. althongh. mosi of' their developmcnt lias -beehi within the last orle hundred years.. But prchids as we sec and kncw, thei to- day are largely the result cf'tihe worl.i cf the past fif teea ycars. l'le orchids, we are inost famiiliar witlr are byrids-crcsses of oene strain i*th alotlîe,. This crossing is con- Sta 1, tly being carried on witiî the idea elif developîng more and different coni- hinations cf colors. and perfection cf loomn. It is.paiistakiing zWork-tlie wo(rk o>f professionals,' bût sc gre atly bas it progressed, tlat.biois are now availahle in. greater. itnnbers' and at prices n(t ont of propeortion witli1 the decOrative value (of teffl r rso- cial Scasons. Hybrids on DispIay A table t nioli hvrid orclîjds made a lovelv display anîd as' furnislied by Charles Loiidoii cf l'Sanstoiî. Thîey, \werc grcwn by AndreNv Benson of1 Desplaines, onecof the foremnost orchidý grovers of todaY. Mr. l3enson Nvas present at the meeting. '.,r. Christiai-ý s-on also carne f rom Evanston te demon-" strate just o an rci should be handled. He taped and& ired ene te Show how tlîeflowcrs arc 'prepared for a corsage. At. the close of the meet- ing Mr. London prcsented each mei-. ber of the club there with a snîall orchiid bleQmn. Hear of Mosquito Controi Preceding the flower program tlhe etlub menibers were told abôut mos- qItitoe.s. and. the efforts to control them I'crn;îcio)?crii aîatic tellor, * I<S'sniqof th c Lalment ai Ille cnd of the first I Cf-1,ik the JdgJî-. 1l"Iofin "P(agliacci," tlhc coin- tic/e grand opera ii soulnd-filii, hihis ,Pr-eseiitcd ai flhc Varsity ilclc-of L1uii astou .Saturda-g mrli>iJii. .1I(iih 1. Tiiere wilI bc Iwo mican<sne .ai 10. o'clock, iamd tlect<4 lier ai 11:30. Thue slwwing. Is .c/omsorc<l h v musical anid zom- tC *(li l J I<if-lI sii off lthe ion/z shîore. Robert A nhalt Wins Declamation Contest Robert Anhalt of the Avoca scliôol, on Ashland avenue ini the northwest ection f Xilnette,. wil represent the coutv schools of .New Trier township ini the Division No. 3 decla- inatorv at,,tlîe Croation, sclîool ini Des Plaines Friday of this wveek. Robert won first place iii. thé New Trier township ceîîtest lield Monday at tlhe Cleveland schooh in NNues Ceni- ter iii cennection with the Nules towvnship) contest. Phllis Sclierer c the Hliglicrcst school placed second lin the Necw Trier centest. *Mrs. Grant Ridgeway-s reporý"tofth coniittee on efficiency iii government *was quite extensive and she outlined a season's .program of study as suggested !)y the National league. -They recoinmend for study, inomina- tion and. élection, procedure, president-> ial primary and national conventions, laws relating to political parties, pro- portional representation.- Mrs. Chartes Holmes who lias charge of'the pub- licationi sales of the league, suggested several excellen>lt, pamphlets relating",to these subiects as -wella ayohr %whjch she, said should be,,taken home and thoroughly studied. Mrs. Alfred Hodge reported on the leagal status of w .omen. Mrs. A. B. Spach gave a re- port on, the question of, taxation and school .finance. Mrs. Chartes South- ward gave anl out1lie of wlat is being done, in Cook county finance and cost reduction. Mrs. Henderson, gave a brief report about womnen iit industry. and Mrs. Guy Lifte1soke about liv-1 ing costs.1 Attention was c alled to) hie National hroadcast prograni over \VMAQ on ruesday afternocns at 2:30 o'clock.f Tliese progranis are of utmost. imI-ý portance, the league announices. The group skated on many of the lakes iniinortheastern Illinois and southern Wisconsin, including Lake Geneva. The boys stayed over night Sattirday with Mr. Townley in Mil- waukee. TEACHER'S FATHER DIES John Albert. Mayer of Evaniston, father of Miss EdniaR. Mayer,,sec- ond grade teacher at. the 'Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth, died last Saturday. The funeral services were, held Monday afternoon. Mr. Mayer, is survived by. his, widow, Mrs. Isabella, Mayer, three sons, Wallaçe, Williamri and Everetti, and. the daugh- ter, Edna. CUBS ON SKATrING 141KE Fifty-eight Kenilworth CL s went, to Chippily Ridge on a skating hike Iast, Saturday morning, accompanied, by RobertXV. Townl'ey, athletic di- rector at the Joseph Sears school. 'Mrs. William O. Welch, who-bas been a guest at the Kenilworth inn, is now with a f rienid at 1112 Hul .street, Evanston. I -4his is a realI value! JOB'S DAUGHTERS' BENEFIT A social evcning will be hield Fri- day, Marcli 18, at . 'cok at Ille home of Mrs. Myrtle Hiopkins. 13.2 Greenwood avenlue. fards anid bunilco will be plIayed- and, proceeds froni the eveings entertainment wilgo to the Bethel fund. SEARS TEAM LOSES For the second time thiis season the Josep.h Sears school girls' bas- ketbal. teamn of Kenilworth lost to the H4aven school of EvanstoiilastL Friday, 14 to 6. The game was played at Kenilworth. 1109 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO.: Micdle Western Dmvioo Fanoy Dwy-pi.ked CAPONS. lb.e