tees, ,leaving 0onlY tri Touhy and Freidman, pire next December, trustees elected Novern charge oi the district years. the tnrce would take ie next six jIt iïs estiiated by> those wvho 'aim to know, that sucli a reductio n would ber a saving. ini salaries of, over $225,OO0. Tfhree trustees would 'not have, it is Said, as expenisive responsibilities as fine. trustees, ilnaking: a f urther saving' of a ýconsiclerabIe sùm The. recent Sanitary istrict, trial in. Chicago b as proven to6niany legfisiators and public spirited cèitizens that thé. first drastiç retrenchinent programf should be in that division of governmenit. .IThe Sanitary district,* foIlowing. the action on the Church. bill, ainnounced an economy move that wvill saxve $896,?59 for the year. Tbere, is a possibility that this ligure will1 reachi close to $1,232i«0. Fi Ve of, the-six trustees wvhose jobs b~u1 e albolishrd are Deniocrats. 'T'liv are President Bowler and 'rrus;- tee,; \haIën, Bvrne, Floran and- ColII'ini: the sixthi, a Republican,' Trus- tece Einiore. The first roll cail on the billinii the House sho\\ed 64 votes for the bill and 7 against it. Chiurch wants1 the bill to pass asý an eniergency nieas- ire. Tlhis requires 102 votes. With- 4'Iut the.emergency clause it wvi11 take;, 77 v-otes to) pass ani he effective ju1y~ 1, 1932. Oli the roll cati ast week enly 161 of the 54 meniners left in the Cook counit\ detegation of the 1-buse votedi o'n the bill. Thirty-iglit sat silent ini thieir seats or were absent. The 12 1 ro . Cook counity supporting the hill were Representatives 1Bedernman. (iiurch. Jenkins, McVickcr, Roderick, Schnlackeniberg, Swanson, 'Thon, Wood- Nvard. Anna Ickes,, josephine 1erry andi Speaker Shanahan. ail Republicans. TheI fouir voting against it fromn Cook; coun- try were Representatives Boltoni Gai- vin, Lihonati and Noonan, two Derno- crats andi two Repubticans. 0f the 38 Cook Counity Representatives recorded ais ab)sent or not voting, 26 .were Demo- crats and 12 Republicans. Low Weekend Farles T - ---1- 1- T-*- I company nas net irs for 35 years. g~ l a "faster tcporce- tis week at ner borne on m fittings. avenue ini Kenilworth. .n making 0o- It is now Mrs. Walter D. Launder freezinig* ford road, Kenilworth, eni lier Meondav sewing club, thi ZYoukn o w that the electric refrigyerator yu buyis made by a responsible manufacturer-that it can be depended upon for long years. Of econornical oPeràtiô.n-that it wilalways freez ce quickly and protect food perfectly-i f it bears the name FRI GI 1DA1 R E ..CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "Everlasting Punishment" will be the subject at the services in First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wil- mette Sunday mnrning, May 1, at Il o'clock. Sunday S chool convenes at 9:45 o'clock. DOWNTOWN DISPLAY. ROOM:. 151 N. Michigan Ave. Tel. Randolph 4951 Evanston- 1631 Shermian Ave.- Greenleaf 4480 Hubbard Woods. - 984 'Linden Ave. Winnetka 1512 GENERAL OFFICES: 219 E. North Water St. Tel. WhitehaiI 8161 W. G. Beyrçr 1131 Central Ave. - Wilmette 81 Publie, Service Company of Norther Ilîlinois àis weeic. iC r...,