Scout Just Can't Scouts on Hike Learn Stay Away From About Following Trails 'rhose M'ountains X,\ ip't 2 :15oîlc Sundav afternooý-n, Ea gle Scout Paul G'ilbert of Troop .rl ,tw emebN fTrpi 1.3.Kenilwo7irth. who - ,vill oo rà uuwere atl*St. Francis schoo-l ready rYor to hlus hotre, telstËdmre.of mountain, ai.Ke. Athug it wvaz called a hike. climhing in ra.y whicýh featured. ;N.1 ve ent outin the car of Mr. Cxv his :eventful vear 4-À stuclY and tra vel f)ur as sistant scôutmasttýr. . We arrived, in Vurope. HI,. Eaizle 5cr rut cousin, at the place, about 2-:45 o*clcrck, \we, ther. ILlerM.Forster. Jr., A4 Philadel- plaved l eap f rog" and "two ,deep, phi. sare th ~er Mb Pul il-While r.jur scoutmaster. Mfr. Krelich, bert. li a trait for us 'totrlo. -Mrh2.\liel n t. camc .mrto the The follAjwiinz of the trail started platir atth dp't U c Atrîund - ailright. but dIdn't end al right. Wc 'rn litfhre h upptz.botih 1got tangked up with anothe r trail -after trin leait skir th.*nd -.ight-.e~r.* Vhnt rai1in, about un-s1ucce"sfi.illV ýfor about we gûtorutat tht trasrring station ,e hou r. we went hack tA., leçcar and une ýIeýtMoun- teshoDwed tetalh- tanviews; I have errer sr:ýer. stood. be- had laid., Then Severa *v n'e for us Th sl~e. ~ e a!eratey heir trailinz requirer. .:ard . ýçveral grey rock a.1(I st>,\ r.'ri.. l beîII very pa;.sed ,jufddnz. .We Iai a tr.-re thev :ruýe t,,-,a very hi. nItevwr î î-.e apparent heighi. picrigtrrgitî a9o nrhnllw.r~ r ai p4or cloudb that hA-,veLe(-larr un-l, pair.. We hnc;dtc~hk~~t~ "~ehad anwaitt <n an huur intth,- pileasant GarmîSch. 'tàti'n býefore the L'4Henr rc l i<~~ *electric adhesion train puied1 in. and the weather report said 3 : 5~ mete r '-il ames XVin Interest 5110won the Zugspitze., ft, x e .as <eep ' p4Ne'br astehight, of a v~:nta n 1 ) . and of roop4Ne br a terrperature of _7,degrees. centigrade 'i i fWirt~: ~ * But the sun .kept us warmn. rmeé tir.g Wedlnesday. A r - 21-1 r e -The. people or. the trai:tr~ t~crn.d themen£ý: ta~ views quite .az.interù stinz a .w e di..areo ke - " àw ùhdfônsd oside and 5-tuck rar i;.ttt .r 'their heach ut, the wmnûwsagaifls t -rshreedt me thé rulies an-d gc t ota i tesa f r7.sad"i- .~~ . tionis to talike .pcue'adt, ti tkat (1aed*~a- h the. mountaîný .uIth u-1-.e.f<rthr ee ~ n'ahta I r-.Es sîo wse\trernel% rian.ta *rrthe ~me 0~- Penetrates R.markable Tumn. fe hnelthe fa at-~fr .rn %Son e came tir R1f rtein tation011 the ifrU r-7dav I%1 -.)::à as the bezinr.inr f tlie tuinnel. at. an -tate, Tbe 'r!ov: -Id':' - elevatio)nof,, i/,r neter,. t xas a 'ýa3-it '.az z r verv jinteresting tunneL ý.fi;r urnlike fr-i.e \e had(l rrm,-':~ :culn Mnost.. itgveth', di- :r -'ey û T h.-Mdm Vr;r' i:t-3e meters frrom the biTrnri andeeyAtr~ ' .- ~ C t VA~ meters icd ascent and at ail pointsnatr rrr:trn *î;- CA iincident inr. hë - i importa nt T ~n&~ moîuntailis. The tiinniel i. abA- t two - and theta,-fîrurth' miles 1on,-2. eadingWihnette Reports Showv ~-t $t<e~e ~at>n,2.50 That Bovs e Working th, -'~W.whi,,-h wa, tîu't- r.rart-helas;t we.Hr stérpr o W, tictht-- ýrrt r jr,î'tht- wtweeoýs:-;op iWfethe-Merit mit. 2 0. n--tr.hIzh! :.--rhird ' h',T cA 3 he~t f:~ v.