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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Apr 1932, 2a

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I>r.sdetNorth 'Shore Aica. Councif, Boy Scouts of Amnerica .It wil'l surprise niany thoughitful peole to. learii that the "less chance boy" lias beconie *a problein in~ the social structure of the north shore district., Where hie has corne frorm 1and %,vliy he exists here is another a subject, but it, suffices, 'for present cnideration that he has arrived and, accordiigly, must be considered in the lighit of present day.consequences utiles-, lie is to be completelyignored, %vhich mu «st flot be, perniied. Lt' is possible, that in bhis day of contrasts lie> stands out distinctly on the no;-th shiore because of the more fortùnate circuinstances of the niajorit: of the bc'ys lie meets. speaics Mol nic temple. Ly 2, at 'The Northwest Men's club ivili gùt the Iatest information ýabout 'garden- ing at its meiteting,,Wednesda y eve - ning, May 4.' Mary Hastings'« Bradley, 'famed hunter and explorer in. the Africai. ju4ngles, lectures in the Parish House of Christ. church, Winnetka;' this, Fr- day evening under the auspices, of tlie Woman's Guild of that church. Kenilworth terminates its "Pioncer Meal" campaign 'ith total contrihu- A ýpartially completed survev., cor- tiions amounting to. more than $1,700.' roborated by the statements of socia xorkers and school, officials,, shows', Plenty of spicy news for the golier tliat these "less chance boys" are i- on the page devoted to activities on1 creasing ini numbers and will continue teDiyFecuss lyn ae to do so in direct ratioto popula 0 tion 'ar e os e. out thate îîîcr eases1 and a change, in the peopie're1 Os t-othecu ) Const,ýituting it. As mighit be expected, add orsuf the -Icss chance boy" -bere lias maâny, personal qualîties that make a spe- , Robert Kierof inta.x- cial appeal to those who, knowing t;ie cutive secretar.y of the Chicago RIe- iacts, are interested in.himn. gional Planning association, wvill ad- Finely T raied 'Leaders dress.t'he Wilrnette -Civic. leèagueüé this * *'aOJ aLJtlA h nn tfll.. Sfl O lJ téLLU à- unatd e thnotih shelisthe sdrive" extension and other traffic 1)1geny ad menstrouhdwhcthiscproblems. League holds annual elec- probeni ay b metand ons~uc-ion that day. tive encouragemnent .offered t hrough tlce North Shore Area council of the 1 "y> Scouts of America, with hcadl- Henry Fowlcr, presidetit1 of the (luater atHiglan. Prk nd er1 North Shore 'Area,. Boy Scouts of inîg the' arca from Xilrette to Lake America, suggests a "close-m"iý camp l'orest, thic western boundary itclud- for. what hie termis "the less chance .îgGlencoe, 'Northibrook, Deerfieid, I boy." Int'erestin.g project. aud' Libertyville. The organization is ,sIeciallyý qualified through traincd Four fullîpages ini this issue are de- cxecuitiv'es at present contacting o%,tr voted exclusively to news about «Ma- t\\o thousand boys and beinig per- KaýJa-Wan, north shore Boy, Scout imancently organized, in .this work.(univrumer amp at Spring Lake, Xis. the future of the airea. A represe-- tatie group of men i whIo take.a spe- Kenilworth police nab- a suspect cial interest in the boys Of their rc- and clear up haîf a dozeniiîort h shor. spective districts, acts as, a goveri 1 burglaries. ing l)ody.. WVhat cati be donc to hielp thle ~î Otto R. Barnett. is elected presideîît chanice 'boy" îîow tlîat WeC kt, Ili.e-of 'the New Trier Highi school board prol'ie li cotîfronts us and have the of education. benietit of a permanent agency' to ilmeet it ? 'Jlie North Shore Area couti- Will.ianî "Bill" Saunders, XVil- cil calîs to your attention the ieed mnette's first mail carrier' resigîtsbi for' a tract of land' of not le:s than position as postal 'clerk'after wnty-' teni acres, located somnewhere' with1iîi six consecutive years on' the job ler e, the arca imentioned whicli nay bo Twenty-six years without a singe E.B. Kit.ldtsoii, /resideût of the istNational. batik of Wilinette annlounices -that the, board of direc-. tors of the batik, lias elccted A. P., MIr. , Whitehcad who is a resident of \\-ilhnette, has an excellent backgruund of practical baîking experience. Valu- able, training provided by connections With the "Central Rkepublic Bank and T rust icompany, 'Chicago, and the *Na- tional Bank of Commerce in, New Vork, combinied wt a pleasing per- sonali ty, leà to executive positions in other institutions including positions as cashier, Aetna State' batik; vice-presi- dent and cashier,, Old Dearborn State hank, anîd vice-president. Chicago Bank of 'Comimerce. H-e is well lçnown ini Chicago bank- ing circles and has served as secretary, and president of the Savings Associa- tion of Loop Banks of Chicago. 'He will assume his new, duties on àMay 2 M.r. and M'rs. Herman Katz oî 515 Central avenue are to return late thi-- weck front a three wceeks' niotor tour south. I1 UL gh scnool age living in the town- ship have had an opportunity to at- tend the summer school free of charge, but this year, because of the unmcertainty of the, tax situation and the necessity for a drastic,,cut. in the budget, the New' Trier board of edu- ,cation felt that it could not continue the. stmimer s chool on a free basis. Instead a charge of $10. will be made for each subject a student takes in the summer school. Usually:the student takes two subjects during the summer, making the total cost of the work this, year $20. This is about 'a third, of the. normal. tuition, raté cbarged students living outside the township during the regular schoô:l term. Tuition Chare o The board of educationeis able to [offer the: summer work at a lower rate because of'- the fact ta there, are no extra expenses during the warm months', such as light, heat and extra-ctttrietjar activities. The faculty niembers. also teach more subjects in the summner school. Practically the same courses will be offered as last sumnier. The school again *will be in charge of W. L. Brown, director of reference and ré- search at New Trier. Sessions will be froin 8 o'clock in the morning until 12:40. The att'endance this year is ex- pected. to be considerably smaller than in the past. Last year it was more than 900. An enroilment' of about 500 is 'anticipated this summer. In ià maing the announcement about summner schoQl this week Mr. Brown said that it ii an excellent opportunity for the' stucient to engage in a com- l)ined program of study and recrea- tion. jobs for boys and girls of high school age will be scarce this summer, and .many of them wbo have the op-' portunity will be glad. to spend. part of the summer earning extra credits towards graduation. Tax Warrant Pledges -Tliere are other' projects nowv umcr. Consideration and fiends contemîplet- 'ing endowments, bequests, etc., f'or constructive' influences are at liberty to consult us without obligationi, be- ing assured of no solicitations being Made, the, purpose of 'the inîterviews being, purely advisory. ~e-the ci tor f or d Shawnee Country club will be the scene 'of the qpring luncheon and May Festival tô' be held by the Wo- mans Catholie club, May 4. Details on Club page. C2all Wilmette 4300 I Ask for Ad-Takew George F. Ogan 'of Winnetka, who 'cornpleting his freshman year at the College for Men of the Univer- sity of Rochester, is an active parti- cipant inspring sports and is a meie- ber of the freshmnan basebaîl team.

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