nl Scouts <3et Rules for Hiking in New Circular' The re's a jollyv group of girls Ini Troop 21,. Who were treated to' a dinner For a ten-cent f ee.. ITroop Newv. Tron9 Parents' Dinner 7S-1 Is Great Event; Attended by 550 *Wheni you hikê in thé spring.."wÇta.k Troop 9 met at the parisllh -ý-e01 The parents', dinner'sponsored I :. singly or by* twos on main highv~y The Eagles were the hostessesý Saura nrning, April, 23..\\-e v erë the New Trier Girl Scout coutncil '%as. and keep to ýthe left side. of îhe roadý," At. this banquet.rare,'théeelv ocokbcue cwbc elsces.Teewsacpct says the national Girl Scout organiza- And I tell you this: t was mr're time to work on our 'garden.codatNwTirMshaflt tion ii its new circular of, rules and Somne grand affair.. fane Twisýt, Bob Glore and Paul Ba-W Suggestions, for hikers. Groups arc ker cm t -hep'and a good dea! ýSaturday night. The'onlY disappoint- urged o sta togeher onhikesati'd This feast was one we will aacmpsed We have nademet a-the necessity of turning. s not ta straggle by one. Neyer for-gel. re'ttv good.,progress nowand feri many pol aa.Réservation,; for "Trespass sign.s should atways be i assure you 'twas fit for enéouraged. dinrhj1 ecoe h a e obeyed; gales founid closed 'should rh ayro Wlete e want to thanik Mi Kat e Ti fr,'n lhug naloac a alasbe left closed,! and flowers!. ajM r.. Sieck.11rs. Straubad: soidalways be Ieft for others b Venal a over > M r:. Farnham for 'their help) in, pl-mdefraecoesi.a lt<ui admire," admonishes the circular. And dishes were donc, flifg. and also Mrs., Wetzel. whcoel great enough. We hope, that ive -hall 'Avoid walking through culiatd, The Bals eepru aughter Ruth. is a Wj'lmette scout be able 10 accommodate evei ma fields, oréhards, ,gardens, plougheil i Of the badges they'd won. Xemi hak ae wit Boneoeou nx dnnr land or lawns.. Fruit is privale prop- Wenfd Paul Baker--for the hard uw<rk- erty, and* should flot be picked-unless W played a few. games: h~ddi epn ~mk h a- More than 550. parents anid GirlI permission is granted." . And sang our "Taps"; deri Scouts attended the. dinner. \r; Girl 'Scouts are reminded' that in, he isHuhssntu oe r.Bkeiimssdort.optHearne. the comi'sioner,' ~t .. some'locations it is against' the la,',; - Fror I-ihtnp.10: 3(0 olock so that we could go to the c'otr-til, giving its thank1s ft - the to accept or ask for. rides, and. th;ttf. Our next riêêtifig wil be the Camp -Fire food sale. It wasý a ;support its friends havegie ti it~~~O isunis 0 o latan im. night; 'hue sale and there were ý,o manIV varMrs. Thaleg, a membter o "Aie e Planning ontnus ehéthere, girls,,there are goud ' hings there.-Nancv 'outn.fnance. comniittee, explained th1,é bhd- A hod thingsanniin",sight.esscribe. , -get, and tbld how the mone-v has the circular, "and every Girl Scout' -Dorothy Adams, scribe. becen used. FolIowing the spétclie.. Who goes on a hike wit'h her troop ________-the' Wilmette girls gave a. camp should bring 'written permission f'rornTopm cee hw h different camp herparnts I th îropis oîn ~ Il~ IOU quh>nnt ~ metin senid ~~ ctivities. A most realistîc camp -up-, any particular site, permis sion àhoulrl tere5ting Wýednesday, s,.ince we hianl be htanedin dvace ror th~ T at ise juI hd avactio fo a ee~ ~ per xvas served, with the u',ual, arnol beotindi avne ri t)- iT a amp U e tfa .vctinfrawe.7 l of datler and excit.ement. owe ftoadut ete ern.n.Hln aci- Winnetka scouts presentedf a shit atleast toaut in a group of six- planning to run a very s'inpie animetngl entted pecialties,.»'T tengirls: and an additional leader'1anrmitivncampthishuemeratTu meo'tienan for every additiorial eight girls. One île lake' near Delavan, Wis. This!hdafomiopnn, n r rt ~'of he gir sout ogranhe .ce adk ~huld 'no frs id~n ~ tleatw-escapfrirînd tain, our leader, choose some girls is(,.fr hme.~~ ai'adusýudminster 'shoud atd to eodass, wks camp or. The ' liillustrate how the flags zh'ould li T here were Mary Nfap, Carrie in asie oadmise.- I ud h ý 5cndcas cus.Teprograrn .'s brought to the' circle. "pass, Nelly Knotty, Cathy Cook_ Mi- caio rie.' be.-erv simrple, and living will 'he.I nie Mfend, Berthia Buttoni, 1Lvtt' "'When plans for a day hike inçludec equally.simnple. The counicil has th,_- Th'en we had the second cla- Bandage .and, Flossie Forest. a camp fire. permission to, build thatr ground.. the girls and the staff, but Scouts 'planed an overnighî' hikec t. fire must he obtained 'beforehandl., needs small tents, ponchos and shel- the Xalton Woods cabin. The othtrs Fl1ossi e Fore s t. sai d The proper procedure for one who ters.* ,fan'flsi ileî i learned the points of* the compas s ki'. "iarn a botanistyuse builds the fire is 10 clear the spot for netka,, or Gleilcoe could' lend'qi t~he meantime. XVe sang " a il(rn!.- And, neyer; forget a fiow,%er ïwi' r t:e.: il 0 vôi sredin. il ryleve~met f tissor bth tw-weLeveryone except the patrol Ieade:-.' Though I. once made a. rath'er îa4 and grasses should be cleared away ap h e Tircuclwul wohl"ourt of honor. left.-Elis"' mistake and the gr'ound beyond thé fire area hbe. grate ful. * Feager. scribe. .,'In looking for buds on the grneS. wsholh mone or proîecbe If yvou have any such equipmený-. ak. 'ihoiorrcs"won't yo'u cali the' Girl Scout offlct-. Troop 18 Glencoe's girls presen ed ýa ve ry Out-of-Door Meals to Be Simple . Winnetka 3147, or.virs. Sieck, the' We ýent on a short hike tô ,Cro'. lovely international prograni. The. Wlien meals are going tc) e cooked champn chairman. Winnetkâ, 438. ' l-n ... rre k. - iaLs'of,- ail11 puntie h1 1 1 Lr ' 1 .¾ otevr',- . t-nÇ-doo, , ~fÏriëvlaces. ir We opened our meeting by forming aour horseshoe and singing songs. Two girls introduced a contest 10 the troop; 'which includes each one.We played a cornpass game while some passcd7tests. We had patrol corners and ended.our meeting with "Taps.".' -Ros emary Real,. scri be. I.4ru*dJ, *-%PI fl )". Please remember the day and place, for there will be many fine home- made cakes and bread. Also, there wilI be Girl Scout Trefoil cookies.. Scouts! Don't forget the, leaders' sale! Wednesday mornings fromn 9 10 12:30 o'clock in one of the forest preserves. 'This group does nature and' tramping and trailing-the outdoor part of the program. To join either of- th ese groups, or for information, caîl Winnetka 347. week tiat on Saturday,' Mav 7. Ille entire troop will go te, Chippilv Ridge and -will be given an opportunity to pass the Girl Scout fire building test. Saturday of this week Troop 2 of' the Ki.nilwôrth Girl Scouts will go on 'a hike. This troop is composed orpiv enih and, eighth grade girls.: "," 1 ; L ýe-nwe-got tnere ý m e sep