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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Apr 1932, p. 32

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ence, inpit riangle ot arounu OP- posite the' Wilmette avenue station of the North Shore line. Permissionj to use the land is given each year to the' two Wiimette gardeiî clubs %vhich sponsor the market, b)v tlirs North Shore fine. The market, will be held' Sat trdlay- Afa 1e4se fo beatiyi n te vllage. A porrtion o Pferte can aisinofi, te a ia lîîe.crl li ~vThe ney.tree su he market and crab apples, and %with élins, and * rose bushes, with part ôf the înonev iin the, fund.. The plan was.tmadle lw lens i ensen, honorarv teiitber of til'e garden clubs. Plant doniations for the ni 'rkt vI be welconied by the conmittees;.'A telephone cal *to iMrs. Weedon or Mir., *Pifer will britîg a car to the door of aiîVone. with plant, or'shrub., to do- tiate , the niorn'ing of the nîairk et. The plants dotîated by miembers of thei clubs and by others wiJl be ini charge 'of 'Mrs. Xilfred C. Gillies and Mrs.. Roscoe L. Sonneborn. The sainie gardeners who b)ring'their pere nnials, atinuals. potted plants, and, shrrtbs each year to the mnarket ^%ill be ont the grounids agaiti thi.s, ear ai others 'as vell. Anyone in the village intendiitîg to buy new plants for lus garden or e garden. equipmnent.. is asked by thte Colutiittee to mait unltif Saturdav, te ?Àav' 14, to buy themn, and 'ileix to iake his purchaýses ai.]lis 'own" home' gar4len market. lal Men. Annpounce Pro gram, f'or Ladies' Night May ý2 The Annual Ladies' nlighit of ýtîte Meni's,' club of . tîteConigregational churcli will be hield. Monday, May 2., Difiner mill 'be served at 6:30 ocok b>. tie 'Central Aven ue, circle. .A finle dinnier is assured by thecoml- mittee, Lester Smith, baritone soloist with the churc quartet, wjll lead the. group .singing. The' evening's enter- tainniient will' be supplied by Mr. and The Aniual Homecoming 'for the Winter 'Camp Boys at Arden Shore, to wlich ail north shore f riends of, the encarnpment are invited, has been post- poned froni May 1, because of illniess. [t is 'hoped it will be held' Stnda>v, May 8. 1" K .1.1 .1 t Hla a.stingjs lrati1ce, îvidely /non al îonglMe iortli shîore for hi.-r iý/>tatio11 a$ ait author .-1 X plhrer. amid h1nter of bi .g .QaWil,1... i ilt afolk out -Black Ki;tîgs" mn t/ Pais/. 1o.use, of Christ chil/, 1m)9 .Iltapie a'z'cnu<' Il' «'mîu'tka, Fr1- (1(V e eil.n( . April 2Q>, af, 8:15 o!er<n. lcr ot<ntt'rs ;e,hchie/s l'atr()tie:ses for ber talk. are -Mes-; laes Victor Ilig'Jamnes L. Hough- eling. WVillianm 1. MllvINainie.'Williamn >glnGrecn, E'iirest tBallard, Her- non Btter, Johin Van der Vries, Ro- and Whitinan, Raipli Sargent, Hobart >î,ng. Randolpx Buck, John Gulthrie redcric dePeyster,. Charles C. Mc-ý nn'v.and thé Misses ' Margot Atkin, tîthli\Walshi -Mary Elleti Prindiville. e nne, Stree,f Kaàthiarinpe Street. Il'le lecture i s gi11ven und er the direc-. in 4) f the social' conuimittee of the \V,îaî'sguild of- Christ chitrch fer the. i)tivpiosýe of adding to it,ý fund for relie f work. Tickets ituav be obtaitîed triuIInl r.. Wyndhani H. Cliatner and Ni 1r,. Francis E. Hincklev of \\'intîetka, froin thle Parish bhouse, or..f rom MNr. lkssIc Gran't of the Wiinn'etl, Staté- the' annual display.' '.It will be an' ail-. day exhibition \vith à special . luncheon This \veek Saturdày evenilng4 . tiiere will be t4e reguilar Senîior, danîce, with Cope Harvey. playitug. b er, wil ake part in the lestiva- planning and constructing stage set- tings, designing and making costumes or' taking part in the actual performn- ance, whichi will be held on Fridayý evening, May 13. ,The -presentaEtioni of the, May_ Queen,' chosen by secret ballot of the students as the finest representative Of ýthe s pirit of the college,, and un-2 knowvn until she appears o n the stage,- is always the high point. in the ee nling's entertainment, and