-Church 'Ihat ('are.<'" Sundav, 3<ay 1, is Communio>n Sun- day. The hand of Christian Fellovship will be extended tc, thoge who havi- jolned the' churc-,h receýntly. We tru>t that there will he othersý who will wl-h-i to unite with tlhe church at titis seýrv- ice. eler.- willbcInstalled by the '. pa~et'attI-e. sevie otewee,-k heýnce. The'VestywîImetW.ndy Mav 4, in ther-rtr.fie T- nýia-fr Junic)r chu.rch lmember- *-onsL tea -hi!cntinu-s at the churcith hour.Th 1 la's ,I nt.-rrnediate-s wil be continlcedSt o nsL hea und-rth.ti- pa-strir*'s direc-tion after his Wilmette and Park aoenuis, W ilnmeueé .-~rî f-l taht'ic City. H -rmn WM~r a, Ncext Sunday, in. the Junior-InÉ-,T,.F-l .i-- h rrr-hof a- mtediate d-partmneft, Parents' Day w-l'ini'iirI'-inn.- prormOf c be observed. Ail parents 0ftr osad iu'i n-nb-.I - nhu fru-t girls in the departmient are cordiallý --. lnrkul'-Th.- .rI'b-f Invited to attend. Each .lass will have- at S rj*(cIrjc'k -r,: W.-1In e à.lil drtd -:l -rC some work on exhjbit. The regular class t9 sessions wi111ieheldfollwing an open h hltha-[iswI:hI ' a ing worship sf-rvie. By visiting themetn Tuda-- ni'x -ly2 clase sessions -parruts w 111 gain a bet- hGrSctr--). ter' under.staÏfldiflg ot'f, he work bheing-- donce in th-4 eholin rIii>- -du'..r- TrAky l--'f - w-h- Thii- Young P.ý-rpIes rr.twil tu.-t T- uasA' '- ~ at f) p_ m_.for anoth,:-r fipý n-t m tiný.T Tusa-,Mi-5 AInnnI: ~-"-" metings from nijw until terlo-igofl in xrutv.r,mln---i:-r.-tfl in Junehave heen pannad,-aheaýd and' each commission poi.- thv nand gf-ner.ýilaid se-winrcLui.- --- .il! prriïst-).hv ntU -.vda rrr vt' -u- i Interesting programn, Th.--tcpie nB' sîr Thrk'u n eeting -h , -i r-r>- Sundy wli e aprrpiat tr -- r,)rr. qw-I1i ake place at i :3.'l reý Weck and is In (harùréfPé;M -,Hirkrnrin 2 ,up until Tu--it%-_ Mr-. chairman of th,, ý:tewardship. comm'is- herKniwrh1q.'l t-:'.- sn.We w-lcomre ail yc"unirý peo-ple and'cnWdi-:dy their friends to attend. ' OfWdled. Satýrdy1 pri 30Th, Éruma-c-sale willl l î--i y SatudayApri 30.Tht.m.-m~r~f th- Woman's Aid o"tvThriv I the Pionei-r scity Juni-,r-Intern'-'-di- ' ateý tept.) 'wfll attenld thr-aiulw -'FraMu- n .i h t -'n rally In 'Chicago at rthe Immann-ul Pri.p- tmoSrp ~e-3-tna iraz t' tlst church. We wil lae the Linden vn oehn o'h~se éne L" at 12;-14.EP rne l akpd -frîu- nV n n'iz~ aveue he-------hich yo)u have ni-, fur-h-ýr 1rî- l b to be sure te) be fl ntinme. Tr Junior ':-am.-uîIv a- choir is to, sing an' anthr-m, and Qeveral "etd others are t rsetaplay. Th Nfilan Lusk, d!stinz-u.iýh.d ' Chllren5 Kng»:stof intî-rnational f>m.w-in-9z; * The Junio)r choir has ri-(---ntiy w.-lrn'm cd eîght new -mess-vicn bt-)zzand one- girl. Thcey are: Mfary May ('raw- ford, ,Du(Iepy Yeoman .Jamf-s Wolff *Richard Haa5s. Jim Lamb, Billy Ro-beýrts, Harrv Sifé-rt, Da-,,id KndiMlan May. Wirk is bie prr:parpéI for - rally next Saturda'y in Ci-g.f, Mwoitrs Day and for Pn-rotioýn Sun,- dae. A new 5seri-s' of dr-lightful. Wi-neý- da>- evehing meetings wiII be-gin on Wednesday, Nfay 4, at S p. mn.. in thit. Guild room. Thèse will be oýn popular topics 'for çlscus-s-ioh and mdtro. with..musical 1f,-tures, carh wc'A. Crn'm- and-enjoy this gr4iuni. n "rml-ng 1 eet-iflgq The pso s serrn'.ns dur mnonth of Mai- wii 1f) r'ifou Max n "ho'th,7- Di-or-- XV.--î A (nranunionM- Ma 'v 22: "Life Xonig 1.IN K N 0T 1CE.s -hnr- rf Xrs. NI. Vore 935Va-l ri ,4. 