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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Apr 1932, p. 53

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ed nesday, A pril 20 . . "j PIS Wlit a 1 1-cm ontn rom the uar tm u tt n w "Anthe twlvemonhshas lipedthe "surprise, part" of the party il service. aw\av- and here we are assembll t)e In the forn of a pcilrort Anngtehoswnby New agalin to hear "Annual Reports." and 'entertajumiieat, in anticipation of iTrier graduates were the following: .-At tlîis season of the year they' iM other's Day. For the past we&lmanThoashcks asitcs en assan ,spritig uip in profusion equalled ots' I the various classes have been actkie mngro tevriy r em a by the,. dandelions on'our lawns. Tlwi,,ýi. prepariing for the saine. ,lýiii- a resuit of the 1934 athletic manage- great problein always is, hoèw to make n iiediately f ollowing the prograii ill rial competition in wbich nearly forty thin inter esting, different-and .With, be tie, usual card party, at ~hc men participated. Hicks ivill-assume tlîat thouglit in mindi1 plunge in. manyv pretty rîe'~Ill agaiîr îA i his duties as assistant, Manager nexf So far as finances arç, concerne&. a-warded. jSpebradwl uoaial e thev are summed Up~ comîlel Icre. manager ofù varsity track in his the audit wvhith I have already C. APaeFonoonarie"; senior year. Hé is aleo active on ,the plainc(l to you., Our season just thé titie' of thie play which the Senior cmu sammero s pio -passed was of fine quality and fillyN Dranîatic'clubis pre.paring for. preý- iaeriy Uip to those preceding it. 'Ne paid à' entation in a four-act draina, to b High in Scholarahip Iot for it but when we signed those stagedj the second Siund(ay in May. Iu addition. to his. extra-curriculari couitracts last spring,-.we. like mnauiv The play, with its Colonial back- work, Hicks achieved a scholastic others, neyer dreamned.what the year ground portrayed ini scenery, co.s- average of 3.4 durîng the first sein- i 1931 had. in store for.us. Our susý-tuines; and settitig, lias 1een elected; ester of the current college year, and p)lus fun prove'd a life avr to us' duing this 'year of- p;tri'otic, senti-, i as amnong the Dartmoutb student.; "The. season began sotnewhat 1ater -mient whicli is finding expression in wh'Ose iaines, appeared in the sein- tliaiî usual for Richard Crooks did so inany of the, demonistratieff- tItis ester report of "'Men of Distinctive notgiv bs sngrectalunil e-year. Siund(ay evening, -May 8, at Scholastic Acôpihnn"whil veniber 2. Thoughi lackingperhaps. iti eclock. the draina Nill be presented wvag recently, annoupced by Dean pesnlt i vsavoice of1 great in thce M\,allinickrodit auditor ium i ýCraven Laycock of Dartmouth. beauty, ft4IL of freshiness and voti 1. - ----ToohrNwTirgraduatei ]I1iý -Dreanm", f rom Maioii, was Ier - iegion to Sponsor i j his sme scoasnicGor o, shel-. i iectioni. o ti a esh lsi'lo o S Iý., ,\'Whtiithe mofoener . Boxing Tournament (ton, with an average of 3.3 and Boy!-12 t%*eVolc~as in . a staté 1)1iiimmd Interest of the tbousands of'aluniîni ston withi an average 3.2. The coursesi %vlîîchl emanided' soine con trast te 'of the. great mid-western universitiesatDrouh regde acoin tlîiir gloomy thouglits andid orebôd-wbo reside in metropolitan 'Chicago! to the aiphabetical. systei, and a jjer- iti. sonçtbing fo lauigh at, àand(lthlaî :is being attracted by OeAtuericanii fect record of five "A'", will give a wscertaiflly fouind iin the gay. color-, Legion Iiitercollegiate Boxing cbiam - studeiit an average Of 4.0. fui Russian Revue, " le iBird." pioships to be >held at the Chicago National. Junior Pretiden0t -,vwas the righit thing tte ibtStadini ay6 n 7 av Thompson, another New' Triei- t ime. The imiitatimoie.:the stag-e The event serves a two-fold pur Lgraduiate, lias been elected preiideit' eipnwiiit, an.d lighitnig a f, h pset poide two eveiiings of of the junior class at