has beenl ancluded this year as part of'a clever littie play, with a southern setting. The festival consists of a varieiy of short nuinbers 11nder' thfe directioni of Miss Etta M. Mounit, witb the ac- companying music by1 the College choir under. the direction of M~ Loù'ise St. John Xestervelt-. The-f es- tival is. given by the students . vith the assistance oýf the; facultv nB.in- bern, as a benefit for the .Bond Re- tiremient fund of the College. Church Guild Annou .nces Colonial Exhibit, Tea 'l'le Woman's gui'ld of the First Congregationail chrchi of Wilmette ilold a Colotnial exhibit and tea. in .,,the c-hurch 'parlors oôn Wednesaày 'aiter- noonî, Mav 11., frorn 2 until 5 o'clock. Beautifuli rare quilts will be on dis- play. Itîcluded aniong tbem 'will b1e a iiunber of quilts desigtued byMr.C !). Ewer of'1111 Aslhlatid avenue, \Vil- miette, wvhose creations in this fieid of. art have \von wide renlown. Interest- tng Colonial costumes, in nîany itn- tances hieirloomns.handed do\wn . tlirouglh getierations, wvi1l be worn. by members )f. the' entertainnient comtnittee. The exlbit will be open -to thîe public. The, hostesses for the occasion are Mfrs. R. J. Mulvey, cbairia.uili; Mrs. I. .R. Adkins, Mrs. R.. W.'JQrdtn, Mrs. . H. Nicholes, Mrs., GI. H. Redding, NI rs. W. E. Shelîntiaii, Jr.- and Mrs. Hl. C. Toeppen. "Corne. and have .a cupj of tea' in the atmosphere of long ago.' the comîniittee requests., Garden' Club Speaer The May meeting of, the Wilmette 0. 0F M. HOSTESS St. Francis Housphold, Order of Martha, met last Mondav afternoon ,fwr sewing at the home .of Mrs. Rav C'Pearson, 117 flupee place. ing a funil andl happy year with a final tribute to mnother. A Mother's Day dinner is plannied for May 3, at 6:30, o'clock at the Woman's club. The program will be presented by the juniors themiselves, and those 'who are takinigpart are Miss Marie Purden of Glencoe, meÈzzo soprano; Miss Kath- érine Schmidt of Wilniette, -who wvill do a clog dance in costumhe, and Doro- thy Adamns, small daughter of Mrs. Arthur Adams of Wilmette,.Who will givea reading f rom "Penrod." The Girl Scouts* from Troop 24 and 95 will give a candlelight ceremony with their troop ýcaptaîn, Miss Mary WVinner Hughes. Both troops, of the St. Francis school, are sponsored by the:juniors. All rneinbers of the auxiliary are -ýked to phone theéir diniier reservatiôàns t() M.\iss' Dorot!iN Biclil of 1108 Clîest- mint .avenue, not .later dian - Mas-1. Ezîcl nienmber is iîîvitcd to bring lier Harriet John ston Will Become Bride Apr. 3 0 'l'lie iniarriag-e of -MISS Harrict 1Joh1- .,ton of Ketîil%\orthi and Owven Richard- son Garfi'eld, son of the Re v. and Mrs. E. P . Garfield of Middleboro, Mass., viItake'place Saturday afteton The ceremony,, which will be per.. ,formned'hy Dr. ýGarfleld, the bride-, grootn' s' father, -wîll take.place at 4 :30. o'cock at he' h ome of the brid e's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard C., John-: ston, 321 Meirose avenue. and will be 'followed hy a small reception. * Mis, Ruth, Jolhuston will be her sister's only attendant. After a wedding journey the *bride and bridegroom will, make their home ini Montclair,,N.. Mrs. W. W. Wheelock of'. Kenilwortli wvas hostess at a luncheon and shower for about thirty-five guests last Tues'- day at Skokie Country club itu honoir of .the bride-to-be. Circle Plans Annual 'l'ie animal progressive 11lunciF) giveti .bv flheC.ozy Corner 'circle of the. Congregationalitihrcli'.will l>e hel on Thursdav, Mav 19. Thle first course, a fr uit cocktail, wiIl be served at the home of Mrs. Wý\illiami T. -Jones, 1232 Elmwvood ave- ulay ot iiits wvvjk ru irimulate atid discuss plans for the year's' work,. The luncheon guests were to inclucle MNrs. F. A. Cushing Smith, chairman for Wilmette, Miss tborothy Gray St.over, Winnetka publicity chairman, and Mrs. Frank Brookes Hubacbhek- of Glencoe.

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