Would you 1k f0 gef as rnuch hot water, for one-haif, one-third or orie-quarfer your present cosf?. -Jsing your preomnt storage tank -Made fully aufomafkc -Noiseless in. operati0n Save from $30 t $100 in Your infallation coif Do if. th. Sient GIw way. Dem- onstratingimodels - see thM S e-nt*GIow'ilOu0i1Burner Corp.. 167-169 W WM. H.,NOBLE Distributor 1604 Maple Ave. Greenleaf 4181 Evanston ,Wacker Drive, Chicago HUFF RADIOHEAT BOILER' SALES CORP. 1463 Sherman Ave. GreenleaÉ 2910 Evan *tOnl Wilmette I 11O0 OAK HALFOSOLES Done' While You M~ 'red Free to YouT W.ieboldt's Basement-Eeae.ston. Besides havilig a Goodyc-ar blimp to entertain visitors. tbis suîmnmer Pal'XV aukee 'airport will1 have an- other ace 'attraction, an auito-gyro. Duncan Hodg-es, mîanager -of the air- port, is now at the. Pitcairn auito- gy ro factory in, the east takin>g a thrée W'eek s' cotîrse., He is learning. 10 fly the auto-gyro« and will bring Tone of tlhe 1uteîvPitcairni mo(lels backc to Pal-Waukee, where it will bc kept for demnonstration purposes- and for ca rrying passengers.. Many persons' interested.ini aviation have neyer scen an auto-gyro, except. in pictures, and few have- had an opportun 1ity to ride in one. Pal-Waiukee airport will be the Pitcairn distributor in the. Chi- cago parea. Bellanea Chartered for a Six Weeks'. Air Tour, The Munsing Wear companv lias chartered a Bellanca from Pa1-WVaui- kee airporî for a six weeks', air tou r of the. country., The tour, which will hc for advertising' purposes', wil'l bc-i gin about -Mav 1. Cliff Condit, one of the Pal-WVatikee pilots,' will handie the controls of the Bellaiîca.' Cliff' returned froni a vacation in -Cali-' forniia not so long ago, and nowi he's "aIl set" b sec the restiof the coun- try, The Munsing Wear shiP' will go to the west coast first by way of the sottwest.., then back'to Chicago on the northern route and later to the eastern section of the countrv. Ivake Solo1o Pisgifls Bailey A Wright, vice-presidenitof the Sky Harbor Flying' club and as-- sistant to the chief instructor, Vincent Taylor, annouinces that he bas soloed Doniald' C. ýCarter of Lake, Fo(rest with, only four and a. haif hours ot instruction.' Mr. Carter is a professor of aeronaýutics, at Lake Forest college, teaching groulnd school courses. SAnother menmber of the: 8kvIHar- bor Flving club, whoi has solocd re- cently is E. J.- "Red" Ingels, mem- ber of Ted- Weems orchestra plaving at the Trianon ballroom in Clîicago. "Red," like Wayne King, jules Her-, buveaux ,an d others well knowvn in the. world of popular music, is an aviation enthusiast.7 The Sky Harbor Flying club nlow lias a miembership, of. sevenîv.\-six. Tfli- enroliment is far sur;>ass ,ill expectations, according t10 Mai. R. WV. Schroeder, president of -the. club. Sky Harbor Restaurant to Open ThTis Week-end Mr. and -Mrs. August Ma v11 operate ,the, restauranIit and lunmch room facilities,:at, Sky Ilarbor air- port duriig the 1932 season. it wa, announced this> week. Mr. Marlas ,been in charge: of' caterinig anîd ban- quet arran'gemnents ai the Ed"(gewaý'ter Beach hotel. T[le restauiranit wiill bc open for biusiness May 1, and the. Sky Harbor imaniagemnt ba-, promn- Jsedl its Patrons theéficst0f ncal at ie usuial loir rates. iîg v rci riane tw t.,arry Passerngers at Curtiss ýAerial Photography New. Starting tbis Sundav visitors t0 FlyingClbAta io Cuirtis's airport near Glenjvîcîe îiflClb ý%Lac1o have ani oplportuniity to take pleasuire 'iiinsuacrual pl(t(graplI\hae hops iii a standard Ford tri-motored l)een ad'ded. to Ileatactions tor ship. -The'. plane, vdicli is poivec eber-of thie 8k J 'orFlviu with ritXVrhvind motors. willclacodntoH ii~rMry be~i hearpr alsùnîrmer .f orr secretary. ."Enough instruction wil1 passengers-carrying purpose. OfficiaIs.ib±gvnmmes b eiei, r of.the airpiort arc expccting a large 'urb ad"5tlttlc wllb nu înnber, of visitors at tbe field ýtîiis able to nmake -ictures froni the a ir sumrner, and1 the b", plane ivill be i wth their. oin camei.ras." r M ir - available for thiose w1io like t(, cool ýp1ivwas an inistruicto.r..iii thec photo- off b)v taking an air jvride, graphie service o lcAnvAir_ ______________Y_ corps (Iuring ,tbie war. Plae Ode fo Tw N Airport Clubhouse Is Mfiss Nargaret E.: I.uild, secretary to 'port south ot vv.nee.îung it was re- Mai. Reed Landis, chairman of the ported this week that tw'o Bellancïs Illinois State Aeronautics comimission, have beeni chartered to take parties Miss' Jeannette Uhlemnann of Win- soutli forý the annual racing eveuit. 'netka. and Miss Helen Schalwitz and Other airports in the Chicago anrea Miss Ruby Pierson, both of Chicago. also wilIl be, starting points, for- The dojwntown office.s of the flying speedy trips to: the sceîîe o .f I ie club, are, in the Merchanldise éMarc: derby. Ou wilI doitte S5ILENT CLOWý way, Investigate! OnDavisStreet EVANSTON -u