Provides Students, SWith Real Thrills When the students assembled lM the gymnasiumi for the Mock Demi- ocratic National Nominating conven- tion on Friday, May 27, most of them were thorougbly surprise'd, bec ause of the way in whicb the gymnasium was decorated. American lgs and buniting were hung or draped every- where. Pictures of Thomas Jefferson and Woodrow Wilson, tvo, of the Most prorninent democrats. wcre on, the stage. Banners. on whichi the names of the. state$. and districts were, printed. designated the places ivhere"the delegates were .là sit. The convention was givien by the students of U nited Statesand mod- ern bhistory, classes, and. also of the econmicsand sociology -classes, un- der the, supervision of the Social Science departnient. Thete were 551 delegates,- the number being% half. that in the regular conyention, so as not to involve too many people. The convention was calleil to order by Paul Netterstrom, chai rman 'of he, national committee. Following thi s. David Routsong, acting as secretarv o»f the national icomniittee, read- the, caîl to convention. The band plaN ecd "The Star Spangled, Banner." and, then Mr. Gaffney.,,acting s nayw of New Trier.,. gave the welIcomfniig speech. Paul Phillips was namied ternporary,j chairman, and Margaret Lindstroil temporary secretary. The. chairmani then gave the keynote. speech. whichi was followed by a report ofthe com- mittee on credential1s, given byN \Vil-g liai Jackson. Ench.Iim*yçr Gives Report. Carl Enchelmayer gave the report of';the committee on permanent or- ganization. in which Robert Wagner vasË appointed chairman'; Le onard -Krupnick, secretary; Margaret Linid- strom. and Joh n Dernehl, assisti ngt secretaries. Following this, Sain Rockwell made a report of the coin- mittee on rules and order. A thletics G. A. A. Banquet' \Vith the termination of ail spring sports, after a rather, hectic season, weý breathe a huge sigh of reli ef and await, with loy and hopes the G. A. A. banquet which is 'scheduled for. to- night and at which ail final award s will he given and next vear's officers announcred. However, before that, at the 'all-school assembly. the two senior girls ivili héè recogniized and, re- ceîvre pins. Basebail At last the'class champion s hale h)een delcided. The sophomores won the tournament1 after, the ganies on May 2D and 26. In. these the sopho- more first. team beat the. freshiman first, 17-14. and then met the juniors w~ho lhad defeated the seniors. 13-10,; t he sophomores then, defeated the previouslv successful third-ye ar teami. 12-10. In'the second teamn games. the sophomnorc and junior teanis were again victorious, Iut tliev did not meet each other for the champion-, Archery As, the adviso r ro oui archer% tournanient lias. heen: coîtinuied for another week. thie winneirrs ill proh)-. alv .not l>e atinouflice(l until the bani- qutet, .The iet with North Shore Country Day school will. probahly. have to be called off because of the lack of time, but in the meanwhile' the girls are shooting the requircd number of arrows each week and are making remarkably good scores' con- sidering that this is the first experi- ence for many of them,. Among the high scorers are jeannette Post with 110 and Helen Parker with 95.- Tennis BelieveIt or flot, -the tournament. is drawing, to a close. '1Ail semnifinasls mfust be played bv Tuesday. The finals will also be piayed on Tuesday, and the' interclass matches on'Wednesday1 and Thursday. In the doubles the semifinalists are: Jane Sampson-1 Betty Miller; jean McConne-jean Gourley: Vfrginia Smith - Helen Girls' Club to 1-bld 1 Bake Sale Saturday A bake sale will be held in Win- netka on Saturday, June 4. by the Girls' club of New Trier Highi schooll. The girls will take part who did flothelp or contribute last time.- Ail Winnetka, Glencoe. Kenilworth and Wilmetie mothers, are invited and urged, to patron- ize the sale.