century îzutc-pi, -- i neRap'-'z:i L.ock," was adapted for dramatiza- 1 Arrangements for the talk to 1)e tion by NMiss Jane As'hman, senior I given b-, Mr. West were made student and daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. 1 through William M. Klin, .400 Central; Lewýis E. Ashmian of Deerfield. Ms avenue, Wilmétte, Mr.. West's law Ashmiiait bas taken leading parts i111 partfier. 'Mr. Klein is the fatheir ef three previous Carleton fetes and wvas William Klein, student member of the choeiito la th pat f Ppe.hiforensic board at New. Trier Higlh this vear's production. school.. Mfiss Aime Boddie, daughiter of Mr. 1 The Gave! club, which is. the. de- and Mrs. John B. Boddie of Wýilmette bating organization at New 'Trie.. and of 1710 Juneway terrace. .Clhi- plans to,.have a. nmber of eminent cago., will play the part of Sir Plume i speakers address its meetings.« The iii the fete. Mliss «Boddie is a SophIo -club- has invited anôone outside the mo~re, and lias appeared in numerous school interested. in' hearing 11r <ranatic productions whilce enrolled in ; West to, attend the meeting this Fni- Ne%%' Trier H4igh sclhool and in North-i day. The public also w ill be invited wveîtern utniversîity. 'to other meetings of the club when Two \Wýiiietka students, 'Miss Alice speakers or prominence will addre.ss B. Venrick, sophoîniore. andi daughter, the organization.ý of MIr. Glenn N. Venrick. 608,Wll~ road. and Mfiss Edîth G. Clerk ,juniior. IN RECITAL SATURDAY daughiter of M-,rs. F. E. Clerk . ' Jaît .9rg32 3 Frstae 'lower road, wN, participate. resp.ec tivýelvY, as a belle, of Hamplton ( ou.r. e spayn narcital at Lyonii and Fleà,lv's hall iin Chicago Saturdav and gnme.aiterncion. Her prograni Nviib NI iss Betsv Pliniptonl, daughter Ot vi t 'îtio wSech1ckand Mr.an Mr. ,ahan C Pln~on Botrre- 1)v Bach. Janet ýis a piapil t.fCiî~ao.was selected as onle ot f ~aCliniluid. llebainen, ~biet%\o ôthier Chîicag ___________________________ Nldiîs iss Carolyn -Haeb)erly-n,! - V and iss arv GiibV, will,,tale the' part s res;iective1% of, a bi-elle and a Thle storv concerns the theft of a lock of hair fron ithe.head of Belinda, a cort heautv toé)w )ia Yh is Dor. t1lîx Ilidalte of Tracy.Mna.h tCe Br a xilv court galiant to be i>.)rtrav-ed ]w NMiss Katherixie Berge - .of Jackson, a, and the stilsequtelt furore of ail of Hamnpton court. xv'itl spirits of the w\ater, air, and forest takin- sides iii the dispute. Oak Park students and the parts -an tile \ illpla\ i the fa.ntasy includ *:LsIiliian Bvndauighter of. Ed~ iesp cwo: ,. 'Bryani..niaidei; NMiss Jean Chap- Sicd annse wo da.(augitcrà of Paul Chapinati. lcdBnaswt ... " ; l andlMisElzbehCraig. I IE L A N O 'S dauigltVr ofôMrs. E.H. Craig. "card."i is, atenElMis. "daughter of. R 1' C H C REA M N.illiamin 1 Ellis, 1823 Grenoo ls a C-eam that improves that avnu, i imt t c, a 11 1Miss Jean-1 delicious, natural flavor niette MNcB.nde-, dauighter oÀf-Arthuîr in any fruit. M cBrde, av~vod. viii ake he oiI.' an xtra jottle of eream t<ha parts Of ?maidens, ýiCIe Miss Phocb-e eFrom the In tihe Fur Business for Three Generations VICTOR . UWOIH[RS'CO. MANUFACTURING FURRIERS 368 CENTRAL AvFw.-HIGHLAND PARK-PH. H. P. 351 3.95 Gay; litti. prints mnthe sk..r.st oýf organd-s to the sturdiest piques, some wit h puif steeves, some withouf ,sI..ves, many Wtlh Frinch pan-l of colors and sizos» 1 year fo 14 Also, Junior Sizes La Je unresse, mc., JUNIORS' anid. $IRLS' WEAR is WILMETToE AVE. WILMETTE want Wo rld'9sFas .test Fxreez ing Speed -fm waer o ie nùsustj KELVINATOR, NORTH SHORE EVANS1TON. 619 G(rove St. Gre. 12314-32 mua WILMETTE )151 Wilnuette Ave. ,Wai. 1 1