Generai Notice-Ilassi ,d dtiseenswil echarged only> Glencoe Incluasive whose names appegr in the telephone directory, or who are ieguaar subscribers to elther WILMETTE LIFE. WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. cents a Une 'in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. R&ts"a lne li ail three papers. MINIMUMCAGON DOLLAR. AÂverage of fiçje wordsà to the,.une. -No black'face type usedi_ 100X discountl on aIl cash wlt order advertlsemeflts 'wheu brought to our offie at 1232 Central.Ave.t, WlIimette, or 61 LineoIn Ave., Wlnnetka. Classlfied advertlsemeflts will be ac- Deadline for Ansert.LVwe.cepted Up to Tuesday 9. P. M. for WILMETTE LIFE. or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. for MWINNETKA TALK ;and Thursday & P. M. forý GLENCOE NEWS., Telephofles: Wllmette 4300, Wlnnetka 2000, Greenleaf 4300- or Sheidrake 5687. LOST AND FOUND FO)UND-AT NORTII sH-ORE STA- tion, .Wlillette, a key container, with 13 keys. Ow*ner nîay have same by. identlfying. !a11 Wilmette 4552-- 2LTN52-ltP s MULDING AND ONRCTlNG- C LRL BENGSTON CARPENTEJL AND BUILDEIt REMODELING AND REPAIRING PH. WINNETKÂ 2480 8LTN47-tfe * USIN ES. SERVICIE JDAVID .IOUIANSSON, CLOCK E±X- port - Chime hall, antique, clock re- palrlng. Learned trade in old coui-, try. (Forxnieriy wlth Tiffany.) Calt yntr homne, Estimates free. Phone Diversey_2041, Chicago. ' 9L5-tP FOR YV-URt NEXT BRIDGE CLUB, serve Angel Food, delicious crearny] double lclftg, large size $1.00, Sunshirie cake. 70c. Ph. Willmette 3407. 9LTN46-tfe Il DRESSMAKING WILL MAKE NEW DRESSES IN order tW keep n'y work room 1b,11, durlng depresslon: Claire Modiste, .EXPERT'HEL'AI RING ADATl*t ing qtii(kiy dune by thu 11hoili I >rSsO-5lit~ mI î<liselid items a t R oeiplaitering. Also cutting, 'fit- ting 'and bastiiig serv-ie. Winn. 1011.. Nýý , AL E 'ING I, lR E ilin.- and ail inds of ýýewing, atflmY pArtme PANINoN DECORAINOi F~OR -FIRST-CLASS ;PAINTING AND. decorating at moderate pricesý,caII KNtT MEHL AND COMPANY, 5818 N. Washtenaw Ave. Ardniore 1497 2Ë41TN45-8tv) 26 PETS LoRING E;7r..N N EL -S; SCOTTIES, Wlires, Pekes-., Cockers-,4,('oira, others. $5 up. (l'ogs boarded.) River Rld., Sehiller Pk.. 111.. h. Franklin '1-k. 2174. L5-t 34 CLUB ME-MBERSHIP ___ FOR SAhE-" Golf Memîbership-' li-tilies oiiv. tClub Nithin 14) nmin. hy- ati>qfroî11iîliinvt.lPh.' W. .4o. as BUSINESS OPPÔRTUNITIES stmall mo'dern humne li Niues for simil mo)dern ht mtoponNorth Sor.De Stoker, Winîivtka( 2869 or (Central 6371). 