Strong steel rakes, good con- struction te give Years of service. STEEL FORK $10.5 Fin e 0t quality steel fork, strong wood handies. LAWN SEED PALACE ÛREEN-a s Pýeclaili pre'pa red mixture et choice, KE-NTUCXY%.BLIJE GRASS- RED TOP-WHITE CLOVER -CHEWINGS FESCUE and RYE jURASS ln. the proper, leiuportions'for tMis localilty3. 3 Ibs. 1 32 91AItWA-a good xkture nt a 10w priée. Contins n * i-mothy. 10 $19 Shady La wu Seed-Red Top - Keniuckyr Blue Grass - White Ciover. FERTILIZERS A starve<l lawa will not grow.l It mius e led. VIGORO-the complete platt food for everythlnig yen gr ow. ê0-lb. bag 100 ib $5 also CATTLE MAINUBE BOXfE MEAL SUZEEFMANURE MILORGAXITE LAWN LIME PEAT MOSS TRELLIS $1.10 end up A wIde selection. of the tamous ROWE line et trelIis-aI edar. HOE 75C New lightwelorbt. eil steel loe. for, $1035, ,WtIi smoot.b lia rd Wooi banie, ivw A 'Guarateéed Dandelion and Weed Remover A sure method of removing dandelions a n d' deep-rooted weeds f rom your lawn. The CoLvIN WEEDER is strongly made to give years of service. It is easy to use.. you simply flood the root with: water and Pull out the entire weed, root and ail! TE DIFFERENCE Cutting merely renmoveg the top and stimulates. further, igrowth. To eliminate root W eeds you must remove the complete plant, iroot and al.- The Colvin Weeder will do, tmis quickly and efficiently.* The (,olviu Weeder is g,àaran- teed. 1If>iou are flot 41>50- lut ely satis ied, retur>s tle weeder and rv< will be glad Guard 5c It., la 100 ft. rolle. 18 Indhes bigb. Pro. tect jour flower bedq. ,Lawn RoUler liKeep.:vour ia'wn snîooth. Weiglis 286 Ibs. w he i fled mwlh water., -Low, Prlced. Priced fron, "Certi-Fed" Roses and Shrubs... igand 75c 50c zig Wl »Qule Avenue- e 3060 .$200 -----------