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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Apr 1932, p. 1

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Xpu 5.AJA'I. APyA 5. LEAGUE TOPIC, Robert Kingert of Regional Plan Commissi on to Be Civic Leegue Speaker Consideration of the developmlent of Chicago's suhurban area, witb particu- lar reference, to the proposition to ex- tend the *.'ouiter drive.* along -the lake fronit-,will, comprise the subject at the regular.A'pril lncheoni-meeitg.of the Wilmette Civic league Friday of this wveek iii the WVedgwood room of Mar- shall Field and company, 121 N. State -t 1reet. Robert Kingery, executive secre-.1 * tarv of the Ccgo Regional Planning * association, will he the speaker. 1Lunch- Coli is. served at 12 :15 o'clock and Al residenits of the village are invited to attend. 'rhjs Friday's Meeting wvill also 'W*it- iws s flie annmal election of the league. A noinating Comm11ittee, appointed re- cenily, will present the f ollowing siate of officers at that time: Reddýing For Presid.ent Fo)r president. George Redding; for %vice-president, ,Ralpb E. Durham; foi s ecretary.i Hernian T. Reiling; for iembers of the board of directors, H{erbert, B. Vulford, WVilliamn Edmonds, IL B. Itigersoil. and Bernard McNulty. Th'le nominating committee wvhicb, welected .the siate of officers is coni- prlsed of Robert Stoddard, chairmnan; J. N. Macalister, David F. Hall, Wil- liami E.. Hughes. George Turner, and Frank A. Randail. Ponder Traffic Probem Mr. Kingery's talk is expected to beý *of particular significance at this tume. nip vieW of the general discussion in re- cent %,veeks by the varions planning com- mnissions in, Newv Trier villagesý of the1 pros and cons of the- proposed, outer drive extension to include the nortb, shore. Other m'atters of general inter- est, including a survey of probable fu- ture through traffic needs of the north bhore, wvill be discussed by Mr. King-, env. The talk %il1 be illustrated w~ith nmaps and cbarts. Seniors at New Trier Otto K. »arnett Heads> Board at High Sehool Ot'to R. Barnett of Glencoe was elect- cd president of the board of -educatioji of New Trier High -scbool -last week, when the hboard hield its annuai reor- ganization meeting. Mrs. Janet Go'rdon~ f Vinnetka vas Ilected scretary of the :board and e chairman of the ~ education commit- tee. Other corn- nîI t teec.chairmen are' J. R. Gather- coal of WVilmette. H.Ellisof Wil- niet t ce, buildin!gs and grounids, and E. J. Pbelps of Kenilworth, s tu.- Otto R. Bawnett dent activities. Mr. Barnett %vas recently re-elected a ýmem- ber-o ot the high scbool board, being the. onf 1%'candi date at the annual ballot tak- en a few %veeks ago. Hie bas been identified Nvith the board for severa.l years and is tboroughly familiar with bhighý school affairs. His intereëst in the school, however, bas not been confined to hisofficiai duties. since he has long maintained a keen interest in student activities, being the donor of varions attractive awards for- scholastic achiev~e- ment. Cat and' Robin Bring Call to Our Firemen, Teied four calîs in te eek ending- 'rhve four ctte i te dearent re- Tuesday. April 26. two to extinguisb fires. onc to take a cat out of a tree end one tc' frec a robin entangled in a string ilu a tree. "Xext week we plan to dIo janitor work." Pire Chief. M'<alt er Zibble, jokingly rernarked.' Oîîie of the fires was a. prairie blaze at 2 3i Green leaf avenue and the other occturred. at the B. R. Simipson pri- vate, gar age. 2202 Elmwvood avenue. Here Monda y -çaI ieloa' vrcof Cook coumty aud. /'rosec tit,î iI tifornev t»lic heLiigle> muzrdr case, . will 1w the speaker ai (Vu,,uler of Coinnierce Aflondav *night, Mav .2. ai 8 o'clock in the J 1,iliiiette ,Iftisoitc temple, 1010 ( *ritrai ,Iitt'.1kwill discîtss the suiii' c. -The'Criinial IElemieni'as Prot<'~ 1, lvyOur Preseut St ate * Iaw-s. anîd 1 he IR'epd v. " The t ha»ie r ai <'of onîmerci- is Cexpect- 1.ilyq ar ii.r lidaiiice ai flic Pmeet-, New Kenilworth Board'. Makes Cut in Payroli Salaries of aIl Kenilworth1 Village. employees have been reduced. This measure taken by the new board (if trustees of the Village, which hll its first meeting following the animal BEFOREC. 0F C. Prominent- Chicago Prosecutor to( Adidress on Subjet of. Crime. and.State Laws (' ayland Brooks, assistant states. attorneyad candidate for state treas- urer, will be the speaker at the niext regular montbly. meeting of the 'Wil- mette Chaniber of Commerce to be ýheld Maona iht, MaY 2, at the Wilmette% Masoniteple,, 1010.Central avenuýe, a 8o'cock. His subject will be, "The Criminel Element as Protected 'by Our. Present State Laws,. and the Remnedy."*1 I Mr. Brooks basprosecuted many f a- Mous cases, especially for Chicago's "Secret si x." 1Among the .mtost' no1t- ableC Cases handled !)y him were those against the "bonbing trust" and against kidnappers, extortionists andd ulurderers, aIl of wvhichi have been affirmed by the Supremne court of Illinois. He is per- haps best knowin as theé prosecuting at- torney in, the. Lingle case. Promimnt 'i Lein Besides bis public duties Mr. Brooks is one of two trustees'maiiaging a two- million dollar real 'estate trust in Chi- cag. e also lias l*en promninently cago.iie with the Amierican Legion, "40 and 8," Phi Delta Phii legal fra- ternity, Chicago Bar association, and a nurnber of other civic and fraternel or- recognition for bravery and was decor- ated by Gen. John J. Pershing with the' Distinguished Service cross. Before the engagement ended he also wonthe Navy miedal and the Croix de Guerre. F*med As Orator Bccausé of bis ability as an orator and bis record and experience as a soldier,*he bas bee n in constant demand as a lecturer. He bas traveled with snch illustrious menx as the late Wil- liam Howard Taft. Mr. roonks uva n.êaA--- idents *who will De nelegates :rom the Rock River Annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal 'church to tht Quadrennial'assembly of the na- tional denomination, whichis to open 'May 2 in Atlantic City.. k'arish Ho-usë just north ofthte post office. The meeting will be- gin at 8 o'clock and the represen- tatives of the various local organi- zations have been asked to-attend. Junior Il ........... 16 The Ladies Aid society of the Wil- Music page............... » mette Metbodist church wilI have a NeiwTrie New ......2-25 ruxmage sale Thursday and Friday, Ne~wTrie NeWMay 5 and 6, from 8 o'clock until Recréation............. 44 5:30) in the old Economiy shop on the Society Pages ........ 3-33 corner of Greenleaf and Railiroad avenues..

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