AL b s YARD GOODS Remna nts, vd.# 50< Silks and woolens; aiso iii ends. Siksryde, SI -Shantung and sports sîikS. Tldrd Floor ACCESSORIES. Chiffon 'home, Pr'.,« 75c Tissue ciffion tl lace tops-. 481gauo*ge' Fabric gloes, Pr.~ 75c "Detegautit et ahd mousquetaire; white, bis- cuit, beige. Lace guimpes, $1 .Margot lace; miirpIice and Soft friliS. 'First Floor BLANNETS Quiltsà, $1.35 Patchwork; vu t size 80 x 841: bine, rose, gold and green. Single blanleets,, 8.5c Cotton; soiid color.s anid. Th ird Floor WOMEN'S APPAREL Whjpcordbreeches, $3.75 Clearance. valueS. SUll blouses, $2.95,.$3.95 Shiort sIeeves,; assort tuent of styles. Fourth Floor ON * e..F 001,R LINGERIE, ETC.- ULengeroe, each',$19 slips. ciemlises, s .tep)-ins. bandeau setlý: Frent 141crepe. Nouse dressfes, 75c Varied asàsortnit of stylies and colons. T/urid floor SOAPS Field's, toulet, doz., 60,t Kirk's hardwater, doz. 80C Creme Oi, doz., 68c First Fltu<>r MEN'S APPARUL Golf vests', $3.75 Corduroy: z'i pper front; sleeveless; al (olor>. swetr,$1.50 Sipmover; aIl Joi 'Second Floor, MILLINERY straws,.$5$ Beautiful, smartstyIes.; sailor effeets; formeriv nuch highevr priced. Fou rt/i Flffor BOYS' APPAREL Jersey suits $1.95 M"ith lroagiefotli bl>ouse. Eton suies, $4.95 Blite or tanit lannel. Second Floor INFANTS'APPAREL Play suits, $1, Cotton print: reversible bat 14) match. assorted coIors; sizes 2 to 8. Boys' puits, $1.15 Brnadcloth in 2-toüe green, bliîe. tan, sizes>2-)"3. 4 Se~cond Floor 7GIRLS$, APPAREL'. Shantung dresses, $5.95 'gashable;. white with red, grreen or bhtie stripes; mies 12, 14, 16. Wash dresses, $1 Print', linen. Peter Pau cioth; sîzes 8 b 14. Second Floor CHILDREN"S SHOI Sandals, $1.85, $2A,5 $2e50 Barefoot sandals; ail sizes;' hrown. wUhite. ek Frs t Fieo MEN'S FURNISHINGS Pritedtrodclth.fancy Cot ton: slip-over, low necks and eollars. Golf home, $1.63- Ail wool; plain colors. Firsi Floor, DRAPERIES Remna nts, yd .25c Short Iengths oY cr etonnes,: eurtain material. etc. Odd curtains,SO0cto. 3.50' or 2 pairs of a kind: greatIy, reducedi for clearance. IMARSHALL & CQPANY v u E 4t4,ý