HERE ARE YOUIR Toots! FIRST A SPADING 'FORK 4-pronged with sturJy hendle IRON GARDEN RAKES W;.h wooden hendIes, no0w et 79c 43C GARDEN. TROWELS, TOO25 Every gerdener needs one ............... 5 0. V. B.'SPADES, -. de $5 GARDEN HOES, well.rade.. $l 4-PRONG WEEDERS, oànly 9c 69 Spirea Va n Houtt., or bia wreath, wifh Iov.iy cluster of whte oso . Privet Hedge GARDEN HOSE, $.95 à0-ootradSeI., h o se, corruga- td, ¾4n c h. complete with couplings. deW S/op,, replete ?tith every imiple ment for ite g&rdeýier. Gloriotis>sliribs, top. Garden Shiop-it Floor inches1 popular Lincoln.,1Park. Grass S1eeç:d 795rb. Famous seed thaas been tboroughly test.d. Glorifies your Iawn. JOHNSON 61 FERTILIZER., BLVU. e 50-Ibs. I River hedge,24: to 36 hgh à hr d yand Iawn hedg. 25-L'bs. Vigorol Doos mervels for your SOI. 50-pound sack $3; 100Il. for $5. HY-LIME. 50 pounds 47c. SPLENDID CLEAtq~-UP AIDS! 'Make Wails Like New!' Cleen eve ry w,ndow shadce and Wall in your. ~ ui 'Ouase with 3Cens,3 CMA CLEANERI:..........for. WearongPaint, aCalln fo 4eae guarentëe. Prepered bouse peint for exterior * andý înti r u-se. Colors and .white . .. ...i.. .. Linseed Oil FI Pure spop for furniture, woodworki floors. 5-pound can et $1 .30. One-po.und cen . a xo0ap at 30C You DQN'1T Have To Have .MOTHS!, Here Are Several Tr ustw orthy.ý 1Preventi'ves. ENOZ MOTH SPRAY L 87c pint-size cen .... 6C WJEDOLDT S - VANSTON On Davis StreetStore, Hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.'ý-Saturdays, 9 A. K4. ta 9 P. M. Wmte10 To On Davis.Street .W;Imefte 1100