te.s fur and redtores lite and lustr., Our f u r storage service fully 1n su r es your fu rs against fAre$ theft or any damage. Hove Our repre- sentative'cal andfurnsh you with aný estimfate..Yu W find Our prices .,eed ingly reasonob.e. PkÔn." .. I Suc , INCO Mrs. Ware is president Of, theý board of the Park Ridge school, and is eager that the public become ac- quainted with the real and construc- tive work being done, out there. To know the school is to become inter- ested in it. The drill corps is 'strenigthened by the Drumn and Bugle corps. The girls are under professional trainiîng ýand, itýhe' résuts are remarkable.- Thé American legion presented the. school with the drums and bugles. or thisý part ofî the vwork could . neyer have been 'accomplished. Drill takesplace every Wediiesday evenîng either. on the schooil campus or ini the assembly hall. Last, year the girls, received >the first prize. ii this com petitive exhibition, and w~ere justly proud. BREAKFAST JUNE 2- The Conference of Club Presidents and, Prograim Chairmer,, of whicli Mrs. R. E., Pattison Kline of Wi- mette, is secretary, will have its an- nual breakfast Thursday, june 2. at the Palmer House. North shore clubs will have representatives with their guests at the spring frolic. The conference.held its last regular meet- ing for this 'season Thursday morn'- ing, May 26, at Fullerton hall' in the Art institute. presentation of awards was held by Troop No. 1 of the Kenilworth Girl Scouts Wednesday of this week. This troop is composed of fifth and sixth grade girls. The several patrols in Troop No. 1 have been'. holding an inspection and attendance contest, and to mark the close of this con- test the troop will hold a specijal affair this Saturday.l The girýls; .i.'ù dthe tro.op will1 decide whethçtr ýýhey wish to hike or take a trip. to jhe city. lIAS SUIRSËSHOWER MNiss Eldora H2plkins 0'eà22 Greeln- wood avenue, whose marriage to George A. LaRocque, Jr., of Wash- in.ton, D. 'C. is' taking place. june 25, was guest of honor at a. surprise per- sonal shower, Thursday afternoon, May'.26. givein by -Mrs., Luella New- ton of Winnetka for. about twenty g ues ts. CLERK IN, HOSPITAL John Gukeisen, clerk at the Kenil- F rh postoffice, has been in the Ev- anston hospital since last Thursday.- He is afflicted with yellow jaundice. Mrs. Warren Pease, 320 Leicester road, lef t Kenilworth last Friday witlî her da ughter, Mrs. Edward Sheridan. Of Evanston, for the Wausaukee club in northern Wisconsin where Mrs. Sheridan, has a summer home. MOVJNG-, PACKING- I Oc A DAY FOR GOOD HEALTH! There. are thirteen or fourteen. minerais that Play a special role in tbe growth and contin-. uouS' vitality 'of the, hman organismi. The bodyý lose' in its daily exeretions (throughu the kidneys, sweat glands, and intestines)' from two-thirds of a uc oa uc of MIN- ERAL saits daiîy. To make, good this* loss, there must be a daily. intake of at least an equal arnountof these inorganic MINERAL 521 Main St.9 Phone WiL 32 Louis A. 'ELLISBURc, R. Pii. G. 1101 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 4298 lem ber Wilmette C1&mber of Commerce Il Member Wlmtte Chamber of Commerce Mem ber Wilmette CPam ber of Commerce I