iel to the. childreni's deli ie librarv recently. MNiss IM AI thi 11r. and 1i-, ç I H. farl -t!of Chicago lias pu1f %î'd ltlhough R.?.11. Jolînsicin and cii>pa y on!;shore recaltbrs, the n;u'w resîdec hw ao at 20M1Hflihhn<l avcn ne, '1 Tilinett('. hic1z was recenitiv completed by Pinc Crest keait v T. ?*l !Çý.7,111, houzse is Frcnch Pov ca ndesiqu and is of brick md cxci jii. fItas sixrlarq u'oMS anîl tzco haths and isç arcli* NI r. larrett is an attorney associated1 ýui1ding, Holds witb *tli e firili of Wilson &MeIlvaitie Lo v b D rig at -140 South Dearbonstret Chicago.1 M onth of April inately . enyacr<s iehi)s sectio of I \\p( mît ~ ic s~ud fr hild \Vilrnette wvhicli1. borders, on Ridge 'ave- ~ C nstrctin ii Ne~ Trcr twu.nue and lies- between Central and \al ~ vllge tisanuthuptoTnsdy.ingktoil, avenliesý. Many of the lots have pri 2<. ad n ne naor nîiditg een sol<1 ta individuals vhn coften-1 'I \ aliorized. In Relw \\irtli. li plate building an. to date, ihbt-nt if- nuis ~ee îsud.teen Ili-ihgrade residclicc, laxhâv e fcl .\ rcideîîe altrati at .tI w ) irlîl pleted. pille cu'est lNl r A üie Plic'Ifersoui luw'. h44 ie Dc ka.exîleets to proceed vith lu afiiîtlicr bild îîuetk. rpreelis t1w ;irzes l ii- ng prograni tllis Sununer1c. 2 jdiauhorze 'urjîztu ni îth .tionis imposed, by thi, owlneî'S. t gctbler Ili>' t'> cost w4<()~ith tiatural advaxntagt ,o(f the viiit Otlier' ucrulits gurauitcî. n WnncI insure a continued higli class dvlp S mntl f >rbuldiig oistrCtouiiment of this section of Xi1nette. i fer foi' itam addition ta t\\o-ca;r ea ritgc. <>1 Uctiîî 're..joliui R. Ielv, ( w ner. -Cr st, $100 -.if r tw'o-car frni arag. <) )Wilw road, Dr. A. .ýt. $,300,. for eleCrfre ra. 1120 Merrill street. ts AaB Mugneyon er., col , 200 fo)r additi ni to f raille iýaragc at 4(,0,Tavlonebn.J ,lltz 7 Ml 1V. ca st (. Fivé criit.s Wcre c udii\inet 'iîe \pî'î 1.. aIl ior a silial I uildlulg ~î h. 'Iwu vre t>) a' in traeara'es and ihe or rnoeigwork. Th'le gar- aoes kîre te l' bujîlt foýr V. Bl. Cuiîiig- lbai at 1745 Wabi»to Venuei anld I ailes Cralb at 225 .Sixteenth .street. J. J 'Grt<l\ will1 renioclel; lis linivate McGuire and Orr Announce Large Property Deals Nlc(uirè & Orr report the follm %- ing remeit sales of niortli shore prop- erty: ,Dr.. Walter M. Bruneèt iîrlchaýsed! fromn. the Northierni Trust cornpanyi-, the thiree-story frarne residence 1- cated at 1014 Shieridanl road. Evani- ston. The biouse contains tell ra(outs liave )cli 1 artiuient ofi Uarx1 1 i RANDLEVS Formerly Danemark EIecric..Co* Everything EÉlectrical 1151 Wi;nette Ave, Phoéno Wilmette, 214, HligLest Quality-4Sc per lb. GLADIOLI BULBS ln a cholce a ssortment of colors at 45e per dos.1 100 for $3.26 Named sorts at Sàe to $1.00 per dozen OUJR LATEST CATALOGUÉ ON REQUEST ; Loonavd SeoC. 218 W. Madison S 4845 ltllwaukee Ave. 10934 Niciligan Ave. FEIRTILUVIA. >THE PERFECT SOIL CONDITIONER i s a surè rémaeîly for th ,Il,. undelvegloped Ilaiwl a e lks. iy ex- tierniet? se a ~ui ss *loiessotueretaui.nlmxture thaf supliles tilt- hrete.Iigw rtul i titthe filtrifying hlin terla whicb al SPOMO-A high grade American Spongè Mos FOR.MULCH.ORLITTER F.. Cavy Ravii Urselries, nc* Thé Lake Shore's Lurqe. A CEdN 1) NURSERY 1 nvl tvesîof \Vaukegan RJ. ?s, Nurseries EERFIELD, . iLI. Telephone Decrfield 36 .1 I. .1 OWN 'YOUR OWN 'HOME in beautifud qu PINE CIST.a Ul. 1élesites o4450iiandi 1011 fet lnom. .aliiul i. *iustiwl 4Il.-pt> 1oltlit ' t v lgt boule of 3your oivi coiistrueti -iii Iu ri m'eiiii <' % r Ili . teîi a«YnilIl fie eu.v en -mir o a sîelal eas' .Iy il . %eil kniio nYinortm s'1wre irniY)f biliers. Ivireel iitiiiirisst.': Pl ~ CRS r~:vTitt 'T.. First National Bani Trustee WAIIERHt'NE~onî;FR .4rchite<': and Bitilder R. N.1.boî"îx&Co. l'on, Own bréchet Paintieng - Decoratin.g 1412 Elmwood Avenue, Wiln,tte Wlîuette 2997 Wanta11 WiL. 1 ý j'ý . IL Winamka 1912