Acres. of Free Parking Space PIGLY WIGIGLY SPECIALIZES. in Nationally Known Mercliendise at consistently Iow prices Shoppi ng at, Piggly- Wuggl y You Not Just, Another GROCERY STORE but A.COMPLETE FOOD 'MARKET SERVE YOURSELF Taice your. own fime . .. help yourself from the open shelves ..aIl prcmes ploinly marked ..Né one to bother or persuade you. SAVE MONEY Not now and again. but ail the time . you get the benefit of the sp.cialy economnical operation.of these stores. OUR POLICY Our Policy is ta carry complet. stocks of high quatity, nationall, known mer- clioncise. ..., a widvarsty tésuitawy puse. Department Offers cooked Meats,.al 'the varletios of im- ported cheese. You will fond ancbovî,es, caviar, ail kindi .of -hors d'ouvres and 'ap- petizng delicacies >eta+ surprisng!y Iow, prices. SHARP CH.EESE -'Real Herkimer County. Sharp29 nipy lb ..............29 BAKED HAM-The bes.19 yuever tasted. YI/,b.:..19 CdAVlAR-Imported Russan Romno if. 2- ounce » .9é7 IlThe Very Besi of , And s *. Il, Best. Foods, Heinz's,1 Burnkam & Morrill, Dr. National Biscuit,.. GREA T LAK ES~~ PGY wI C CL Y CGM PANY A Comploe Delic atesse-n1 Every Variety of FRUIT AND, VEGETABLE awaifs your Choice. Clean, dew sprayed ývegeta. bi. islanids.* Hot bouse tomatoes, endive, avoca- does, Cuban pineapples, firm crisp1 leftuco, the best of everything end surprisingly Iow in price. LEITUCE. Firm, crisp 9 Iceberg b.ods ........ 9 CUBAN PINEAPPLES-li targest size ....... 7 Hot. House CUCUMBERS 7 In Mei BAK.ERY: DEPARTMENT are frèshly roasted nuàtsl dolicious French, Pasrie, mnykinda of okles end cokes. Only the very fifnest of. ingredients are ed yet the prices are low.ý FRENCH PASTRIES, 9 *ech............... ASSORTED COOKIES, 1/4 .........12c, CASH-EW NUTS-F-rsk 9 ratéd1/2 l......... lý.." E S,