24 to j uly 4, inclusive. The occasion will be the George \%"a shington Biceâtennial Nilitarve tournament, under the direction of Maj. Gen. Frank Parker, commander, of the Sixth Corps area. The proceeds froni thë, tour na ne nt. 4ftfer expen ses,, wîill be divided equal between the Armvy Reliefso- cietv. and the Joint Emnergency, Re- liief fun.d. High officers of the armvy. navy and other branchés of the service',, Gover- nor, Emmerson, Mayor Cerinal, and other high public officiais ;vill takeý part ini the program. For the period of the tournainent Soldier field'will be 'a inilitary en- canxpmnent with. infantry. artittery. cavalry. aviation, tank corps, and other.regular ýservice units present. Every evening will witness 'pic- turesque demonstrations by thé comn- bat forces and colorful 1ageallts. There will be reproductions -of va- nious famous engagements of past %vars as well as other events of his- terie.al and patriotiç significance. Aniong the events are WashIngt' at . Vailey Forge; the capture. of Catitigny by, the -Arerican troops, in the Xorld %var; the Fort. Dearborn massacre; Mount Vernon and York- town, -the John Paul Jones victorY o . iithe Bon Homme, Richard: WVasi- iugton anidLafayette, Von Steuben., Puta ski and General Sullivan; air-. plane batties. and homibings by squadrons of planes,; cavalry charges. and fancv rîding exhibitions ;ini- faîtrv charges; artillery in action; tanks lumber into action; a grandl review% of the combat forces; dances anxd music' bY groups representinLg vrusforeiggu nations and a cotor- fut fireworks display. More than 100 service ,airl)lanes. wilt take part.in the tournamient. Thicy %villî demiontrate- the> latest develov- mlerits ýin aériat warfare. and in addi- tion, a group of daredevil pilots will stage a series of thrilling stunt formîiations. The AinericanLegion, Gold, Star Mothers. and a large nuinber of foreign language grouPs, fraterna I organizatio 'nis..Nonien's organizations., amil others wNitl participate ini the tournament. lIn addition there will be a draina- tîzed exhibit portraying the ife and LIIat aL big spccltdÇ oLus£1U4atn tion on our history and the pa- triotîsmi and sacrifices that made our national development possible wilt be Particularly appropriate in times like these when our counttr,% nieeds to study, anew the quatities of deter- Imînation.- unselfishness and leader-'ý sli-îp thattniarked the career of Wàash- ilngtoiuv" John Dernehi, Honor Student, Passes A way John Der nehi. outstatiding studtent at- New Trier High school and a niemt)er of ttiis1 year's graduating class. died suddenlv of a heart attack' Mondav evening at,,the, Forest Pre- serve on Harms road south of Gen- view road. He was ý17 y'ears 0l.41 In schotarship John ranked highest among the boys of the senior class. He had been on the ,hotior roll throughout his entire high. school career. H e.,va s also prominent ini extra- curricutar activities at the school, having taken a leading part in -va- riou.s projects sponsored by the Tri- Ship 'club and. in .other extra-ctirri - .cutar work. He was president 'of the Stamp club and senior baseball mani- ager. Last year lie won the Harvard club award. In the imockconventioni held at the high school. recently hie served as recorder. His activitiés were not confined to schôol work. howéver. At the WVit- mette Baptist chtirclh he wvas active in the Suniday school and the young people's org-anizatiofl. He is survived 1w bis parents. Mr. and Mrs., H. J. Derniehl, 1010 Linden avenue. Wilmette. and by one sister, Alice, àa fresbmian at 'New Trier 1-ighi schiool, The: funeral services ýwill be held thlis. mor inig (Thuirsday) at 11- o'clock at t he Wilnette Baptist church. %witlu the Rev. George D. Allison. mninister o f that church. officiating. Burial 'Will )e' at >Forest Honie ýcemetery, MNil- wa ukee. Represeutatives of the New Trier HiglIi sehoot faculty anid student bod% dition. Cost $3260. WiIl be sold at bargain price. Can be seen at Bonita Vista Country Home, 1201 Sheridan Road, Highland Park. FOR SALE. Hand-miiade ýCircassian walnut set-for- gente man's den or librarcnistig of fiat-top desk, lounge and, three chairs trimmd with .green leather; ail in perfect condition.. Cost $1,1001» can -be bought at bargain price... Can be. seen at Bonita Vista Country HIome,ý 1201 Sheridan Road, Highland Park. FOR SALE. Two beautiful, specially designed, Austrian rugs,, one size 26x , 18'-4', cost $2,100, and one iz ie 28'x 17'-8", cost $2,250. These rugs are in perfect condition and. can be bought at bargain prices. Can be seen at Bonita *Vista Country Home, 1201 Sheridan Road, Highlanid Park. Y lie was à furflish*G or u hof.I service Chicago', Duluthi a Uorglan BayITransuit '.ompcmy 110OWest Adamns Strnet Chica Ologo, Ilinimas PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS.