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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Jun 1932, p. 22

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AMPSE .~. ~o ernng Ne Faith in Future of American Youth to Pair of Scouts i Expressed by, Walter MacPeek, Edu-. Pictresiuc.winnîils; owsbe- cational Director decked with gunnysack -bathtowels: brilliant 'tulip beds.; caniaIs that cutl Renlt( ee saohr"lms streets into shreds-these are Holland into Boyland' b)y \Valter MacPeek, impressions sent home in a recent let- formner exectitive 'of the North Shore ter f rom Eagle Scout Paul Gilbert of ratuit.BySosofAni Kenlilworth. who ivas scheduled toAracncBo SousoAe- arrve ii ew orkonMay30, afer a.and now educational director oÇÀ a yeai of study and travel abroad.. en- the Mt. Vernon council, \Yashingrton, joyed in company %with .his Eazle D. C. Scout cousin. NN7alte .For ter, j r., "'The Anircaln boy-alert-strong of Philadeiphia., .-la vdcenmne~'I d London'iî~-ll ;irovide memnonies. ton,9 ce. -.-c n iie the leter.indi(icates. le Olde ýPu ddinig, mire bim. \Ve believe ini hinii. lWýýc %vondrously concocted in Ve Olde have great faith in w'hat be is gro%- Cheshire Chieese Inn at Fleetstet ing to be and what lie is >going to do. is desçnib)ed at the close of 'the fol- 'i-esad ontetrsod f iowing letten wbich takes up thlestory iii Holland after a bnrief* accotint of a mnhood and makes lis asharned of morning spent ini Antwerp:, io-ti small we, are, and of wvbat littie * 1Ç'lnmiils Iwît aîisae~ e have done. .At. Esschen. u t,rnthecius '*That happy sniile of assilrailce. %.).pected things,k aîoes for vwIhuh ýIthtcfietbysvgonaks occupints of the train had to pile ou fflicnietbyihvgrilksIi and file alorg inspecting tables. On tht' think hack to the davs wlben wve Holand train 1 was chiefly engaged in ,stood whene lie stands todav. W e- enjnying the narvelously fiat flutch tenbled tlien; eh e01ysg land.seape, which -was spasmodically trm; pap eonysg punetuated iwith windmnills, t'orne cre.tk- now. How we wondered and boped lng lowly around with' their, sails (,ut- in those. long ago das-tried f i bC- spread, others' raisinig rotionless skele- turc what inîight lie ahead of us. ton arnis., I hald reald that windmills were becorning. pretty nearly extinet "The Arnieican boy! .Today lie i 1s but there are stMIi enough to deliglt the a 'Challenge and a promise to -uls. To- *fi reign eye. mnon ow hie ill he an inspiration amd *'We <ùrossed several bridges over l'teafliiet e ilb ret i variorns pieces of the' Rhine da:,ta, anda ifimet.H wl btr olw at Iast approachE'd Rotterdanm in th, best. He e wdl grow in fineness and ii wanlng afternoon. I wiis pleased to re- power. He'l1 filt for rigit \\-len mark that rny Dutch was usually un- necessary. and live for it always. derstood rlght aWny, and 1 ean read It fluently and un.derstand* It when "Today hes ouir greatest hope-an spoken, ,Amnenîcan boy. "We took an eletrlc train the next ororw eil.eaMA! mo-rning to the Hague, a very rapid ________________ anîd smooth ride of a1-mt 90 minutes. Durlng the ri de T had oeeYi particu'arly liquely like the côrneta of a Chinese Impressed by the lange number of covs pagoda. I verlly belleve that in tht In the fl.lds:, the cows-the maiOrity three hours we had in the Hague we of them - were neatly bedecked wi.th saw more of. the city iun'a pleamant niari- *gUnnys.aek bathtowels, presumaâbly as a nen than.anybody else ever did^ whrJ ghield agalnst munburn! The best, how- had no0. means of. transportation other ever, wae the-extreme brillianicy Of the ýthan bis legs."1 tullp beds, for they falrly carpeted the P fields far and wlde wtth an exqjuîsite naul Glbert and his eoùslru suent quilt of pink. red, orange, yellowv, whlte, that aftennoon. in. Amsterdam iu the' pale green, bine and purpie. The' wirid-. zoo, for it Éained hard and they mills also added much to. the ple-couidn't get around very well. TPhis zoo turesoueness of the iandseape. We spent Is consldered the second finest in. tUic word- h u-craed hv boat from .Hoek BUY TOUR ( PLIES PROM CUBS AT ]Dry