1-1. ber the thing sbe has wanted ail ber life ... curly bair! Permanents in long or short har- grey or. white. bair re- mains- the same color. ,Whetbet Mother is 25 or 75 in this year of 1932,: she is thoroughly ec.on- omy-mindeds aka- vantage1 of our Oil and Scalp Treatment or Man- icure Tickets. During ýMa'y-Shampooi and Finger.Waves $1 0 .Frederick, Vite Tonk,. Eugen., Le ,Mur o:r 7f Gabrieleen. Permanent Wav.s ..........V A Iso Juiior Wavpe, special-S5.SO Neiw California Realisfic $ 0 Ringlette.. £3a Carita, Salon In Rear ofW N ER 'SDrug,.Store, 417 Linden Ave. Phone Wil 4501 t is interesting to ktow triart teTrE-ihshotamtùa.e î.- exact surn contribuestions mr-ctitbeniI- ,Aorth î was ;$1,757.43 for the tuai cous es.n OlefilJtwslciui _ eguto share w1ith other, who ýv-Lllotherwîvse go liuiigrý,. "we eiuun Ia and ending May Il fivtc ,em1ber,ý<, Mr~ Grnt idgay.charma, la~the New. Trier iaculty uilI visit the'. expr~se aprecatin t be ci grammar sçhools and give 'the eiht.li miteewhih nclde Mr. ~ITC~graders. detailed instruct*onlson re' - Prentiss, MIrs. Sanford Holden, Y!r .istain.Rgstain ad9xii KarI Kôrrady, Mrs.> Guv Littell, Nlrs. handed out at that t -ime. David DeCarnp . Nrr,.\L.Mc- '1 i iDougal.' MrS. Franîk Nsoî. rs. -.\['mbelrs. ofthe facult wî il 1Rufu: Stolp and NtrS. ji WilIs, visit the schools are:X.I. iL wi for their fine spirit and untiring zeal, director of reference and researc:i and to the' women .of the villag-e tor F T?1Ll A.'Khlr, l. ii their generous respalîse whic liasIMssrîzut acer(enaiil. mad te pojctposibe.and the two freshînen adi. isor-s. 11. 1£U H1erron and Miss Ella Shaw. 1During..che drive. the general ýcorn- Iittee ini Chicago reports that .aver May 13 to 16 are the datc.,re fita - $ 42000 was, raised. While tli s~ txvhl set for the freshmianrrg-r. exceeded the amounlt ant.icipat.ed there is stiII a crying need formore assistanice, it, is explained. and an- orie who wishes to send. sunis to this worthv andl necessary causenay (Io sa: bV mailing.checks to MNrs.. Granit Ridgivay, 207 Curüberland. r o.ad. Kenilwvorth. %Vho will forvvard tire money to the gencral, fund. Ap- praximrately10,0 families are ,tfIli looking ta the Emiergenicy * Relief commi'san for total or partial re-, lief. Mis Phebe Hedrick, returned to. lier home at 304 Me Irase -avenue, Kenilworth last wveek from-a winteri of studv in Paris. UNGTIME .47WHERE SHALL 1 SEND MY RUGI? This important sprungm- cleaninog question is answered beyond all doubt wlien you entrust your, -Wave Time ne w rcai z.o n d your permanent be had in com fort as, T ôZ re- quires fa ma-, n e i ne Kenilworth Planting9 Campaign Is Success, The recent drive ýin -eiwrl sponsored by bath, the Keiilworitt Garden club and the HoniL and Gar- den club of Kenilwor-th for th,,: ptait- înig of flowering crabapple tree< hla,. resulted in the planting oÀ sevuràl hundred trees. alonglparkway. and in garden spaces,ea prQcedurte that should evetually maýke Keniil%,artii a- garden spot'.in,,the. earl v . hlinill" season. Sp1.ecial erphasis va.S2plac eq oo Kenilworth avenue and Seiairo<l, Tlbere is, a distinctive îflantin- <O crabapples, bath -Native and.\iîîc coxnbinied with Englishhalnram evergreens aï the bridge on Sheuridain road between Kenikvorlth aven ai NIeirose avenue. This wvas p1àntefi ani designed by M.\rs. B. Gi.*NIC d The Garden clubs arçcaueaîi with the 'Village tca encourapec11tr estîng civic planting. ThewetKi- iworth drive is another notable eC.-. ample of unusualp.lanitiýiiu, "£MI' WILL BE: MARRIED The marriage of Mfiss Hlei lcu Il man 'King of Evanbtoxî andI Maya Mitchell also of Iiva11,ýtou, wl. take place Fridav afternaoon, Mx2 at-4:30 o'clock at the First Mt~d~ Episçapal church of Evanston. Ar - ception at the Georgian hotel xx jîl1f.oý low the service. Miss King is *' hiCi of the famous radiotrio, --Clara; .' and Emn." T Uni. 5050 Mme.-' Huntingford cogme used exclusivety i 16 7 Wilniete Are. Phone Wilmeue 4598 Ilfeen Curtis Class Piano io-week term.,$5 1133 CENTRAL AVE.. ______________mette________3-65 _________