--.'t.Th, l-r cWl ags etR ratton, shlrhp ~ ~ ~~11~+fV~ TrAwrn 10,~imteScn BUY YOUR OFFICIAL BOY SCOUT UNIFNIVU 3AND bF j- PLIES FROM THE OFFICIAL BOY SCOUT OUTFITTERS CUBS w RT SCOUTS EIUfll Nps .NAT, Dry Goeias Stfoe JIIj..Lg Wn' toro, 14 WImfBAve. 1162 Wilm ftté A ve. TROOP Il SESSION Troo)ïp Il held its weekiy% meeting oil Mîýý-ndav. April 18. We paid our dues and had a f ew drilis. \Xe then pIavedý a gamne about the code. The meeting Clîtdwith the scout o-ath.-Hlarold Huebner, T roo)p.11, Wilmette. iittiW- V oOS.~aturday. Apru 30. Ti s Session îis anc Of the required parts f the eletnents training course which is heîng mn ini the University of Scout- 11ng. AIl scout leaders, are invited to attend. -Pleasc . nake reservations at. 130% Scout headquartcrs iin Highlan.d Park, it , urged. Scout- Equipment' Reduced in Price Aresv price redluction i, be.;gmar -ors s~dthrr;ugh theý Natin)al Sripply lepartment (if. the BoySct- America. .Price reductic.rigoes, inteu ef- iectorn April 2 ar. ranges from: ; e, Spercent:, The cut affecs particuler- Iv the Bo.-y Sc.outs. and Iead(ers* uni- itnms. The high qatyr o'.uséd. in the uniorrns is tlmafti&.t 's-tatedl. Cu'ý unîformns anid ea rtu11i- trjrm., are. inci'ided in t1he cmt, a - v, Acrr.plete ofca rc ý. ~Ih ni tr r.r.r.Lofal! l(eers n Any r:ue tuns . vî b. nŽý e~at th B(c, 'cuu hedr" H'vî-Ya:r Par":. r~jSC~ < 1~ltca. - pr- H;ra- P B. ant L.ake to. R. an.v-ran N cxtmIo~:fn- ma~ tri -at--.. .\cntm- -~ .:. ~-'. nUct-i k to MeetI NtModv ... ~.r~cuŽ .tMnzEr Council Welcome s Large New Group to Scouting Ranks Thbe la-tt;o cL b roi.ight a arge gr'up ox sco)uts and scojuters into the North Shore, Arca counicil.. Fo-llojw- .ng is a coimplete -it,,incliiding the neW Ciibs and Sea, Scout,. Wilmette -- Troop Il: Welrlon lP. odassistant scoutmaster ; Nicholàs A. Sch'val!, assistant district co,-mmîs- sOlter. Winnetka- Tr#-op 14:ý Tom J.r<,assistant scoutrnk'ter; . Troe.p 18ý. Donald Coo'k;Trp 20: L)ick Iûhinson. re--registering, Franklin Taber, Sc:ribner Palmer, transferring ,ifroin Trocqp 18;-Pack 87: David Wilder. Giencrie - Keith Rûbjýerts, chairman Nrirth Shore Area Camping cornmnittee; Kari D. King, Jr.-, ei-ý,trict,Çommissî-io- -r; Pack 85: Rohýert Bennett,, John Nicholjsojn' George Givan, Jep Knox. Highland Pjark - Troop )rj3.: Ath-À *e: Lvmân Bensont, Billy B-ig.l ey Dan- .e - Ja me(s Saniord, 1-uýýh Suttle.; 1Edgar 1oehrr, transferring îfrn rp r3 ier ýFi-rest; Troup 3:Bud *Lvn.Orrin NlcCrrisor.. chaimnian Tr 33p.35cornitte'e; P'ai:k . iui and Robert MNack. ifhwoo-Pack 42: E% -r'ýtt*Be:!e:. Laàke, Frrrest -)op 44: :a~Bgt T h à a-.CMta Thorn- sar o n. iktrKasper. Geor-)ge Krighit. Ed- ,çard Lar- î, James Lnbad.Kari MfcCarthy%. Frank 0(->1Iakoîié. .a t tb'c % Ro-to-I'ch. Joýhn Stupiarit,. Edwvard Zaremrba. Edw,ýar<j elso. culmaster : Trroo)p 45:My nLare, )Dttall Hes5., J uh'i RL:r. Dnald fiffany ; Trr;-p 4i6: Alex <~vr Sarn. Roganiino-. Jame-. Bai.liie. transferringr frori Tu .0 St. LoviUs, Mo.; Stuart Mltstard Harry r'v.a-ýsi-tar.t (district co.- Deerfîid - Troi*rp :5i.:«Paul andl \\-illiam Hanines. ux I i-tug. Fred Schro-eder. Kenneth \ rtter a-s-stanit ý-)tr -;tnter : Pack A:) HarrisI,)iiBrun-ý jr.Jr i anilI.a'du I'.le * Mascîn. - ~ ~ ~ 9 Hearf4fiayarî de B oys Set New Record on Their 14-Mile Hikec