'rnertis erenirng. Thursdoy. Apri "S, in th- asml r'mý- h- "rh Nray- 1-Doctor Wrn. D - .-: h-irn preà-h--s. . 1 Junc 5--S.-rond dc-dCrr';î anr:-r- '::irryI - ishrp Jas:hwtujntRn-'nia!n' the Hfr'rt Indian bishop At the M-tehr-i-'. " hùr- -h. A Ve-per s.-rý- i,uvth-- -r ind Miss ;BriU-I.the i r- n- f unn- 1 -'h i1 l ren-r 1 k 1 Ncw-enolm,-ns -arI.-i ~r--9 .-a-"h undruv ln te-a- r-fT- -,re mr- up nr-t envrf -'hfldr-n-h u ýrd .,vwith an a - --nrl, r Nezl -:Sym- Th ldi m---i --z M -nr, yl Mt r.n .Sv- h-'ec- in t' -tt 'hal irnF-"at i- h h - - The ç>atorvil iî-J ritlr join t h', 'fil T e dis i t . :0 Io k frr a aI ,,i. h tr, r i -e t Chur-àh T.ýiephOr:l SERVICES 11 :10 A. M.-Se-r-iec-and s-n . 31 E E T ING.S Mr~d~y : 7 43-hArreh-arsaA. Tu-sayv t- S P. M.-Adult r-'nhi rr.. r Thur-ýd< at v -La1:e- 2id and 3:- Thur'.-: :-.- a- 7 43 . M- -:,up . r P .WF, Suhr will'-_cUpy puytc kathe frtrn'on servi-ce. A z- q,"x-' I& rratly. -- -'-~~ -'P.' 3M.."nolia The 4_' '. -f the Ladi--r'Aid nl--- rn-'A-' -"-:-,v D -r--j U o * - r--r r, ,l ;:s,n the-x eng- ti's p r- ' PM. Frî,-jyv anrd I-rgail v-U un un' n!- rrfr :'- .f h-'va' IJ finith ;tir- their ft-: *rl. -~~-n1, hmrng n ama -1 - -r -I- te ' --ns f h Fjrçf Preshytla n 'Frorn ail M-ente-r tbe-r,."' " Commu1nin w-ith dd(re-Ss ,jt i1 a. tmr. cIl-nri. 'FHO h Iî eamC !-, 'Dusl1w'h lia; lke, : 1" 1ov8it ls. 1s - ' ' i ~'r~tp; rf yung er-lel 'ii-b. Te] Rhe 3viilIl't i'h stteqs, asIsi liv'Miss Jêuethodist Church h- h iri S urht bnrt- urg -MrivtiTorre n '-and-'-aa Coîîlpg i-cnt ea' Zlpeij ul t t,îtst The preacher' for next Sunday. morn- - Th--r,-- will I-l hou- ('ommnunio-n at' qS it ('1 May Itil t, Wollali's dîîiluit- 111g will be Dr. William D. Scitermer- a. M. --Theý Suriday seýho c 55Ai<,ni- rt 9 :3,) 011on oit May 13. CozY Corner l'toitrî-ssive horn. 1He has recenitly compîeted a ,'- ' -'Odc idwp fnvirA yùuu, to ttenjd nailnceon on My1;and ilti exhIIIit or world tour, 'and much 0 f the. spirit 'of Thursd-ay, Mav 5 ýwiiI be Ascension join uýs in Bible Study. t,,,hurCh sehool woi-k and hîî'îswntation of the International outlook' *111 find aDay ne 10f the,. great H1oly Days of twvO OiW-act pinys follovlng-ý the Parish placé In his preachln..Old frlends of 1thae >churrh commemoratlng the Ace- The 3ensq Bible easmeeCts at q:40 dlinner on M1%ay 25. Metibers and friendg the church wlll tecognize hlm, as: the di-mn of Our' Lord into Hèavern. There o'clock and 1 studying theý Gokpel of are asked t Îilote these dates. 1~ Tlh ( ýhr1i stfi ari E 1;djeayo -,'.r wI rnç.-t at ,5 :>, )-o'(ýck.ata1-,a- pt ar t n rir-<-çi1la t efr. %M1rs. i i i i h [ r Mw-h -a<1the disr-r4in 9arIme.t lp -Finiing Mv PI' llaCrç, in Li ft.- Th.- vrurg p.'ropre aie in'&!Ad tg. aUr'rj 'Flc re'Itey f.Chica go w!' 21 wp ,)' t he-, -rd I"-y'ri wr rh.rt- ih thé,-prohi-tni'-4 -i l ru ' 'r'l. Th- li a i. i - tutd -Ain M r.-w ii3: <,i IWt-. r. W- iyî1. T n-v s' ' ,tl a fr'-o .. I t a - 1 tlie-1 *-v--rr.», r i 7 '2> fr 1-: te -:irA-se ir'hr.rj *~~~~" th~r.l3ui \- a 1 l". ut1- th. * w-'-- f f l\tay I. te.(1 --rth-i "ilr.n ad - andetpu- 'b-- -.tai phu.-n,- fh- 'U'n.d -ta Cop Mr-r-r nd U> unht---. D v 'si -- irstCongre to na h. -,) ,rýl .Jvi!, liî I wi ui-:- th .1h r di î--.- r ut --igi(uled t'. OurSuîdryni '-tif2'~-ivehde nr Fm-r 'I ynr--riiaztht mlirt-r- sa-rmon t 45- w t, 12. h. rodWrd' lii. -tt x r,-~vi1 uoî'-udr-wu'h th -c 7; 'r Una h. -'d up-r.'h u -r'- I Pt -""-rai f,1ln-1r i>'n-Irid t,,- \nd :4. r--t :.a ' ,-