3' ,T N 5 2-1 t, 35 LOANS LOANS TO PROPERTY 0OWNERS.. ,Make and buy Ist and 2nd mnortgages. :EVANSTON BOND & M TU. CO0 618 Grove st, Greenleaf 5600 siT. wANTr'D-FE-MALE_ EFJ4IENTHEIP (h-înia-30yî's ol, 2yi-s.with pi.eent emiiployeýr. AIcook. l3uheman-35 rs. old, 7 yrs.' .S reiL wats'genralor cooking. Germn-28y. old, 4 yî-s.' Vntk pcef. ascook. Finîis .4i y-~old, 5 yrs with preselît emînployer, waflts geriieral. Swedb-30yv-s. -oUi, 3 >i-s.' N. S. i-cf., Nvants cookdigor t-gielîcril. lîih-First class eýooký, exeel lent 'Lal< e Pô'ci-est ref. ' 522 CENTER ST., WINNETKA PHONE WINNETKA 2662 41LTN51-2te NURSE, TIZAINED INFANT AND practicatl. or compailion,. refifled. Good seNver and cook. Also business train-' inig. Bêst ref. Full or part time. Gre. 14?7. 41LTN52-ltPý YOUNG MARRIED WOM1AN. WISHES to take children lan.ber home, day, or hour, also go out part tirne, 'care chil- dren, light, housework, etc. Cali Mrs. Kruse, Wimtte 3730. 41L52-tp C-IRL E~X -ER. GENE RAI, OFFICE îvork -desires position, full or payt tinie. Work called for and delivered.. Very reasonabLle. Ph. Wilnette ,3145. 411,T i2-lnc îx P FRIENCD ELP No, charge to emloye. Efli>iet service for the No. Shore homes. we investigate, references. PAlT LIN i>rS EMP. AGENCIES 5 Suurhaî (flices 741; Elnr St. Wiîînetka 2662 S1TITl'(N WÀ:ANTED 1BY A (' - pt-h-lit-colorc-d maid. KeniiWorth ref., Cz:iI afIer April 28thl, between 8 A. M~. .îd611P. M.'P. KenilwVort'h 1006. 4lTN52-ltp KMNIL.WI N0 T1EGIRL. 22 YESOL> W,,:Luii lO.,Zirk . S'. ref. $8 to $10 weeUl<. C;111 Wilnîette 87, aýsk for iXE.AND 1tILIABLE WOMAN wWbses la1undry woî-k te do 'it home. Xil.-al -fori- nd deliver. lef. Ph. KtiîiiworhW473S.11LTES 2-1 nE as îîîîthershi-i!rn-eturil for hoe. sttyuv uiehts. Write B-21. Box *4f0 Wleiîîît-tt ilm. g, serving, sn5u-lig t oi-a os lh.Willmette iS9. EN'-1.(iII IÂ'I11FENIS NUR1SE, com- * î -tmi ir or.w iekeeper, Refined -wom'- ain. cpbe.PrtN.S -f.. Gre.38. 41LTN,52-Itl, EX 'EU lIIl 'nA WOMýAN IVANTS' ltîuîdî' wok tedo t homne. VWiI] <aIl lîi aiffld<-1jvur; Reasonable. Phi. W.T IcI') SiTJ oN1 AS IIoTIIER'S4 hlfi'-r iexehage fi-rooni ..anà lion trd It nîd .s>lwgv. 1. E dgl2- îv:ît'l' 17S.41L,52-ltrl .114,11 [:I1(I. ]UDTATE lIIE c:3 3-f fchilîlien or'. iiht houscîvorli b iîy hi, i 1*<r day. l'hl..,W'Ilnette 1413. lE:x1P I, HANWmSE positidxicoikinig or temporary ý%vorI,. bY .dî1yor wî-ek,. Pholle t?)c.rfifla 501. EN --\I1-1E1Ï-11 -N 'ED CP .E (UL dr1en's îiie.Be,ýt N. S. referene. Mil a it Ph. Gî-eeil'itf 3889. 411,52-1ti' inn' î4,1.-.1Pstt'saEv5 .oik %ît11 Clilîdren COLORED GIRL WANTS '1'J.U>3r ,ç%oi'k by the weel<. Stay nights. Bet references. Ph. Davis 2590. 4L5-lt CURrAINS AND) BLANKETS.AS other laundry wvork done reasonably. Wili cal1 for and deliver. Winn. 1924. 41LTN51-tfc (OLORED WOMAN WANTS GENER- ai w'ork by day or week. North Shore refù»rence., Cal Wilmette 1666. 