>ecured ia wauto start New irier'-s balh of the seventh inning, with luIS teairi trailing Deerfield, 3 to 4. Hl,. advaliced whern Sinding, pinch hIitt(r. for Cole, cracked out a single. But the Iext twvo batters, Bebas and Chù'rch, both. pleased Decrfield.ptcher, Duncan, by flying out to ýcen- ter field. and second base, respective- It wvas either "do, or die" forNio. inext. l)atter for New Trier. He **did", witli a single. that scored KimbelI, and knottedthe taljy, 4-4. The garne .end- cd 10 'en Sinding, scampered! home. folloving a wild throw to first base bv die Deerfield. pitcher, wvbo lost his oxii ball gaine after iconfining, e%. Tirier to eight bits. The New Trier batting 'rder, fol- l-s Cole, sbortstop ; Bebas, cen-L ter Aield; Church,, first base; Nicol,. leit field; Lind, catcber; Hianson, third b)ase; DabI, second base; Wil- iai.righit field-,, Kimbllell, pitchier.. TAKE NEW LOCATION v'atuuîne's Empilloymenit agencîes, \%hicli for flie past two years have been Iôlcated at 748 Elin street, Win- iietka, are noving to niew and large- quarters ni , Suite 4 at '522 Cent'ee street, \innetka..'lTle agencies will be ni tlie new location' after 'Ma 1. it is anno -unced. 'rheir phone nuin- ber ýV1l1 he the sonie as at present, tried me, I shail corne torth as golci' (Job 23 :101). Among the Citations whicli coni- prised the lesson-serinon ,%as the fol- !o%%jng froin the Bib>le 1FÔ Ian ler>tta(le(I. that nieither death, nor lie, nor -angels, nor principalities, inor poers. for - thinigs; pre Seint, iior t hù19-; to conie,' nor height, iior depth, tior ativ other creatuire. shah be alie to) separate uis from the love oif God, w.1ic is Iin. Christ Jésus our Lord" (Romans 8:38. 39). l'le lesson- sernmon alsor inch îded the iollowing passages trorný the Chri stian Science texthook, "S cience and( Health with 'Key to the Scrip- titres.". 1vw M.ary Baker Eddy : "The und(eýrstanidinig,èveniiÀii a 'degree. of, the, divine AlI-power destrovsI fear, and plants the feet ini the true path. -the path w-vilîih eads to the bouse Itî.it ithout haîid, 'cternal iii the Mrsý Gilber.t Kelly of 1Kenlworth is în Washington, D. C., this week, as: the guest of bier sister, 'Miss Oliver Rittelesberger. She expects to be gone some little timie and vwill tak2 adataeof the seaso--n and lo)cati'on hvN mnotoring to gardens ini Virginia. NMr. and Mrs. Guy Iittell of Kenil- \\-,rth . are noxv soutii. touring thrc'ughi tut.' CarolinaS adVriii .....How littie it costs, 1to sec amazingAtASKA VtND how( 1 1 ture is! andi the adven- .d in adeck . WtL I vVrywo.Jlo7 gO~LLeL. You're aboard a big "Princess" liner--one of a gay "adventur.e-minded" party and your ship is a great playground. You dance to in- spired music~, choose from many deck games, organize informai parties and the spirit of play is King. Be fore yo u passes the parade of colorful picturesque wilderness. Totem poles seem to line the course --one thousand miles up the The .SIrJa* 1tb. uofterItedr ALASKA IRAI ROAI> (.M<t. McKinley Park Route) (à) .CLDiekeoi, Ge'neral PaengeAgnt 33333 North liieigan Ave., Phone Siate 5798, Chigo, DL WORLD'S GREAT.ESTl PACI FI C TRAV-E L 5Y ST E M marks 0f the