your '«I" .. .that something athich* set.s a pet-son, place or thing apart fron otisers. -1r. is that quality. whi'k makes a Person stand out Mg a crord thai quulity uicIh segregates a Orodtiilt or place' f rom the .ordinary. 15 is tlu#able asset in onn group of. bu>'ers .for il is a definité pari. of "quall1Tv!" ai y MARKET Your share of today's business, Mr. Advertiser. Are you getting it? Many are flot and they are.baving a pretty bard tâme keeping their heads above water. This is especially true if y product appeals toý a discriminating class. Discrimiinating classes have woefully'shrunk and shrunk and sbrunk. It hurts like fury to see yo>urbusiness droppingQoff.Territories that answered advertising immediately a* couple of years ago aren't doing Today the advertiser who is eoming out on top and is enjoyinig bis share of the existing business bas,-solved bis,, problenis of readjuet- nment by concentration. He bas Iooked over the field carefully. He bas picked out the mogt responsive portions . marked tbem in red on his sales map and is concentrating bis advertising efforts there. -Such territories must possess "IT". . . and ta means buying power. above the average., Tbe eight publications of ýthe: Chicago,,Suburban Quality Grôup reach.sucb amarket. It antd.deserves tobe Spotted in red on every sales niap in every office. It bas "ýIT"... and sbould be first in consideration . last and always.ý Think what this means to you. These *eight publications of tbe Group will reach the niost responsive,221,000 people in the Chicago area.. yes, in the countryv! the~ ,havei OAK LEAVES HIGHLAND PARK PRESS GLENCOE NEWS WILMIETTE LIFE MAYWOOD I-ERALD WINNETKA TALK ' LAKE FORESTER VANSTON REVIEW