-ENAME-L ANNOUNCES, THE OPENING 0OF AN EVANSTON STORE LOCATED AT 622 DAVIS ST.O EVANSTON. NU-ENAMEL- Perfect for amateurs. Covers with one coat, leaving no- brush marks. NU-ENAMEL [S HEAT RESISTING .WILL NOT CHIP OR CRACK}. EASY TO APPLY-QUICK TO DRY EQUALS NU-ENAMEL for AUTOS,-. FURNITURE - ICE BOXES WOODWORK -- TOILET SEATS BATHRQOM ANDý KITCHEN WAL.LS WICKER, LAWN & PORCH FURNITURE or anythimg else requiring a I.sting lustre GREENLEAF 7773 NýU ICRLVINATOR N.mboe Wdlmt. Chaugber a ommercewv Hr. lSurdett, corresponding secretary; Perey W. Armstrong, recording sec- 1retary, and Paul Battey, treasurer. In the competition for pnizes a'nd ribbon awards will be peonies, beard- ed, iris, beardless iris, roses,. Mies, pyretbrum.- primula. poppies, viola, columbines. daisies, delphinium, lu- pines. sweet Williams, hemerocallis'. coral bells and: sweet rocket. The show: will, be larger one of great beautv. The invitation to enter the, compe- tition éarnes, with it the rule that ail exhihits, must, he ready at 11 o'cock June Il. Funther pàrticulars may be, obtained f rom the FloWer Show committee, Arthur ýBronwel I. chairman, or f romn the club whose address is 130 N. Wells street, Rooni 1302- Chicago. 1fn. and Mns. John A. B.1ellomws of California~ former residents of Ken - ilwvorth, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware, 325 Ahbotts- ford road, K'enilxorthi. Mr. and «Mrs Ben -Manierne, who are on their way to the Pacifie coast, were al.so the 11 rs. Eli'zab)eth. Everett of the Ken- ilworthi Inn left on Saturdav fon: XVaukaàzoo, I-ol land, Mich., tn visit Mrs. john Everett. HONORED AT ROYCEMORE Two school honors, much coveted and eagerly sought at the Roycemore sehool in Evanston, were bestowed on two girls fromn Kenilworth, last wveek. Miss Jane Maclntosh, daugliter of Arthur MacIntosh, was elected oresident of the' Student Governmnent association, and Miss Marioni Hedricle daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Edwis' Hedrick, was elected president of, the Athletic association.' These oftic'S are for orgeinizations wbich ýcover tIe special activities o f the entire school. Class officers will be elected this week at the school. Both girls w~ill l)e seniors nexÉt year. ALUMNI LUNCHEON The Rovceinore" alumnae will hiold thieir annual lunchieoni Thursda v o f next week at 1 o'clock. ini the, Royce- more gymnasiumn. This annual a ff a marks, a;part> of the, gràdtiatitc.z week's festivities at Rovceiore andi thle altininae. lunelheonl is alwavl' -a,, beatitifuil aiid'inilpressive occasion. Harrv Vissering of. Florida wvas in Chicazo over the past week-end.,Mr Vlisserinz recenitly retturned from ,an ififl)ortatit trip to Washington in ýthe interest of tie Zepp)elinconmpanw. and. is. llails for oceanic air transporta- Savre.Moue7 Every M.onth ..Buying your food sup- plies in larger quantities will save you a minimum of 25%1, onevery dollar. . A N N v E R s A R Y Miss McMahon AT WORTHENS 1148, Waim.f. Avenu. S A LE t