ý The club cleared about four hundred dollars oh. the concert. At the 'track mneet on Saturday, hot dogs. pop and ice rream were.sold bv' the girls.of the> club. and cubher Eleanor.,Burpee or Nancv Gordon. Girls' Baisebai eams Girls' basebail . first and' second teams for seniors, juniors and' îre.h- mhen were posted this week. "ie teaisý and positions .were as follows: First, team, seniors-Pitcher, MIary Lâtuer; catcfier, Margaret Ebeling; first base, Betty Brown; second base, Frances Kellev; third base, Jane Crawford; left shortstop, , Edith Hirsch; right shortstop,, Jane. Lun-_ dahl; left field, Loretta A4nderson. right- field. Olive BroWer:, center field,' Evelvu lOtten. Second team, seniors -Pitcher. Jane! Snvder:- catcher,- Grace Hirschl)erg: j first base, Heleni Stits: seconi.d hase, Dorothy Bergh: third base. Helen- Holton: left shottstop, June Orwig; right slhortstop, Beatrice Driver ; lef t field, Margaret Thiel;' right field, Marjorie Raub;- centerý fied, Elaine Blumenthal. Reserves-Marv Kuichar, Frances Payne, Thelma Erickson, Margaret Melenev, Eunice Weld, Shirley Samms. First team, junio rs -Pitcher, Alice Nord;-catcher, ,Jean àGourlay;..first base, Marian ' Iverson; second base, Barbara, Munn; third base, Miriam Westerfeld.; ,left shortstop,_ Jane Moore;,right shortstop~ Ruth Ander- son; Ieft. field, Jane Waidner; right field, Lois Tucker; center field, Genevieve Johnson. Second teani. juniors -Pitcher, Colin Finlayson Voted Winner of Tri bShip Award Somne few weeks$ ago, the final bal- loting on the recipient of this vear .ý Tri-Ship award was made. 'rntil Tuesday, no one in the, school, but Mr. Frishie, the, club' s sponsor, had1 known the identity of the winner.. IThe'candidate who received the nwct' votes. is Colin Finlayson, therelby winning. the, highest award of al l i boys in the entire student body. First, he had io be. selected bv' t.le boys' advisor rooms. Then his. naine, with several others, was voted upon: fromi this list the highest were çho-ztn for'the second and final ballot. Tiie results of this determined th< ,. vpn- ner. ,The cup, which has been awarded for the l.ast three years, is given to the boy who best' fulfillsthie three ains of the Tri-Ship club-citizen-- ship,. sportsmanlship, and fellowship. The honor is unique in that it is the O'nly a ward miade by any sehool, In which the students have enitiri2 con- trol. S"Coke' receive, through this nimed- iumi, the, congratulations of t he en- tire school!" is New Trier's salutationF this year to its hero, Colin F-ilaxvsOn. 144w Officers Introduced to GirI's Club Members Tuesday, May 24, during adv-sor period the Girls' club had an .asscm- bly. q Agnes Halley, this year's pres- ident, called the meeting to order and introduced the new. president. Janet McNulty, who gave an impromptu speech and then took her place on the stage. Betty -Dostal presented thle new viceý-president, Eleýanor Chiches- ter. Mary Fowler announced Mar- garet Loomis as next year'ssecre- taryand Beth. McIlraith *as iro- duced as treasurer by Margaret Lind- stromn.. Each officer, new and old, in ber turn made a speech..If iss Wright then expressed her sorrow at seeing, the old officers leave their positionis and hier pleasure at seeing the new officers. Give Deinonstration for Smith .é eives a two-thirds vote. After the speech noîinating Sinith, Af ferl.aving this mock conventîion, the band led a procession, headed by the students at N~ew Trier now are the delegates of New York, a:otundi anxious to se how the resuits of th e gym nasiuî. Demonstrations. on a their election wîil compare witWi the sialler scale, were given after the resuits of National'convention hecid in speeches nominating the other candi- Chicago this month. -Ui LJDý ýýt. % ii1',vfý I' m'lle urne - baturday evenrng, base, H. Newton-, left shortstop, Bey- J-une 11,~ froni 9 to 12 oclock. erly Baird; right shortstop, E. Deli,- The place-New Trier Mess hall. giannis; left field, Shirley McGiIF: The event-"Heap Big" Senior right field, Dorothy Burgdoff; center hop. f field, Jane Weston. . The inusic-The Georgians ten- e Reserves-E. Herîan, E. Gerlach, piece orchestra. i «. L-Fredige. R. Winbergi E. Steen,J., 'Nuff said!1 1Horsting,,Annia Marie Booz. 1~