[Fui Our finest native 'beef 21lC ]MT.LOAF reshgroi:d beet b 5 SLIEDBACON. n iLr2:lbs 49c LAMB CHOPS-Rib, lb. 42c Loine lb, 46c, rJELLO Aâ%ortpd 2for 15c PRUNE IUehlleu weeft Santa claraq. 2l: 5 PRUNES Mdt t40.O i ;0 2, e I.2b. 2 HIlIFBrothr 9l. 39c PLACHES laby stuart Yeilow Clings. Fine baiig ivef,--No. 2% tIuni. .2for 45c PICKLES u; ndbtter ecdi17c THINSIES %%olewhe t :frs, t. i ecdi15c CRACKERS Nationial PrelIUBI SodàS The big 2,11., 3ôe size Aitoilnl. The finest linported Itillan. MAYI <>14 lIoîîk. Our, ihlwest seller cd 29 qt. $1.29 2 for 39c Pt. 29c KEN-L-RATION 'nie pfood. doz. $1.35 PEAUTBUTTER each 18C DRIED APRICOTS ieUutr 2 lb:. 39c *Howard schooi. Assistant commis- sioners N. A. Scbwall, S. C. Bennett, *and L F.i ~ Todd, are aiding in the organization and prograin. An at- tractive séries of events is planned for theevening's entertainment and an impressive ceremony with flags on parade and,'buigles sounding . wilI be conducted by the Scouts. Cubs, Boy ýScouts and Sea Scouts will take part in individual group stunts and dem- onstrations of Scouting-work. Dr. O0. H. Berscb, district Court o.cf Honor chairnian w-lit be lu charge, of m'aking the awards te the various troops and individuals. He willi cal on committeemen of the vyarious units to niake a,%ards.to their group.s. This annual Scouting- exhibition, usually called "H'Iobby Show," bas always been the high ligbt of Scouting en- tertaiument in Wilmette. Tickets for the exhibition are ob- tainabie fromi any Scout or at the door. ýAil money froni this show wili ,,o to the individuai troops for equipý- ment. 'l'le B. C, Hawk s residence at 157. Kenilworth avenue. Kenilworth, bas b).eti ieas1ed to C.- J. Batters of New York and lie and bis family will occlupy Craig,,Ketcha'ni and hi> daughiter,, lBettvy. 61F .Abbosford road. Kenil- lith ave.left-to join the iam ily at Palm Beach, .Fia. VOCAL - PIANO - DOROTHV1,RANKIN Vocal Teacher Residence Phone- Winnetka 139 ERNAL' AKELY Piano Teacher-A ceompanist Residence- Phone- Wilmette 1648 BOULEVARD BIJix. 627 Eieventh St.. Wiitnette 2417 N trustees and a V ilage clerk wil e waged between two parties at the an- ual Village election to be held in Ken-' iiwortb on Tuesday, April 19. By Tuesday, Mfarch 15, the ciosing date for filing the naines of Village candidates, two partics-the Reguilar Keniiworth, and-'the Citizens' - had' submitted their entrants in the race for Village'office.s. The Regular Kenilworth.party wilI. sponsor two present i ncuiwrbents 'for re-election,, Village Clerk Wendell H. Clark,1 71 .1 Kent road' and 1 Village T rustee. Richard C. Johnston,' 321 Melrose avenue.' The, two, new reg- ular Kenillworth candidaites for Village tru stees :are Porter Fox, -.62f3 WariWick road,-and Waiter.A. Knoop, 221. Warwick road. Opposition Candidates The Citizens', Party candidates are: for Village clerk, Dýay-id E. Eimgren. 551 Brier street; and for Village trus-_ tees, Hermaný C. Hintzpeter, 212 Sheridan road, Warner Cary, Lewis, ')01 Kenilwortjx avenue, and C. L. Frederick, 250 Sheridan road. The names of candidates on thé Regular Kenilworth party were, en- tered by nomination; names of cani- dlidates on the Citizenis' party wei-e entered, by caucus-.. The Citizens'1 party held its caucus at the Kenl- Worth Assemblyý hall last, Friday night,. Trustees whose terms expires ti spring, but who wil l ot. seek% re- election, are Arthur B. Adair and john L. Wilds. Village President Ralph R. Hawx- *hurst and Trustees Richard Wolf e. Harry V. Crooks, and Henry G, Zan- der, Jr., still have one vear of tlieir, two-year ternis to. serve. IOn March 22, George. Gillett r e-- turns from Sewanee, Tenn., for bis, 4 pig vacation with bis parents, Mr. I and Mrs. W. Noble Giilett, oi '533. Ros§lyn--road, Kenilworth. Marjorie Smythe. 43 Keniiworth ave- nue, Kenilwortb, witl,,return.f rom DPen- isonl college on April 1, for býer vaca- tion. ESTABLISHED 1891 GROCERY and MARKET PHONE 510 PHONE 514 CENTRAL adTWELFTH ..WILMETTE Corridor of the, Brown Building III Undkrwear and $~A<1'Jewelry Phone Wilim.1t. 4406 I 1:1. il