William Bell Clark Makng the Most of Your Life John J.. B. Morgan and Ewigg T. Webb CHANDLER'S Fouünfain Square, Evmnston 'Investment in' BOOKS brings dividends that are secure MOTHER'S DAY Ma'y Sth' 1724 ORItIN GTON AVENUfi Orrlngton ilote] Bid..' EVANSTON 1' Se. Our Sampbles First Tomu AIRTHInclu. 1627 Sherman Ave. Day. 2400 Opposife Postoffice, Eva.nstoni dren's librarians i the country. Later' chusive evidence 'within1 the cover of ini ber work abroad as head of' the' this 'thickly sheav'ed, soundly written Amnerican Library School at Paris book, "Life of Robert Burns" and front 1924 to 1929 she did' a gre at 'from this collection of val'uàbîe facts deal to foster international coopera- '--deftly woven together to form ia~ tion in librariansbip. Her cotunsel very readable anid enjoyable book- will 'be sorely missed, anid ber mem- we may safely base our opinion of.. ory will long remain green among the Scottish poet. t.hose,'who werc acquainted with ber Dr. Snyder is professor of Engli.sh useful ife and solidachievemeuit. litetature at,.Northwestern 'uniVersitY. i ruz r7%A8 j 5a 8 Uj5nnma" Gardensin lu:Old Virginia" (Garrett- My mother taugh1t me to be good adMseRh'od.eied If a study of the biographies writ- .At least, as good. as 1 was able; ySan nndlim MassieRihonaVa) ndtd ten about any immortal poet or hero 0therwlse 1 think 1 could b uan ilasMsi n eet cmdIwne hte Dre!ss in ermine, mink or sable. Frances Archer Christian for th ere touldbc mae, mor nerwether Su says Miss Margaret' Fishback in Garden club of Virginia. ther e co eany more iteestif lier neat, pithy volume of poems which In this book there pass in, review thoe counrnngThe hf dc. ofd she 'cals "I Y lBetter Now"- more th 'an one hun dred and fifty teiRo sblshrtrs 'ed, prejudice spand though she iiight as aptly have Inamed homies'and gardens in every part of u immediateîy after his death;, the à i "Thank Coodness-,That. Is Out of the: Old Dominiôn: 'Korthèrri Virginia,roaic'oste ueoe dedb Mv System"; anî h d erbs' a istor.ic, Fredericksburg, the, Rappa- oe-yptei'borpes n i sort of sneaking f ellow feeling for this hannock Valley, the Capital of, the the more recent compromise! bet-ween author who' bas said so pertly what w oiin h rdeo h e these two extremes ..what could lesser mortals, have nîutely feit under public, Near the* Chesapeake,,Below poid oeitiunemtra o similar circumst ances. Jystfor in-the James, Hampton Roads, South" a earcofthera unsmtathesefo stance (and now that the f aint Calof crt ,Virginia, Around, the City Of conflicting sources?ê the Lake is begiiiiuîing to he heard HILwe hnnda aIç,1Te etnryEiiy fBrs swimming enithutsiasts Please note!) ' Xhere the Hilîs Begin,. and Upper1 Poemis. and DeLancy Ferguson's re-, ATTENTION., SUNBURN Pemn.i cent edition of Burnis' '.Letters" have ENTHUSIASTS The' history of these, old homes and .haeda mn f the illusions Bieryu huergardiens -is told with vividness by more biuilt up. around the -Avreshire poetý, Blister' your knee:4, ta ffywries h ne hundred but Professor Franklyn Snyder's new~ Blister .yourself and thirty' illustrations showv the: full book, The. Life of. Robert Burns" Anywhere you danin jli-' sweep. of architecture in Virginia u Tùrn ourslf irt(pýgiveslia complete reinterpreta Tùrn yourslf irit<',from I3acon's Castle, with its talto fth a, ndfcin fBrs An «ish or ant ember, inote atadfcinofBrs And when you*ve done so Jacoucan,,crlumneys,, to Berry Hilili .Telai o tebo a been * hp yullrinmerblît in th' form of ' Greek Donici built on f acts and a f nur -vear, concenl- I shah flot feel ' temple. rt suvo h ad7and life and, That my presence is vital rtdsuyo hean-. Neo matter where The old 'garden s described in this letter's oft the famnous poet. 'You May stage your recital. jVolume were very inuch in the ife.~ Professor Snyder does not" periilit' Miss Fishback's verses run the gamut of the people of Virginia. Here t ftic usuial' rollicking picture of. Burns 'uf emotional reactions-pathos, Spring 'was that the child was. brought for tý,rstoiaiv'Olend-t a fever, love, hurnor, flippancy tolerance. stliifllflg and its sleep. Down the (cutiofarv cen ed'trytnag ac- f un-poking-yet. there is neyer bitter- w ,%alks, after supPer, strolled the. plant-, grond. ot taer s rltrysimnts,.., iS ness nor cynicisni, and it's a promise'er himiself, to smoke is Orinoko and lias séraped the false fro nt and foulîd that any reader will "feel better' nw' to ponder the problems of the restless a br 1oader background. which included after having flipped several pages And toeopriortithe ombituous State. Andh nt'te garden camne the' girl oftu the mna ptin fis elv ill]tin the stri'king little Ivohirne. %iîito th hounusual opl)oriunitieso*offered himavel May we suggest page <>1 for Pa oshl it e utrt aenanîîood, and the bitter disappoinit- page 65 for Ma; page 22 ior unimarrieLj their high (lreamis colored still . iiore mients, of bis: closing years. Dr. Si- bv the blossomrs. iUnicle; page 48 for Grandmnama; page. der has added perspective to his por-, 1 h3 for' the Ne\vly\veds n iext door; page'- It is touchiuîg to remiember that the trait, whièh. preceding biographecrs 92 for the Cop oil'thc corneçr, anid page first settlers to establish themiselves liave iie-leccd ini their effort' te 72 for. the cat. i n \ rgmlia brouight. wuth. them' 'seeds unakc the mari himseif stand out. An iie uh th b au:l lias opie and plants f ront England, and one Look at the portrait of Burns in iie ing mischievolus question. WC tbiink careil for.' They were treasuired à's conVelntional text-book portrait oft a' 1itn iaeto18pgs0 îauh 'eve John Tradescant, head gar- Buruls . . . the Nasrntb, 'for. in- at'the world. leetQ haes, vcvitdVr-'stance. T ls graphic 'exainple oi the PACT~ ~ ,ginlia, and f romi the Old Dominion1 di ffere.uuee betweén,ý ordinary 'Faste If I promise-létgo SU\%.on V(ur I1,ttÙiW l came theic most 'familiar tree tri Lon-!and.J)r. Snyder's discriinatiýon is li ,And teudevly ,are for you r bsoek>. don1-tlie western ,planie. The Garden oiaie<f tleeie toile of tlhe And, dust .the;. piano eaehmoiinig Club of 'Vigia' gracious gift to -I ife of Robert Burns." ANnd, water the âirse ndl phlox, te'l 'smla t Oxford, Enig-.'lîepno naoth imeie If I promiise to love yoru fèbrever alo tie ls idwto ' acceptance o0f Burnis s as inte-restinî Tiil they tue-k ume awaýy i a valiii. Johux Tradescant, commemnoraités bis as blis esçape from the 'oblivion Which.ý WiI1 you promise to take ail. 1I ;r<>nise ' visits. 1 overtoo-k nxost of bis contemporarles. Wih gai o rijbl sitAmtong the large number of authors The people in the latter haîf of tie, and students of history whose writ- eighteenth century sôtigbt novelty AchiNQU MaST 0F's lMeIpoe"j ings have added grcatly, to the value soiught a change of taste in tiîcir Arich Hbald nMac fL .ilhs lcst Pornof the book are the 'following; verse. -The Bard" and "Ode"oni the hich ougis hton Mif fli t'lhelconas e. lckcnrodc, Robert A. Lan- 1 Popular 'Superstitions" of the Scot- ~hi mothis hestoy o~ tî~ co - astcrjr.. Lon . yle, Rsewiltisît Hi'ghlands", are examiples of a quest of Mexico, the material being IPge, Aexander Weddell, Harold' trend toward rusticity, 'primativi:1m. taken from, the official history of iht 1C' -% - * < ý e. lmot races of~t'