Goods Store lido Wilmette Ave. Ye Olde Puddin, OFFICIAL BOSUT LAU I UNIFOJRM AN~I) LF- .Y ou and Y our LG( 1ETHE OFFICIAL BOY SCOUT OUTVITTERS conducted over Stai foliowing week, on' Y SCUS the. topic will be "TI AI! tion - Its History, 'S SetOtO ve ork." Mr. Sait 155 IImttespeaker.. Merit Badge Test HasFunny.A »gle, The resuits of one of the coiitests in the .Canip-0-Rali were 'soniewbat amusing. E.ach scout wvas giv-en a sheet ýof paper on which were. the pictur'es of eighrt nmert badges to I-).e identified. and labeled.hv the contest- anit s. 1-ere, are a few*'of the, ans wers. Textiles menit badge wa s .callled knit- ting, spinning, weaving. archery. tapestry, and onescout'. Who 'thôught the spinning wheel was a tea cart called it serving. Physical develop- ment ivas.calleci. boting, fighting and strength. *Hiking was called. shoeing. shoe-repairinig. tracking, and deaf and dumb language. Perhaps the scout, Who designated.,.the reading neit badge as cooking, thought 'that the littie oit lamp vas the kind we read about the Eskimnos' using, h I is hoped that this little accounit hasn't giveni the idea that ail scouits are non-recognizant of thle menit ~badges, becàuse many tof 'the paperý, came back with very fine scores. It, is, hove-ver, a suggestion. that boys get a littie better acquainted with the menit-badge programn and the: scout handhook. Courts of Honor Present A wards, At recent Troop courts of honor t he following awards were made hy th'e comm~ittees of the individuial top Wilmette Troop 5. - Tendenfoot :i Robent Henderson; merit badges: Bill Beebe. nmusic, public heaith; Fredl Popper. life saving: Locke Rogers;. handicnaft.; Ashton Tayllor. fireman-ý ship; ,Rodger Venekiasen, pathfind- ing, bird studv; first class: Charles Ripley. Wilmettec Troop il-Second clas-,: RcadKent; menit badges: Weéldon Cody.; pers onal health, automohiiing. mianksmaniship, reading. The menilers of the board of ne- vie-w %,ere . J* Venekiasen andF. FI. Freeman. iWLS. ý The pany. Special prizes for' individuals sday, june 14. and for troops are offered, and rigb? Party Conven- now is the time to look into Boys' ganization and Lifeý to read the'rules and to get al again be thé the necessary information, it- isex- phasized. Progress Made in Scout Work President Hoover,. hononary. pres - d.enlt of. tite Boy Scouts of Ainîra, sent the following message of conl- gratulation and tribute, through \V'al- ter; W. Head, its president, to the twenty-second annual meeting of the organlization in, New York this week.ý "Tt is indeed most, heanteniing to fearnn that such splendid progress xvls, made by the Boy Scouts of Aineric.1 in the past year. The fact that - oiu have. notwith standing unusual hafici- caps.. been, able to achieve such silh- stantial progress in making ýVour pro- gram aalbe t an increased number. of boys in response to the challenge which I gave to your organ- ization on the occasion of your meeting hene in Washington, il% March, 1930, es further evidence of the stren.igtll and vitality of scoutinig ini Amerîca., -This is a great tribute to vu leaders a'nd especialhv to those who0 serve as scoutmasters. Please convev to your leaders assemibleci forvor twentv-secônd annual -m-eeting amu1 trghthem to your memnbershipe of no%, over 900,000 men and boys. niv gneetings. and good'wishies. "Tt s ighly important, p-articutllrlv in these tirnes, that the siqpport ci thle public be maintained. for v-oir eduicational, social, and character- building agencies, and i arncnlf](iet that youn fine record iicotr-iu.Ie~ to this end." Hiking Plans Feature Meeting of Troop il T roop Il beld its weely eein on \1ondav, May 23. The firSt part oif the meeting was devoted -to1 drill. given ouitdoors. We then came ini and had a 10-mminute patroLimeeting, aiter %vhich the dues were paid and. a stunt given by each of, the, different patrols. The scouts whowent to the Camnp-O- Rai told the troop 'of their e xperi- ences. Tt. was announced tbat there %vould be an overnight bike on Fri-. dav and Saturdav Mav È27âand, 28.

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