Dartmouthi. ,chool, prevented a conpletely s:atis- higbiest class boxing entertaininennt Thonipsoli plays varsity, basebali and atrypoduction, l>ut tle genuinle for college alumni and fight fans, and l-, a membler of Psi Upsilon frater- hanl enjoye.d b% the sudienice. evctl Li-o to secure 'funds for the added relief nt.H satv as nudrrd the poinit of 'joinlinlg 111 C0oiflhii1tNit work of the Cook County counicil uf' ntate orgaflizatioils, being a membe:. s*igigOýaRsintiigeirýi th e Amnerican Legion. of the Casque and Gauntlet and the oï thc*le Bird's"* su.ccess. A. nuimber of Chicago boys will take Green Kev societies. "Chistnas wek bota bt e s, ur artinthe cbampionships, if is- di- The fifth Ne\v Trier graduate w bio 01(1 favorite, -Albert Spalding. .It ýwas [cated by thé teiffiselection aradl ol no rnty wat Dat- received by Edwin. FeIt,Iego-Jon igr, h wa Iiisfturth -appearance at these c(ý-z ,1 ar i hag fth fat ainong the four fresbmen elected4 to cto h dmrto adh regardà Loyola University and Amour the business. board of The"art-. toth.afieor hind. MIir enoist, ciof Chicago, will .compete, as niouth, the college dailY publication. whîcl w'eI wil boers1ro1IMinois, Wisc iKinigery ill compete with the otîter -îI ascl i te ee for h i 50 '.f .m a n yea r ech Ç sihaes iii the fr sfeigwohv insoa ude CegîoOhio, board inembers for the remunerative fohr tes iie w stelingsci . i Micnigantan dueIowa. ttipositions of 1business manager, adver- "Iii jauary a eWCOCr oiaa'.l There will be sixteeni bouts on1 the tsn aae n iclto ai i tw\o iighits of the cornpetition. ae hc r xdiitesno i . ________________________________________________________________________________________________ jliss Li'1anor Perkisis, WeilI k;lown iton the' north .stiore,, is to: 'a ./rograin of readings from "Conquifadi» rid.ay afternoon, IJay 6, at the Oinligtoit hotel, in cownectiôn ivith the a,înual bese fit bridge Part y. and fashion show gwc7n by tht' Mary Crane leagu4e of the National College of J3dncation for lthe bc Ic ft 'of h' lMary Crane Nrevschool at Hit ll olise. Miss Perkins lias clauseai to read f rom the colorful poeni by Archibald Mac- [.eish, son of M'rs. 'Andrewv MacLeish of Glencoe, whicb blas just cornie f rom the publishiers.. The poemi retelis the roîrantic story of the coiîquest of Mexi- co by the $paniards taken f rom the account of the campaign written by Bernai Diaz. No* story teller who bas received inspiration f rom the old manu- script,, bas preserved more of' the old romancé or a&-ded to it more beauty of biis own ,than bias Arc.hibald1 MacLeish. Mr. Mac Leish bas' writteti many other books and bigs shorter poeins f requently appear i magazines. He recounits in "Conquistador" bis'own experiences as' lie f ollowed tbe jouriaey of the old conquistadors to Mexico City. 'Miss Perkins' reading is given -for -is aîways important to close the the sorclid cames ana îmeu' go4'-we'. ' Pnze for Litematre to UptsolSm season with a brilliaut artist, and th is daily.hIfe. It is an in praio 'P o owd y n fjoareacorio e ar thisyea'sobeSin year was no exception to our ruk, onward, with hop e and, courage. clfr .When tbe last note of the last, encore ever we ne ded s eh inspiration, it is At our May meeting,. which will be car. plaved by Myra' Hess died away, now. I believe it to be a vital need held May 9, Dr. St. Antoine, miedical there followed for an instant,. that and to that end our utmost efforts officer in charge at Nôrth Chicago Mrs. Albert Webster, of Oxford silence which is the greatest tribute are none too great to put forth for bospital, will s.peak to us in an èffort road, Kenilwomth, ente.rtained ber ve* canth etnac offer any artist. . h otnlic f these Artist Reci- to stimulate . more -interest ini the Thursday Contract club at lu'ncbeon "Sucb 'playing lifts- one far ab)o"e tais."' work and activities at North Chicago. last iveek. t n n ks ý o

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