Formerly priced at, $5.00, Now ', $2.95an Rogular stock -of Hat s seling at - $L95 $3.95 MCMAHQN AT WORTHEN'S 1. 1ý48 Wilmette Aveinue MNfiss Katherine Hed1gltn presented the i-ounger members of her class of piano a recital Saturday. afternoon. April 23, at the Columibia, School of Music. studio in Winnetka. The children were assisted 1w jane Stromi of Winnetka anid Mary, Janet Léeh of Wilmette. who .will plav -igaii with the olIder pupils. May 14. Wc. offe.r you a. choice of giffu frém the Jeweled Cnation to the inexpen.- sive remembrance.. Ont enofment oumbracesa wlde varlSty of watcheselocks,' silyerware, ringe, broochee, necklaces sud .aauy other item@ suitable as Gifts for vour InspnU.s le -iii mM eordlaIll te. We v ol .ploe..d Glft fer Nther.. _______ II)r4INIC IPAG LIMAU LO Jeweler aind Opiian, k-cep up the diligent wvork of collect- ingand saving, and hopes that. parti- cularly those living ini preceincts wvhich started late, estinliate their, savings and contrihate thP, durug fie last collection. Tie block c()llctOrs, wiIl make. their last. collectionS on0'i 1\fonday, Mfay 9, turningý in tlle sav- ings to thie -captaiins on TuesdaY. ()i \Nedne.sda., May 11, Miss Shapker wilI turn in the [ast contributioni froi WNilmette to the -Pioneer M.\eal' fund. ..L1ast wcek the total amott ent in by-Wîlrnette w~as $88.~hr au froiù the p reciinets as follow~s Precinet I 1.I 1 Precinct 2î; Precinct I Preclinet A Precinct * Precinet ti 212 Precinvt 71.' Precinot !f2 * Prëeiat i lI PIjI.7 q; Precinct il1.1 1Every .iatt < sw eiurd Idurinig these last txvo weck, of fIm, Iproject to tnake vr aîgntco- tribution p)os>tible lo raise the ai n mt of \Vilnitte', contribution t, tic -Pioncecr Nea funti. Measies, Chieken Pox Lead, in. Contagion List Twenty-inc alew -Of conta - grioils 'dïsases. -iicltidiing «oe ol t - iia. onie of, scarlet lvet\vo xvlOl)agcough. aiinc (if chicken lpox. and foilrteén of neasies. wç\*rU r ported in \Wihnctte b% the cn health departmnent for thie wei id- i ng Tuesdav, AprIl 20. Iu addituq t t these inewvcase,, there arc olili r v. ini the village five 01(1 cases of h'p îgcouglh. two. of Scarlet 011.0i of chicken pox, and olne of imeasl es. OPENS BAKERY.HERE. '1'lîe\Xilnette I Homiehakýe'ryv. îop- >rated by J. H. Bl1aklerent' opened: for l)Usiness at 1193 \\ilinwtte avenue, across, the street fro .nithte Village hall. NIr. 1Blaklecy calicl to Xiliette from Chicago, wlîere h operated a ba kery for ten vears. 11 s ne\vXWilmette bakcry- is ha.dling a cotupicte fine of hione-made' baker. IBoulevard 1I Louisî A. Eii.LsBL 1141 Ceuntral Aveue >rugStore R. Ph.G. Phone Wihuette -4W0 = OOLbau5Ua 9 A~. Mv. to, 9 r. Mv. The Bible. and Works of Mary Bakcer Eddy and ail other autborized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Rooi. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITIED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM, M iss 1~ m~. I