41lLTN52-ltp E XP WHITE GIRL WANTS' WORK by dayr or hour. Ref. Phone Winn-. etka3631. 4iLtN52-Itp MAIOEX'tIENCE D. WNTS POS. as second mid or ý1housekecper. Be.-t M. S. ref. -Glencoe 154. , 41L52-tp EXPELt. WHITEU GIRL WISHES POS. as eook. Good N. S. ref. Winnetkra .1169. ___________4lL52ltp EXI'L. l lITE MAID WISHjES etn-aIw>îk. N. S.. ref. Phone 'W~in- iii-tka 2304. 411LTN52-1 ti WVAS1I1NG ANDI) IONING TO TAKE. hone ; will eau anid eliver. Ph. IVil- mîett e 3479ý. 4 .T - tî i i. ,îîiug a id î-vining. l'h. IVil.4S. I ' k(iiilirIi4730. 4LN2în 42 SITUATION WANTE--M-ALE .11 VOJ EQUREANY CiltNr~ or ùàbinet making eau1 E. Adr son, 833 1fteenthj St. Ph. Wilnil 496j. Work donc cither ilu yuîur lioln- or mine. M Ny work alid price.s a right. .4 *? T.NÇ,5'2-111 W%\ANT]'l)ED-1XPE R. GII>NI (-a-etike iili do pîart tinie' îvol i- in exeialige for living qmiîrteisai garage willimttp . - \Viite,13-20, Box 40,, WNillýite, 111L 42LTNý52-411 wishes position as Chauffeur forla. aifter sehool and week-ends. Wn B-13;, Box 40, WI.ilmette, 111. A R~LA14A~MAN WILL uiM-1'P 'vo'îr hoine and w a l '111(l îîîi: yUuî .lric $.("nm.i v-iifs. Wilinî-ttc 4203. 2T -t . XI'ER. MAN WATS W01,1W1 - <loîvw'ashnggras cttiig,'0ni;1 kin.d of odd jobs. Cail Wilit-tte2i. 1.--I< for .oh afsn. - 42[,TN.5-11 n li,:thrîoxn, kiL-len paiflti2d.$5, 1.1) flerrelinuisiing. veiyiaalal' P h. \ i et te 28.42 'N7 -i a'rn:d hiouseman. 15 Yi. oiin oit 1: GFM1AN GýARDENEFR, AGE 312, LONt; exoe~rinct,,excellent ref.,. geneýr. plants per flat for $1.00, lira a 50c. "This place 'is' -located on Lake St. knowrt as Route 5.1 ile 'eSt Of town of Addison, 111. Ph. Elmhlirtît 9800-M-2. - A14A-LN52-Itii VANTED TO BY MANDOLIN. »ust be reasonable. Glencoe 258. 22LTN52-1 te Reajsenable. Ph. Wilirette 3206. 1-.....r1e.. . -- LT2-t 41LTN52-1nc ________________________ IELIABLE' WOMAN WISýHES TO CO-(MPETIE-NT WOMAN FOR 'PART tike care of chlldren, day or night. timne work. Cooking, serving d-inners 315clhr. - Also college girl to do sarnie. and luncheons. Mrs. Clauisen. Phi. Can do serving. Ph., Wimette 4203. Wilniette 4228. 41LTN49-4tc, 41LTN52-liie E-4XP. REFINED USE GIRL, FOND NVANTED-15 PRACTICAL NURSING of childre.n. O? wili do .second work. by dav , week or month, by nurse wit'î.- Wlnnetka 3238. 4LTN52tp hospitaîl experience. References. fur- HIGH SCHOOLGIR1:L DESIRES WRK ntl4isedl. Ph. IVilmette 3357- after schooi. and Saturdays.. Ph. Wil- 41LTN52-ltp mette 2785. 41LTNh2-line 2 YOUNG MEN. 17 AND 18, WANT garen, bouse and lawn work. 3>5e hour. Winnetka 3612. 42LTN52-2t) BÎOY 18 WANTS -POSITION, ISWL- îng to do odd jobs. Caîl Wllmette 4288,42T 2-n worki. Cali GlencoE 42L52-l1tp t i '1 i il ai - <i ""j '1 'r i -# 1J ~1 J li!